
Chapter 1

long time ago when the snakes still ruled the humans.

There was a queen named Medusa she was the first woman to enter into the dragon cave and came out with the dragon sword strong and well .

It was said that the snakes weren't allowed into the dragon cave and it was also said that the snakes weren't allowed into the dragon cave even the dragons were scared of the cave cause it was dangerous.

Any snake who went into the dragon cave never came back alive and any dragon who entered came back badly injured.

the humans became tired of the snakes ruling them, so they decided to stop this by bringing an unexpected war, attacking the snakes at night when everyone was peacefully asleep.

the snakes who weren't prepared was forced to war and lost many families and relatives.

it was said that Medusa protected her family with her last blood.

She gave her first granddaughter whose name was Luanda the sword and said this word before closing her eyes, " Luana , Amber I will be back soon, I am coming back to this world " tears rolled down their cheeks as the stood up and watched her slowly close her eyes.

The only snake who had gone into the cave and came back alive had the name Medusa.

years passed by and this two sisters got married to a well known greedy king.

king Louie , he sold out his children for gold and silver.

Many people knew him around kingdom, he never used the silver or gold he gets for his people but uses them for himself.