
Bloody Paws

Aurora grew up in a village with traditions and customs far beyond her imagination. Unlike the villager's Aurora believed the traditions of the village were urban myths until she got caught in the middle. When a stranger kidnapped and asked for her hand in marriage for saving his life. But the girl saved an injured wolf on a rainy night, not a man. So who was the stranger? Read to find out. Link to my discord https://discord.gg/t3afJdCX

Sashae4l · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 19

Aurora was about to put another biscuit into her mouth when she heard him ask the dumbest question she has ever heard. She stared at him as if he had suddenly grown two heads. What kind of question was he asking her? What did he mean by what was she? Was his vision impaired that he couldn't see that she was a woman?

When she failed to give him an answer his aura changed from friendly to dark as he stared at her. Aurora felt a change in his behavior despite the broad smile that spread across his lips. His eyes seemed different they felt like magnets as if they were pulling her in. She couldn't look away despite how hard she tried. It was like the man was controlling her.

"Don't fight it." He said calmly as he got up from his seat and pulled her up as well. Her chest was pressed closely to Fredrigo's that her spiked heartbeat could be felt. Her breathing itched as he caressed her cheeks. His eyes were dark as midnight she felt as if she would get lost in their darkness. She found herself lost and she gave in to whatever his eyes were doing to her.

"What are you?" Fredeigo inquired.

"I'm a human." Not able to control herself from doing his command she answered truthfully.

When he got the answer he was looking for his grip on her loosened. "Forget I said any of this."

She nodded her head as if in a daze and sat back on the couch. He sat back where he previously did. The butler came back moments later with two sandwiches and two glasses of lemonade. He placed them on the small table before bowing his head and leaving the room.


As if pulled from a trance her cheeks flushed a dull shade of pink. She knew she was deep in thoughts that she probably missed out on a few words, but somehow she couldn't remember what or who she was thinking about. Her mind was blank as a canvas paper. She didn't even recall the butler entering the room and putting food in front of her.

"Let's eat." He smiled showing his pearly white teeth to her she mirrored his smile

and they both ate in silence. After they were finished eating the butler came back with a bottle of wine and two glasses. He poured both Aurora and Fredrigo a drink and stood in a far corner of the room.

Aurora stared down at the red liquid in the glass and over at Fredrigo who took a sip of the liquor. She eyed him wearily knowing what he had just offered her.

She knew that Alcohol was used by drunkards who want to drown their sorrows. Never did she think the man in front of her drank. And in the process offer her a drink as well. Women were not allowed to drink. She wasn't entirely against the laws passed against women drinking because she knew those who drank behaved drastically.

"There are a lot of illegal things you do, Aurora." Fredrigo leaned back into his leather couch his wine in his left hand and his next hand propped up on the chair handle. A smirk was plastered over his lips. "Don't tell me drinking isn't one of them."

She felt tempted to take a sip of the content but she decided against it. She wasn't that type of female. Besides working and reading books that are strictly forbidden, there were still risks she would never take and drinking is one of them. Her family was already brought to disgrace and adding to their humiliations would make the situation even worst.

She shrugged. "I don't think this is a good idea."

"It wouldn't hurt to take one sip would it. Besides what do you have to loose?" He tried to persuade her.

She felt conflicted, but it was like the wine was calling out to her to just take it. Her mouth watered and she found herself taking a sip of the content. It was sweet, she never expected it to taste that good. She drowned down the glass of wine within seconds despite Fredeigo's protest. She had managed to drown down the entire bottle of wine afterwards.

"Are you alright." He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?" In fact she was alright. it seemed as if the wind had no effect on her after she drowned down the entire bottle.She was kind of disappointed, she was expecting to feel different but she felt the same. Apart of her wanted to experience what drunkards got from drinking.

"So tell me Aurora, why are you unwed?"

"I haven't met anyone that soothes my taste." She answered honestly.

"I have been observing you for a while and there are a lot of man who would die to ask for your hand in marriage."

"How decent of you to say you were stalking me." She said. What did he mean by a lot men? So far she could only recall two men currently interested in her. Fredrigo and her perverted boss. There were other men but they all lost interest in her pretty quickly.

"There is a huge difference between observing and stalking Miss Clause." He smiled. He got up from where he sat and strode over to her.

He stretched out his hand to her in which she reluctantly took. "It's getting late, your mother must be worried about you."

The ride to her home was quiet and aurora was grateful for that. She didn't want to further any conversation with Fredeigo. He was a very inquisitive person and she refused to share anymore information about herself to a stranger. She released a breath when the carriage came to an halt in front of her house. She quickly hopped out avoiding Fredeigo's assistance to get out.

"I hoped you enjoyed your day My lady. I hope to see you soon."

"There won't be a next time, Fredeigo." She said harshly. She felt horrible for saying those words to him but she knew they had to be said in case he got the wrong impression of her. She wasn't interested in him and she needed to let him know that. she knew going to his place was a bad idea by when it involved food she couldn't just turn down the offer.

"My mom might like you but I didn't. So don't even think for a minute that I might be interested in you because im not." She didn't look back to see his reaction. because she knew she if she dared to look at his face she would regret every world that fell from her mouth.