
Chapter 3

June's POV

The bell ring, signalling the next lesson starting, "And that's the end of our tour" I sighed in relief as I turned around to face the boys, "So what lessons do you guys have?”, Selena asked the boys.

Both the boys took their timetables out, looking at their next lesson, "I have Science now.", Blake replied as he looked up from his timetable.

"Oh! Me and Selena have science too!!" I exclaimed.

"And what about you, Cameron?" Selena asked turning to face him.

"Um I have-" He looked down at his timetable, "I have Maths now.” He replied looking at us all.

"Oh.." Selena replied. I turned to look at her and saw her trying to hide her sadness.

"Well, we'd better get going now" I say to Cameron, "We will meet in the cafeteria at lunch."

"Ok." Cameron replied, “See ya guys later." he waved at us and walked in the opposite direction towards his class. We all waved at him and walked towards our class.

Me, Blake and Selena all go to Science,

Selena walked behind me and Blake. She looked a little sad so me being a very good friend, walked over to her.

"Hey what's up?" She snaps out of her day dream and looks up at me.

"Oh um... nothing just thinking." She shrugged slightly.

"Thinking about what?" I smirked, keeping my eyes on her.

"Just...stuff" She replied nonchalantly.

"What stuff?" I asked. I wasn’t going to let this go.

"Look Sally, if you think it's about Cameron it's not." She looked at her.

"Yeh sure." I smirked whilst dragging her with me to Blake.

"What are you smirking about?” Shawn asked as he looked down at her.

"Oh nothing!" I replied in full honesty.

"Hmm ok!" He said, not seeming as though he was convinced by my reply.

We arrive at our science class. Completely unaware we were a few minutes late.

"You three, detention!", the teacher shouts as soon as we enter the classroom, startling the three of us.

"Oh um, sorry miss. We got told by the principal to show the new boy around school, since it's his first day." I admitted to her. I may have lied about the principal bit but since I'm good in her lessons, I can get away with anything. I'm not a goody two shoes or anything, just so you all know.

"Oh yes. The new boy. Hi you must be Blake.” The teacher said, “I'm Miss Taylor, your science teacher for the year." She gives him those forced smiles. I cringed at the sight of her face and her best attempt at smiling. She looks a little constipated, if I say so myself.

"Hi, Miss Taylor." Blake smiled politely back at her.

"You can go sit next to Stephanie." Miss Taylor said to the boy and she pointed towards the empty seat next to the girl.

I bet you’re all wondering who Stephenie is. She's the biggest slut ever!! She has practically slept with nearly all the boys in school.

She thinks she's pretty, with the amount of makeup she wears to school just to cover up one spot that is on her big freaking forehead. She has long blonde hair, which is the only thing I like about her. Other than that, she’s not my most favourable person in school.

Blake nodded and walked over to the seat next to her.

Stephanie notices Blake making his way over to her. "Hey", she says flirtatiously batting her eyelashes. I cringe at her disgusting attempt at flirting with Blake.

"Hi”, he simply replies back, oblivious to her flirting as he sat down and got his books out of his bag, ready for the lesson to start.

Me and Selena walked over to our seat which was in front of Blake and Stephanie's seat.

"So class today we will be learning about-",

I let the teachers voice fade in the distance as I concentrated on Stephanie's awful attempt at trying to flirt with Blake.

“Your hair is so good. Can I touch it?” She asked Blake. Blake let’s out a small no. I laughed in my head at her attempt to try and touch any part of his body.

"June!!", Miss Taylor shouted at me. My eyes opened wide. I looked around the classroom and all eyes were on me, "Um sorry miss. What was the question?" I asked.

"I said how many Protons does the atom have?" She pointed to the board with her skinny finger as she kept her eyes on me.

"um... 9?" I said. To be honest, I never really enjoyed Chemistry, I will always fail this subject, "Wrong and that is a warning. The next time you don't focus, it will be a detention.", she tells me sternly, “Ok Miss", I sunk in my chair as some students started to laugh. Why can’t the earth just swallow me already?

The bell finally rang after 300 years. I quickly put everything in my bag and rushed out of the classroom waiting Blake and Selena to come out. After a few minutes, I saw Selena exit the classroom and she walked over to me.

"Omg girl!! What happened in there?!" Selena whispered in my ear, “You usually always pay attention in her lessons. What happened?”, She asked again.

"I was just eavesdropping on Stephanie's epic fail to try and impress Blake.", I shrugged with a laugh. She smirked at me at the mention of Blake, “Why were you eavesdropping?” She asked, "And she needs to get a life and not go after every boy she meets and try and get them in her bed. Hopefully Blake doesn’t fall into her trap.” Selena says, rolling her eyes.

"I know right." I replied with a laugh and ignored her first question. That didn’t need to be answered right now. Blake made his way over to me and Selena with a small smile, his mixed colour eyes glistening, “Come on. lets go!”, I announced as We made our way to the cafeteria ready to eat.

As the three of us enter the cafeteria, we see Cameron being crowded by a group of girls. His dirty blonde hair making him noticeable in the crowd that swarmed around him. Why the hell do all the girls in the this school go after every boy?!

"Hey guys!" Cameron shouted, trying to get out of the crowd as he started to make his way over to us.

"What's up, bro." Blake and Cameron bro hugged each other, “I see you made quite a fan base.” Blake chuckled as he looked at the girls. Camerons shrugged it off.

"So how was your Maths lesson." Selena asked, "Oh. It was ok. I wouldn't say it was that bad" Cameron replied as he shrugged his shoulders, “Nothing much really happened besides... maths?” he laughed.

"Anyways let's get in the line. I'm so hungry."

I dragged all three of them to the lunch line to get some food in all of us.

We find a table to sit on, just the three of us.

"Why didn't you guys get anything to eat?"

"Oh um-" Blake hesitated. I look at him confused as to why he was hesitant on answering the question before realising it was probably a sensitive topic. Maybe?

"We are not a fan of school dinners" Cameron intervened, making a sour face.

"Yes. Haha true." Blake laughs awkwardly. I nod and laugh along.

"Well I only eat school dinners when I'm like really hungry like I am now. But Selena eats school dinners all the time. She basically the pig in our friendship." I teased, looking over at her.

"Am not!!" She stated, clearly annoyed at me now. She elbowed me in the stomach with her sharp elbow.

"Ouch!! Didn't you mum tell you to keep your elbows to yourself?" I laughed and rubbed my stomach.

"No she told me to keep my hands to myself. Nothing about my elbows" The boys start to laughed, I playfully roll my eyes at the three of them.


Finally the end of our first day here. I spread my arms open as I walked out of the school doors. "FINALLY!! HELL IS OVER!!" I yelled to no one in particular.

The boys and Selena laughed at me as they followed behind me out of the building. We walk to the gates of the school. Me and Selena wait for her mum to come and pick us up.

"So um... June," I turn around to see Blake. His pale skin glistened in the natural light and his eyes sparkled more, "Um... I was wondering if I could get your number?" He questioned.

"Oh um, yeh sure!!" I exclaimed. We both exchange our phones and give them back to each other.

"I'll text you tonight?" He said, as more of a question.

"Sure." I replied, smiling at him as a confirmation he could text me.

"Ok um bye." He smiled and waved at me. He walked off with Cameron into the distance..

"Ooooh. June’s got a crush." Selena piped up from behind me once he was out of view. I rolled my eyes and turn around to face her.

"Selena I don't even know him properly. How can I like him? And anyways how do you know if I like him or not?" I asked keeping my eyes on her.

"Oh I don't maybe by the way you look him, or maybe by the way your cheeks start to go red when you’re talking to him." She said as she pinched my cheeks like a grandma does when she doesn't see her grandchildren for like a long time. I whacked her hand away from my face.

"Don't pinch my cheeks you grandma." I said sternly.

"I'm sorry ahaha. I'm just happy you have a crush!!" She exclaimed.

"Ok..." I asked, confused as to why she would be happy I have a crush. Not saying he is my crush or anything. I get confused about a lot of things about her.

"Anyways-", She gets cut off my the horn of her mums car. We quickly run into the car, me sitting at the front this time around and Selena sitting at the back all alone.

"So how was your first day back girls?" Her Mum asked, looking at me and looking at Selena through the mirror.

"It was good." I replied with a smile on my face.

"It was awesome!!" Selena exclaimed. She always gotta make everything big. I chuckles slightly.

"Oooo. that's good." Her mum laughs at Selena’s reaction. We carry on the conversation about schools nd what teachers we have for each subject and all that 'first day at school' talks. We arrive at my house.

"Here we are." Her mum makes a stop infront of my house, for me to get out.

"Thank you for dropping me off." I thank her as i get out the car and grab my school bag.

"No worries" she replied, smiling at her. I give her a smile back.

"I'll see you in school tomorrow June!" Selena says in the back. I laughed.

"Yep!! Bye!!" I waved and closed the car door. I watched them set off before walking up the pathway to my house and press the doorbell. After a good few seconds, my mum opens the door.

"Hello dear!! How was your first day of school?" She asked as she opened the door wider for me.

"Very very tiring and I have to complete a lot of homework" I groaned as I throw my shoes off and head upstairs to my bedroom.

"Ok. You get changed finish your homework and dinner will be finished at 6." My mum said as she locked the door and made her way back to wherever she came from.

"Ok mum" i start to walk up the stairs with my heavy ass bag and dump it on my bed.


I get my phone out of my pocket and take a look at who decided to text me.

Blake : 'Hey!! Have you arrived home?'

I unlocked my phone and texted him back right away.

June : 'yep just arrived home!'

I see the three dots appear in the corner of the screen. We continue the conversation for a good few minutes before I tell him about the endless about of homework I got given today and told him we could text later. I lock my phone and put it on the side. I go over to my desk with my heavy bag and start doing my homework.

After an hour of finishing all my homework, I dragged my legs to my bed and plopped down on it, exhausted after today.

As soon as my head hit my comfy big pillow, my eyes started to slowly shut leading me in to a deep sleep.