
Bloodthirsty Alliance-Giant Returns

It is well known that there are eight planets in the solar system, the sun, the earth, the moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In the Maya legend, there is also a planet called Nibiru. The Nibiru planet enters the solar system once every 3600 years. In Sumerian mythology, the god living in Nibiru is the planet. It is said that when Nibiru enters the solar system again, the human beings on the earth will be destroyed. When God left, he left

Newlemon · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Chapter 2:Ordinary Morning

Elizar Lipa Sukhnik got the scroll and got in touch with the Bishop of Samuel. When the Lord of Samuel saw the scroll, he was very lucky. It also provided a large amount of money for Elizar Lipa Sukknik to purchase more such reels. It is estimated that the Lord of Samuel should know more or less about the contents of the scroll, otherwise he would not be able to provide such help to Sukhnik (Elizar Lipa Sukhnik). Bishop Samuel is also conditional. The condition is that Sukhnik helps him to complete the interpretation of these scrolls.

A year passed in a flash. In this year, Sukknik also bought more and more reels from Salahi. With the passage of time, Sukhnik also interpreted a lot of scroll information, although these information is only the tip of the iceberg in these ancient scrolls. However, more information has been obtained. In addition to the lost chapters of the ancient scrolls from the sky down to the earth and the present Bible, there are also descriptions of etiquette, medicine and other relevant records. And 90% of the scrolls are hand copied.

So this prompted Sukhnik to wholeheartedly organize an archaeological team to go to the site where the scroll was found, but because Jordan was at war with Israel at that time, Sukhnik failed to do so. In addition, the decoding and translation of ancient scrolls has also progressed slowly, mainly because these scrolls contain ancient languages from about five countries but are mainly written in ancient Hebrew, and a few of them are written in Greek, Aramaic, Nabati and Latin.

At that time, the Second World War was just over. Although peaceful, many countries were still in a cold war state - that is, abnormal diplomacy, also including trade. Especially in the Middle East, the guns are often fired, so he has never been successful in applying for a visa to Israel. There was nothing to do but lead his small team to carry out the long work of ancient scroll repair and translation. During this period, because Zucknik once sent more ancient scrolls to language professors in universities around the world, I hope they can participate in research and excavation together. Sukknik's team and universities around the world have successively published their research successes and latest findings. For this reason, scholars from all over the world are pressuring Israel to go there for scientific research. However, these pressure on Israel did not care at all, and the time passed in a flash.

"Good morning! Today is February 14, 1992. This is the Voice of America, another new start of the day! Are you ready?..." A man yawned, drowsy and skillfully turned on the radio and received a cup of coffee.

"Hani! Did you see my work card?" A charming woman walked up the stairs to the man, hugged the man's neck with her hands and kissed the man's cheek on tiptoe.

Then he went to the object table under the window on the right side of the door and searched everywhere. The man took a sip of coffee and pointed his coffee at the sofa in the living room and said, "Why don't you look on the sofa? If I remember correctly, Miller took your work card yesterday and played."

"Really? Why don't I remember at all? Look, my brain." The woman picked up the work card from the sofa and put it into her bag.

"Maybe you are too tired! Don't I often forget where to put things?" The man walked to the pool and washed the cup in his hand.

"Come on! You will only make me happy with these words." The woman smiled, came to the man with the bag and kissed him again.

"Can I dress like this? Today is my first day to work, and I haven't been to work for a long time." The woman turned around in front of the man as she spoke, The man said solemnly, "You are the most beautiful in my eyes, no matter what clothes you wear. But to tell the truth, you are really beautiful today, but it seems that there is something missing?" The man took out a box from his pocket, opened it and took out the necklace inside, then walked to the back of the woman and put it on for her.

At this time, the man held her slender waist with both hands from the back of the woman, and stuck it in the woman's ear and said affectionately, "Happy wedding anniversary. I will always love you". The man loosened his grip on the woman's arm, and then put his hands on the woman's shoulders. The right hand pushes the woman's right shoulder forward, and the left hand pulls the woman's left shoulder backward. Under the trend of inertia and human instinct, women turn from facing men with their backs to facing men. At the moment when the woman turns around, the man's arms embrace the woman again and try to close their arms, forcing the woman to keep close to her. The man looked at the woman affectionately with his deep brown pupils, and the woman's white face was instantly flushed. The man said nothing and closed his eyes. He put his warmest on the woman's lips. The two people kissed each other affectionately. From a close observation, we can see that the woman's figure is so charming and enchanting and surrounded by the white skin. Although the man is not the kind of strong body. But it is also a very symmetrical kind. Although the man has a scraggly face, the woman doesn't dislike it at all.

"Wow! Wow! It's really crazy and romantic. I can't believe it!" When they let each other go, the woman took a deep breath and put her left hand back on her forehead. With her right hand, she put the bag in her hand on the table in the restaurant, then picked up a glass and took a sip of ice water and said.

"I think this is my best day, not only the wedding anniversary gift I received, but also the new job. Thank you for all this!" The woman put down her cup and said happily to the man.

The man held the table with his hands and faced the woman with his eyebrows. He lowered his head and said, "Over the years, you have paid so much for our family. You gave up your career and gave birth to a child for me. You have become a housewife. I have been away with those cemeteries all the year round because of my work. You have never complained. I should thank you!"

The woman picked up the bag on the table and kissed the man: "Then I will accept your thanks. I will go to work. Time is running out, and you will send the child to school today." Then the woman turned and left the house, went to the yard, started the car and blew a kiss at the man standing at the door, and then left.

The man closed the door and went into the kitchen, and soon made breakfast. Fried eggs with hot dogs and oatmeal milk are typical American family breakfast.

"Miller, hurry up and be late for school." The man shouted at the stairs while putting the breakfast in his hand on the table.

With the sound of footsteps, a little boy ran down the stairs. It looks like he is less than 6 years old. With blue eyes, golden hair, childish face and delicate facial features, the boy trotted to the man's side.

The man picked up the boy and put him on the chair. "Hurry up and eat! I'll take your bag." Turn around and go to the living room.

"Dad, will you come to the school painting exhibition tomorrow?" Miller asked the man with his childish voice over and over again.

"Is it tomorrow? I will definitely come to cheer you up. Hurry up, we should go." The man left the house with his bag, went to the yard, opened the door, put the bag in the car and shouted to Miller in the house.

Miller finished breakfast, closed the door, and the sports car entered the car. The man closed the door and started the engine to drive to Miller's school.

"You must remember to come tomorrow." Miller reminded his father again in the car.

"I promise you will go tomorrow," the man replied positively to the boy in the rear mirror.

At this moment, the window was snowing again, and the man drove the car with Miller and said that he was laughing at the school. The scenery outside the window is also so beautiful that the new day begins with the happy singing of father and son in the car.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

This novel is in Chinese because I don't know English very well.

We can only rely on Google translation, so there is a problem with grammar. I hope you don't mind. If you like the story, please give me some motivation.

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