

placid · Urban
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2 Chs


Su Luo grabbed a handful of her hair and dialed Han Mei's number.

"Luoluo... what's wrong?" Han Mei asked.

"Xu Niansheng found me" Su Luo answered as tears fell from her eyes.

"Oh God....Ok...where are you right now?" Han Mei asked as she grabbed her car keys from the table.

"I'm hiding in the restroom. His men are everywhere" Su Luo answered.

"Listen... I'm on my way. You have to find a way to get out of there" Han Mei said as she left her house.

"How?. I don't even know where his men are stationed." Su Luo said frustratingly.

"I know..but you have to think of something. You don't have enough time. I don't think his men are going to wait for you forever. They're probably waiting outside out of courtesy." Han Mei said.

"Fine. I'll call you back" Su Luo said as she hung up.

The quickly wiped the tears and changed her clothes. She brought out a high tech black box and took out the pistol inside it. She hid the pistol inside her outfit and wore a leather jacket over it. She met a couple of women who were leaving the restroom so she decided to follow them. She was able to sneak past two of the men that were chasing her. She quickly hid in a corner and dialed Han Mei's number again.

"Where are you?" Su Luo asked as she kept a watch on the men that were waiting for her outside the restroom.

"I'm in front of the airport" Han Mei answered as she stepped down from the car.

"Ok... I'm coming" Su Luo said and hung up the phone.

She looked at the entrance of the airport. About four of Xu Niansheng's men were stationed there, then she looked behind her, the two men were still waiting while some of them were randomly standing and looking at every corner. Su Luo sighed. She looked around and saw two security guards coming towards her.

Su Luo took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She opened her eyes quickly and said

"I'm sorry"


In an instant, the two security guards were down. The entire airport was thrown in a frenzy as people started screaming and running out of the airport as they heard the sound gunshot . Su Luo followed the crowed and managed to get outside.

She looked around and saw Han Mei waving at her. She was about to run towards her friend when she abruptly stopped.

Someone was behind Han Mei pointing a gun at her head. Han Mei was confused when she saw Su Luo standing instead of running.

Han Mei decided to turn around.

"If you turn, I'll blow your head off" A Voice said.

Han Mei stood firm and didn't dare make a move.

"Miss Su" A man said as he stood in front of Su Luo.

"Second Young Master Xu asked me to get you" The man said politely with a smile.