
Chapter 44 : A villa in Greece

I wasn’t sure how long we had driven or where we were going. But the drive to wherever Trevor was taking me was breathtaking. All around me, the sea glistened outside the window of the vehicle. The sun shone off the water, giving it a heavenly glow that I had never seen before. I had always wanted to travel by myself across the ocean to visit the rest of the world, but I had never dared to.

The last time I had come across the ocean was with my mother, and Trevor had made even that visit almost unbearable.

The vehicle turned off the main road and traveled closer to the sea before turning down another road that led towards a large white mansion on the side of a hill with multiple other buildings around it, followed by a massive stone wall. The place was huge, far bigger than anything I had seen before, and with it, more guards.

Except these paced the walls with large guns in their hands, and a look of ‘take no shit’ plastered on their faces as we passed through the gates.