
Chapter 1


Thunder crackled in the night. Eight teens stood in front of the mansion. It was big and eerie looking. Supposedly a demonic entity lived inside. They decided to stay inside the house to see if that was true. So they would stay a full night to see if anything would occur. They had backpacks on. They had flashlights in there hands.

The teens names were Sarah, Oliver, Amanda, Jeff, Ashley, Harry, Amy, Clark. Oliver gulped loudly in his throat. They walked towards the mansion.


Three college students were in there college dorm. It was a dark night outside. They had a youtube channel called is it true? They had just gotten 100 subscribers. There names were Frank, Jordan, and Alex.

They were getting ready to investigate. They had walkie talkies, flashlights, smartphones, EVPS, Cameras, and a supposed ghost detecting app. When they all got ready they entered into the car. Then Frank said, "are you guys ready?" They both nodded there heads in the back. Frank then started his car. The engine roared to life.