
Bloody Love(The Blue Ninja)

"You aren't as gentle as you look." she said breaking his line of thought. "Ma, seeing your families cut to pieces by some heartless ninjas would make you be as deadly as them." replied the little boy with boldness. As the only survivor after the attack from the ninjas, he ran away, searching for a place where his idea of revenge was accepted. Finding himself in a dilemma, he was saved by a girl his age, though they parted ways, but fate has its way of playing around. They end up meeting again, but as enemies.

Cathycode · Fantasy
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38 Chs

The Anderson

"What mission are you here to accomplish?"

Hearing Michael's voice, Susan no longer acted like she was confused, straightening her posture and erasing her face of all emotions, she looked straight into his eyes and said.

"I'm here for just one."

"Who?" asked Sussy who looked impatient.

"The Anderson."

Hearing that name sent shivers through Michael's body. Surprisingly, it was not from fear or shock, it was a feeling he could not describe. That name was a name he had heard from no one since his family's death, except from his Master, when he had confessed to being a part of the death of his family. Feeling angry at the fact that someone who might be a part of his family's tragic end had the guts to mention that name, but such feelings were soon erased by happiness that his family's name was still in the heart of others. The happiness didn't last for a second the moment he remembered all that happened to his family.

Stanley, Andrew and Sussy exchanged glances, each of them shaking their heads in the negative. Turning to look at Michael, they saw different emotions on his face, and then believed he was either an Anderson or he knew something about the Anderson. Although they had all been together for years, they never heard Michael talk about his family nor had they bothered to ask him.

"And what do you want from the Anderson?"

Raising her head up to look at who was speaking, even though she could tell by his voice, she just wanted to see how his expression was that caused him to speak with so much hatred.

Meeting her eyes, Andrew didn't look away nor blink for a minute, Susan smiled, but her smile had traces of sadness. She turned to look at Michael, who was now looking at her like she was a backstabber, but she could not blame him. She cleared her throat and raised her shoulders up.

"I want to know what your plans are concerning those who killed your family."

Searching his face, hoping his emotions will take control and display the truth on his face even before he could open his mouth to speak. But she was very well disappointed. His face remained void of emotion.

" And what does that have to do with you? " asked Sussy who got fed up of waiting for Michael's response, seeing him not respond for a whole minute, she knew he definitely was not planning on answering.

Susan looked at her, and with a smile she said


This made them scoff at her except Michael, who seemed like he was not interested in the conversation.

"Then why do you want to know?" asked Sussy with a bit of anger in her voice.



They all turned to look at Michael and saw him get up from his seat.

"Enough of all these, " he paused and looked at Susan "If you really want an answer, wait till the morrow, your answer would be ready by then."

Taking a few steps towards the door, he was soon stopped by Susan.

"How do I know I would still be breathing by then?" The sound and expression of distrust she had soon disappeared the moment Michael turned back to face her with a warm smile on his face.

"Are we no longer friends?"

Saying this, he turned back and walked out of the house.