
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs

Feelings Come Out

"I'm taking this mission Mira." Drake told her as he set the request for a dark guild to be stopped on the counter.

"You just got back and you're already leaving again?" Mira asked him with a bit of sadness in her voice. Drake gave her a smile before putting the request back. It didn't pay that much he was just bored.

"I suppose you're right." Drake told her as he sat down and sighed, "I'm not used to being here anymore and it's kind of uncomfortable with everyone asking me questions."

"You've just been away for so long that they missed you." Mira said as she handed him a drink. Drake took a sip while thinking about what she said.

"I don't see why." Drake told her as he looked around the guild, "It's not like I was ever of any help."

"That's not true!" Mira yelled and he nearly dropped his drink at her outburst, "If it weren't for you me and Elfman wouldn't be here!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you upset." Drake told her as he saw how mad she was.

"I didn't want you to leave but you were so set on it that I couldn't bring myself to stop you." Mira told him as she wiped her face and gave him a sad smile. Drake put his mug down and looked her in the eyes.

"I was going to ask you to come but everybody needed you and I was strong enough to mat-." Drake was cut off by a slap from Mira. She hit him so fast that he needed a second to process what had happened.

"Don't you dare say that you didn't matter!" Mira yelled at him and caught the attention of the other Fairy Tail members, "Even if the rest of the world thought so Fairy Tail didn't! I didn't!"

"Mira..." Drake told her as he thought about what he said. He realized what he said hurt her but he wasn't sure why. The only thing he did know was he hated when she was.

"You matter more than you could have ever imagined." Mira told him with a big smile before she suddenly kissed him. His eyes widened in shock as she did and his thoughts ran a million miles an hour.

"I loved you then and I love you now." Mira explained as he finally seemed to figure out what was happening.

"He loves you to Mira!" Reckless yelled as he flew over them, "The main reason he left to train was to get strong enough to protect you!"

"Come here you little-" Drake said as he reached for Reckless but the cat quickly avoided his hand.

"Is that true Drake?" Mira asked him with wide eyes. Drake sighed and nodded with a smile.

"Of course it's true!" Elfman yelled from behind him, "It was pretty obvious both of you loved each other!"

"Indeed it was." Makarov said as he walked down the stairs from his office with a big smile, "Why don't we throw these two a Fairy Tail party for finally realizing the obvious!

"That's not..." Drake was drowned out by his guild members' cheers. He sighed in defeat as barrels of ale were pulled out.

"Come on Drake it'll be fun!" Mira told him with a big smile, "Plus we never celebrated you're return!"