
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs


"Mira get up!" Drake yelled as he sensed a large amount of magical powers close to Magnolia, "They're here!"

"I'll go get Maya!" Mira yelled as she sprinted out of the room and Drake looked out of the window to see the barrier around Magnolia being attacked. Mira came back in with Maya in her arms and Drake ran with her towards the guildhall. He nearly bashed down the door as he entered and shocked everybody inside.

"You guys take Maya while we help with the invasion!" Drake ordered them and Makarov quickly took her into his arms, "Mira, We're going help Elfman and Lisanna's squad! I'm sensing the biggest power there! Max and Warren make sure everyone's resolve stays solid!"

"Got it!" Mira said and they ran back out of the guild. Mavis was in shock at how quickly Drake took control of the situation. She looked at Makarov and saw that he was just as shocked. Drake grabbed her and they were in front of Elfman in a matter of seconds.

"What's up with this robot bastard?" Drake asked Grey as he suddenly appeared behind it and it exploded, "On second thought it doesn't matter."

"In a split second..." Freed said as he looked at the destroyed machine.

"He destroyed it like it was nothing!" Bickslow yelled in surprise. Drake noticed the parts on the ground started to act strange and he used his magic to shove everyone away as they exploded. When the dust cleared Drake was smoking and he fell on the ground.

"Drake!" Mira screamed as she ran over to him. Without thinking Elfman transformed into Weretiger and picked them both up. He sprinted as fast as he could to the guildhall where Wendy was. The doors of the guildhall swung open as Elfman slammed into the door and quickly laid Drake on a table.

"Wendy please!" Mira yelled and Wendy ran over. She began emergency treatment but could only spare enough magic to bring him out of critical condition. The next day Drake slowly opened his eyes and quickly jumped out of the infirmary bed. He sprinted into the main room and startled everybody as they were going over their next step. He let out a breath of relief as he saw Mira holding Maya at the counter.

"Are you ok?" Mira asked him as she walked up to him and he gave her a reassuring smile, "You scared all of us half to death when you took that attack for us."

"To think they have enough power to bring Drake down." Erza said as he sat at the counter, "Alvarez is going to be tough to beat."

"It was only because they caught me off guard. It won't happen again." Drake told them as Mira handed him a drink, "Thank you."

"Either way we need to be careful." Laxus told them and Drake nodded. Drake listened as they finished setting up their teams and he looked at the happy baby in Mira's arms.

"I'll be staying here to make sure they don't attack again." Drake told them as Mira handed him Maya, "If they do then I won't hold back."

"Sounds like a plan to me." Grey said and Drake watched them head out. After some time passed they were getting reports that several of the Spriggan 12 were defeated.

"So that leaves seven right?" Drake asked as he examined the magical map, "The big questions is why the members of Spriggan 12 in the East aren't moving?"

"The smell of alcohol is ingrained in the wood. I heard this was an old guild but it looks like you've done some remodeling." A man in the doorway said as he looked around the room. He walked past everyone and sat at the bar.

"You're a member of the Spriggan 12 aren't you?" Drake asked him as he gave Maya to Makarov.

"Did you know that today is Respect For The Aged Day?" Jacob asked them as he rested his arms on the counter, "Would you mind pouring me a cup of the strongest booze you have?"

"We don't have a drop for the likes of you." Makarov told him and a black circle expanded across the radius of the guild. Everyone disappeared except for Drake and Mavis.

"Why are you still here?" Jacob asked Drake calmly but Drake simply threw him across the room.

"Where?!" Drake asked him coldly as he dusted himself off.

"They aren't dead but they are very close." Jacob explained just before Natsu and Lucy knocked him across the room. He disappeared and Natsu was hit from behind. Jacob reappeared and threw blades at Drake, which he slapped away like they were flies. Jacob appeared behind Drake and hit him in his back but winced in pain as his knuckles were cut open.

"You wanted to know why I wasn't sent away like the others right?" Drake asked Jacob as he turned to face him, "You simply too weak."

"You're all bravado! I know that last night you were at death's doorstep!" Jacob yelled as he relentlessly attacked Drake. Drake stood there calmly as the attacks didn't even damage his clothes. Jacob stopped attacking and looked at Drake with wide eyes before Natsu attacked him from behind.

"That was because you bastards hit me while my guard was down." Drake said as his anger began to radiate off of him, "I'll kill all of you for hurting my Maya!"

"That baby? I'll just start killing them all until I reach her!" Jacob told him with a maniacal smile.

"Wait you're ally is in your pocket space as well!" Lucy yelled, "Brandish got caught in your attack!"

"What?" Jacob said as he looked into his dimension. Drake held back because he figured he knew what Lucy was planning. Brandish and her lackey landed on the floor in front of Jacob and there were suddenly two of the lackey.

"Gemini erase the spacial magic in this area!" Lucy ordered and all of the Fairy Tail members reappeared. Drake looked around and saw that Makarov was still holding Maya. Jacob's blood ran cold as Drake got a malicious smile as he turned to face him.

"I told you that I would kill every one of you bastards didn't I?" Drake asked as he appeared behind Jacob and they both suddenly disappeared. Everyone felt the room shake and the two suddenly reappeared. Drake threw the bloody Jacob out of the guild and burned his body to ashes with his magic. Drake took a breath before taking Maya from Makarov.

"You certainly are worthy of being the Seventh Guild Master." Makarov said and Drake gave him a confused look, "It would seem that Levy and Erza left you out of that detail. They put you down as the current Guild Master and everyone, including myself and the first master, agreed."

"Then my first order for all of you," Drake said as his eyes changed, "Is to beat them at all costs!"

"Yeah!" Natsu and the others yelled as Maya looked at her dad and began laughing. Drake smiled as he handed her back to Makarov.

"It's about time I enter the fray." Drake told them as he walked out of the guild and flew into the air.