

Helena continued running through the dark forest, seeking shelter. The darkness could only protect her for so long from people and harmful creatures. Unfortunately, her wings kept catching on low hanging branches and her footsteps weren’t exactly quiet. The leaves and twigs crunched underneath her feet.

She came across a small clearing. She decided this would have to work. Her heart was still racing. She had to hurry. She looked around for something, anything- for she knew if there was a fire lit, no one would dare come near her.

Deeper into the woods, Xander awoke in his house from a dead sleep. His hearing was beyond immaculate, so he was able to hear the sound of footsteps running near his house. A smirk danced on his lips as he licked them.

“It seems my food has come to me,” he murmured.

He got out of bed, got dressed, grabbed his sword, and set out on his hunt. He moved quickly and quietly through the woods, wondering just what type of prey he would find. He stopped when he reached the clearing, and gazed into the darkness. He kept his eyes focused on his target. Her black hair flowed over her shoulder and down her back. Xander's eyes widened as he saw the wings, but that didn't phase him much.

“Damn it! Come on, give me something to work with!” Helena groaned.

She gathered some twigs and leaves. As she was pulling on a root, her hand got cut wide open.

“Fuck,” she hissed.

She ripped the bottom of her shirt and wrapped it around her hand. She kept going about her search, and finally gathered enough kindling. Xander made sure he was hidden well, using the shadows as his best shield. Helena crouched town, staring hard at the kindling. Images of everyone who had betrayed her burning and crying flowed through her mind. It made her smile. She imagined her mother and father leaving her to die when she was seven. Finally, sparks ignited. The fire grew almost instantaneously. She knelt the rest of the way down and closed her eyes, her wings resting with her.

"Finally…" she whispered, her voice filled with relief.

Xander was trying to control himself. Seeing the blood from her hand drip made his mouth water. His nostrils flared at the scent, and his smile grew. His thirst was taking over, and he realized then what was happening.

"No, stay in control. This one… This one is dangerous," he reminded himself.

Xander slowly crept out of the brush. He observed the creature, and in doing so he stepped on a twig. He quickly hid in the shadows again. Helena quickly turned, but upon seeing a rabbit, she brushed it off. Xander only saw a flash of her blue eyes, but they immediately reminded him of his sister. He released an illusion of safety on the strange creature, and walked closer to her. His fangs flashed as he licked his lips and he thought of how nice of a fledgling she would make.

Helena focused on the fire. She could feel an atmospheric change but she brushed it off as paranoia. She knew angels wouldn't test her when a fire was lit. She focused on the fire and it grew more. Her eyes stayed trained on it and she lost herself in thought. A memory of her foster father, who swore he'd never hurt her and would protect her, hit her so hard that she lost her balance and fell back. She shook her head and sat up, focusing on the fire. She was completely oblivious to the danger next to her.

Xander strengthened his illusion, and watched her body movements. She didn't move an inch from where she was. He crept up behind her, slowly and quietly. He leaned into her, close enough that his mouth was almost touching her ear.

"Answer me, do you wish to die here?" he whispered, licking his lips.

In the light of the fire, he saw her shake her head, denying his question.

"Do not just shake your head! I want to hear your voice. Now ANSWER ME! Do you want to die here, in this very moment?" he demandingly asked.

Helena squeaked out what Xander thought was a no, and he almost instantaneously dug his fangs into her neck. As he was drawing blood, drinking it at the same time, he began to transform her into his fledgling. Helena felt pain surge through her body and she practically fell into the man. She looked up at him, her eyes pleading with him, and opened her mouth to scream, but no noise escaped her. She could feel reality slipping away as she began to pass out.

"Wh-Why… please don't kill me," she begged him, her voice a whisper.

Her hands fell to her sides as she began to feel weak. As her eyes closed and she became limp, the fire died out. Xander stopped drinking from her and stood up. He smirked.

"Don't worry. I'm not that heartless," he said as he picked her up and carried her home.

When he reached his house, he climbed upstairs and set her down in his bed. He looked at her and took in her features. Her hair was very long, and her tan skin was flawless. She was beautiful, no doubt, but dangerous. He grabbed an extra blanket and covered her up, making sure she would be comfortable while she slept. He knew she would be scared once she woke up but he would help her understand what was going on. The poor thing was running from something- or someone- and he is glad he was the one to find her and help her. He realized how much a manipulator of fire could be a danger to him, but it would be interesting and fun. She could help him in many ways. His eyes trailed to her wings.

What even is she anyway? Some type of angel? Maybe a fallen…

He set out to hunt for some food for her. He knew when she awoke, she would be hungry. But little did he know, her eating would only be a start to the challenges with this beautiful creature.