
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Grand Magic Games: Day Two

"Teach Ivan why you don't mess with Fairy Tail." Makarov told Drake as he walked towards the arena entrance. Drake didn't say a word as he walked side by side with him. Makarov knew that Drake was furious because he was normally a very talkative person. He saw both Team A and B waiting by the entrance looking just as mad as he was.

"So he's the one?" Erza asked Drake as they watched Grief walk out of his waiting area Drake nodded as Mira walked up to him. She squeezed his arm and he walked into the arena and the two Slayers got in each other's faces.

"I hope you're ready." Grief said as their fight was being announced. Drake remained silent as the announcer explained who they were and he dropped into a fighting stance that he rarely used.

"Kick his ass!" Mira yelled and the others looked at her in surprise. She never used language like that and couldn't believe their ears. As soon as the match started the arena was filled with blood red explosions as Drake flew through a barrage of projectiles Grief was throwing at him. A magical barrier appeared around the arena as Drake flew along the wall while he avoided the attacks before planting his feet on it and inhaled.

"BLOOD DRAGON'S ROAR!" Drake yelled and his attack cut through the projectiles and Grief fired a Blood God's Bellow to counter it. A massive explosion shook the area as they connected and two blood red streaks began to collide around the arena. They both landed on the ground and threw a flurry of punches at each other. Grief kicked Drake in his jaw and sent him flying into the barrier. He began to lay into Drake while pining him to the wall before Drake suddenly head butted him. Drake grabbed his head and dragged him along the wall but was eventually kicked in his head. Drake rolled to his feet and the two charged each other with their magic built up around their arms. They clashed fists and the ground at their feet exploded, making the arena shake again. They were launched away from each other and slid on their feet as they landed. Drake flew straight for Grief but when he reached him Grief sidestepped and slammed his fist into Drake's jaw. Drake flew into the wall and was covered by debris. After a few moments the announcer was about to call the match when Mira stood up.

"Don't give up Drake!" Mira yelled and he heard the other Fairy Tail members yell in agreement. Grief was smiling until a pillar of blood red magic exploded from the debris and Drake emerged while in his Dragon Force form. It wasn't his complete Dragon Force but his increase in power was amazing. They flew at each other again with both of them determined to finish the fight.

"BLOOD DRAGON'S IRON FIST!" Drake yelled as they connected with each other's face and they both fell backwards. The announcer began a count before they both slowly stood up and looking heavily damaged. They traded slow but hard blows as they struggled to stand.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO WENDY!" Drake screamed out as his attacks became faster and he began to beat Grief into the dirt.

"That match is over!" Mira yelled as she and several members from Fairy Tail Team A and B grabbed him and pulled him off of Grief. A medical team ran out and told everyone Grief was still alive as Drake began to take deep breaths to calm down.

"Sorry." Drake told them as Natsu and Grey helped him out of the arena. They brought him to the infirmary and laid him in a bed as Porlyusica came over.

"You have a bad tendency of getting hurt." Porlyusica scorned him as she looked for any broken bones, "You have a few fractures but nothing too serious. Keep it that way."

"Grief was really tough." Drake told her as he looked at the ceiling, "One hell of a second day."

"You did good." Mira said as she sat next to him and ran her fingers through his hair, "You showed everyone that Fairy Tail isn't weak and got the man who hurt Wendy."

"You used to do this a lot when we were younger." Drake told her as she continued to play with his hair, "Pretty much everytime I was in the infirmary."

"How did you know that?" Mira asked and he smiled at her as he leaned up, "Don't tell me you were awake when I did it."

"Yeah I was but it was always nice so I just pretended to be asleep." Drake admitted and she rested her head against his, "I honestly couldn't tell you how long I was actually in love with you but I know it was a while before I left."

"Yeah I was to but we were too young to recognize what that really meant." Mira admitted before giving him a quick kiss and standing up, "You get some rest. I'm going to watch the other fights."

"And leave me bored all by myself?" Drake asked her jokingly. She winked at him and left the room. He decided he wasn't going to lay around all day and went to Team B's area.

"I thought I told you to rest?" Mira asked him with a stern look. He smiled and rubbed the back of his head.

"I got bored." Drake explained and she just sighed.