
Bloody Saint

It started with a movie and it doesn't seem to end. She was just a normal girl trying to sort out her problems. She just started having friends, dreamt of college and escaping the house from the people she called family, maybe having a simple love life, it was on her wish list at least the last thing but then her story changed overnight, the crazy head that almost brought her to her death. The help he asked for costing her more than she could handle, even her heart but he doesn't seem to care about those tribal things, pathetic wasn't she, every ladies dream was him. The almighty SEBASTIAN. the one with the cold heart and mesmerising smile. He is none other than the bloody one you can't blame him still, he was still holy. she was torn between staying and leaving, he had taken her heart away when he was talking his shirt of her. But he was supposed to have a mate who wasn't her, she was from another world, another time and another everything entirely. "Horrors involved" Book cover not mine, from Printerest All rights to the owner. editing done by me.

AmoreMimosi_001 · History
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19 Chs

Meeting the lady 2



Lily didn't know what else was discussed between the three as she had left with Celine after Sebastian had greeted the ladies.

"Milady, do not mind lady Sabina, the last time I was here with lady Jazmine she had showed the same attitude, I doubt any one likes her." Celine complained and Lily laughed.

"It's fine, she's just... just petty if I may say." Lily replied and Celine nodded in agreement.

"Milord," The woman who sat on the chair and faced the wall greeted, her long white hair caressing the floor, her skin as smooth as untouched flower.

Sebastian walked in and sat on a rug which was on the floor beside the woman's chair.

"Good evening Milady," Sebastian's cool voice greeted as he looked at the white cat with blue eyes that came to stay beside the woman's leg and rubbed it's fur on her leg for attention.

"You want tea?" She asked as she dropped the book that was on her lap and turned to face Sebastian, she had a very beautiful face with a little red mark on her forehead between her eyebrows, her iris were pure red and they looked like crystal blood, her red lips looking captivating and a little bit beside her lips she had a tiny scar running from the corner of her lips till her chin.

Sebastian nodded and the lady turned to look at the table beside her, took a cup and a white kettle then poured its contents into the cup before offering it to Sebastian which he collected from her.

"Haven't seen you in a long time." The woman said with a small smile and Sebastian looked up with a smirk.

"You never heard I was dead?" He asked and the Lady laughed.

"Why are you here?" She asked bending to pick her cat from the floor, placing it on her lap before rubbing it's fur.

"I have come to greet you."

"We both know that is a lie." The woman replied almost immediately.

"It's not about the wars right?, they are always boring, your mother loved them because of your father, wondered why I had a stupid daughter." The woman complained and Sebastian only looked up at her.

"I want her to join the school," Sebastian said after a short silence and once again the pin could be heard if it fell down.

"Oh, I saw her, why have you decided to bring her here?" The woman asked and Sebastian smiled.

"For a reason Milady." was Sebastian's curt reply.

"So you want her to join?, why are you telling me this?" The woman asked as she continued stroking the cat's fur.

"I want you to take care of her."

The woman laughed and then turned to look at Sebastian, "take care of a living corpse?, she did be dead before you blink an eye." The woman said as she wiped the fake tears of her face.

"She wouldn't, It's what I know." Sebastian stated coolly.

"What do you want me to do then?" The woman asked.

"I want her to regain her memories, grandmother." Sebastian said, "And I believe you know what I mean." He added with a smile and the woman who happened to be his grandmother returned his smile.

So I know It's been bad that I haven't updated in like forever buh that was mainly because I had busy weeks before this, so please, please and please do forgive me.

This chap isn't edited so please do bare with me.

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