
Bloody Fairy

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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38 Chs


"We've organized the dark guilds we know of on this chart." Mira explained as the Fairy Tail members looked it over, "They've become very active recently so we need to strengthen our relationships with the other guilds."

"What's with the big circle?" Elfman asked her as Drake and Makarov walked into the guild. Mira noticed Drake and their master both had very serious looks on their faces.

"That's the Balam Alliance and they are the strongest of the dark guilds." Drake explained as he walked up to the board, "I collected a lot of information on Oración Seis while I was away at Master's request. They consist of only six members and they aren't to be taken lightly because of their numbers."

"Pfft, we can take down six people no problem." Natsu told him with a smug grin. Drake picked up a marker that was next to the board and threw at his head hard enough to nearly knock him over.

"That isn't the problem." Drake explained as Natsu rubbed his head, "The problem is the rest of the Balam Alliance. The other two guilds are bigger and we would be putting a target on our backs."

"That's why we'll be forming an alliance of our own." Makarov told them and as soon as they started to complain Drake's magic shot past them, shutting them up, "Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus and Cait Shelter will be selecting a number of members to defeat the enemy."

~Blue Pegasus Guildhall~

"Are we there yet?" Drake asked as he leaned out of the wagon and prepared to puke, "Why couldn't I fly?"

"Yes we are and the Master told you not to so don't." Erza told him as she helped him out of the wagon and into the guildhall. Natsu stumbled in behind them as the Trimens pushed Drake away from Erza and sat her and Lucy at a table. Drake stood up and shook his head as the other guilds' chosen members introduced themselves. A young girl caught his eye and he instantly knew she was a Dragon Slayer. He kept that to himself as he listened to their game plan. Drake watched calmly as they ran out of the building in a hurry and he followed slowly behind them, knowing that it didn't matter if they got to the ship first.

"The hell?!" Drake asked as he watched a giant attack rush towards his allies. Their eyes widened as blood red flames met the attack halfway and they canceled each other out.

"H-How?!" Leon asked as the flames cleared and Drake was standing in front of them, "There's no way you just did that alone!"

"I would be careful how you talk to people you don't know Leon." Jura told him sternly as Drake turned around to face them, "I met him when we had the meeting with Makarov and the others. That man is nothing short of powerful and honestly I don't think I'd be able to beat him easily."

"You couldn't beat me at all." Drake told him as he walked over to Erza and examined her arm. He could smell the venom in her blood and saw the pain on her face.

"What happened?" Drake asked Lucy and completely ignored everyone else. He torn off a sleeve of his hoodie and tied it around Erza's arm to try to slow down the venom.

"Oración Seis already knew our plan and were waiting for us out here. Erza got bit by Cobra's snake and he said she would die soon." Lucy explained before Erza tried to stand up. Drake put his hand on her shoulder and forced her to sit back down.

"Sorry about this Erza." Drake told her as he bit into her arm before she could question what he meant. He could feel the venom burn his throat and he sucked into out of her system.

"Why would you do that?!" Erza asked him as he wiped the blood off of his mouth, "Even you can't survive something from the inside!"

"It'll take a lot longer for it to affect me than it will for you." Drake explained as he stood up and looked at Charla, "Wendy can help me right?"

"I don't know how you figured that out but yes she can." The white cat explained, "She is the Sky Dragon Slayer and is capable of using healing spells as well as being able to counteract magic that harms the body."

"Then we have one goal! To save Wendy so she can help Drake!" Erza told them and they began to move out.