

[Warning: Mature Content R18+] BLURB “ Greetings your majesties, my name is Cedric Charon” The new slave took his time before he bowed his head and lowered his eyes in obedience. It was the uttermost impudence that we had ever seen from a slave. Yet, he was a startlingly beautiful specimen with all muscle and perfect edges, but the eyes were the most startling thing about him. They were molten gold and like the boy's skin, they seemed to shine in the sunlight. I felt my whole existence questioned by the slave and I pushed my power to smell him and for sure the scent of ambrosia that we had earlier scented came from him. " Brother, am I dreaming or is that human slave blood calling to us? A human slave!!!" Silas who sat on my right hand gasped in uttered shock. "My beast wants me to rush over and sink my fangs into him. He is a human slave for fucking sake" Talon muttered from the left side of the seat. " Mate," I spoke up. " That is what my beast roared and declared the minute he stepped foward and introduced himself" I whispered. Sith and Talon's eyes widened and they both looked at me with shock, dread, and disbelief at the realization of the fact that I had uttered the word " Mate". ******** Vampire Lords Niko, Silas, and Talon Sith were born in a pair of three and had lived for centuries ruling the Sith Glassy Mountains. They fed on the blood of the Elisera slaves who came to work in Sith castle where they all resided. Under the pact named Paktum between the humans and the Vampires, the young men would be employed to work in the castle for the Vampires while their families would be provided with gold that would take care of their needs. Hence, they co-existed as the Paktum Pact maintained peace between the two races. That is until Cedric Charon enters the Blood Mountains and the Vampire Lords realize that their intended mate is a human slave and more sore with the blood of a witch. Cedric is everything the Sith Mountain coven forbids, a human, a witch, and a rebel. Cedric is not ready to be imprinted by the vampires who have enslaved his people in the mountains to feed on their blood, while Vampire Lords Niko, Silas, and Talon are disgusted that their mate is a human slave with the blood of a witch. It gets complicated when they find out that Cedric is a blood rose. His existence makes the Vampires question all the teachings the coven has taught them regarding humans. Their relationship becomes more complicated once they discover that Cedric is also part of the resistance that wants the Paktum Pact broken and the human slaves set free. Will their mating bond survive or will it completely break them?

Anna_Baibe · LGBT+
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116 Chs


Cedric's POV

" What the fuck was that ?" I growled in anger and Fabian tried to shut me up when we returned to our quarters and turned in for the night.

" I know you are angry but can you calm down first and asses the fucking situation?" Fabian scolded.

" Why would we serve those bastards? " I cursed.

" Lower your voice dammit " Fabian placed a hand over my mouth. " You will get us in trouble."

I huffed and pushed his hand away and then lay on the bed. I tossed and turned for an hour as the memory of the three Lords of the castle was fresh in my mind.

" Who the fuck speared the rumor that they were ugly? " I thought to myself. The way the Lord on the right raked his eyes over me and the one on the left stared at me made me feel my body buzz for the first time since I was born. I had always thought that there was something wrong with me after Ma engaged me to Tatian Esme two years ago. I had no feelings or emotions towards her and always lied that it was not the right time.

Standing in front of the Lords of the castle proved me wrong as my body stirred with need. " If Fabian knew how deceitful my body was, he would give me an earful. " It was close to two hours before sleep engulfed me as my mind remained in turmoil.

My body was jolted awake in the wee hours of the night as I felt Ma's magic powers pushing into my mind. I sat up on the bed and looked around to ensure no one was awake and watching before letting her into my mind.

" Are you crazy?"I pushed the words through the mind link, scolding her and heard her loud laughter roar in my mind.

" Relax. No one knows about our powers. I just wanted to see how your first day went, " Ma responded.

" It was okay. Don't contact me for a week or so " I closed the mind link and dumped myself back on the bed and a loud sound escaped from the force.

" You are annoying Cedric. I am trying to sleep and you keep rolling on the bed and waking up" Fabian murmured groggily.

" Sorry "I muttered, while putting the pillow over my head and closing my eyes.

The guard woke us early in the day and informed us that Fabian and I needed to go to see Guardian Lenora. After taking a shower, we hurriedly dressed and left the slave quarters. When we got to Guardian Lenora's quarters, we found her already pacing by her desk and then stopped short when she spotted us. Standing next to her was Enforcer Warin who looked irritated and annoyed.

" You are late " Guardian Lenora spoke up.

" Forgive us Guardian" The guard bowed and we followed suit.

" Go away" She raised her hand and chased the guard away. Fabian and I watched the guardian leave and then turned back to face her.

" Lower your eyes. And from now on, I will supervise when you shower, dress, and get ready to serve the inner court"

" What?" the words were out of my mouth before I could blink.

" Did he just speak?" Enforcer Warin growled. " A slave has no right to speak. ''. He approached and I braced myself for the slap or punch that was about to come.

" Back of Warin. You dont need to be here if you can't handle the matter. The Lords already chose them and I dont want any harm to come to them. '' Guardian Lenora's eyes flashed and we watched Enforcer Waren step back and then walk out of the room.

Once the door closed Guardian Lenora turned to me and then walked over stood up at me and slapped me so hard that I felt my head buzz with pain.

" Listen you filthy punk, you better zip your mouth and follow the rules. They might not touch you but I have no problem giving you scars and then covering them up" She seethed and I heard Fabian's intake of breath.

"Forgive him. He has always been stubborn " Fabian tried to defend me.

" Who asked you to speak? You only speak when you are spoken to. Warin was right. You need discipline and are unrestrained. Do you think you will survive a day with your defiance? The Lords will tear you apart and throw your heads into the fire pit" Her maniacal laughter made me have chills down my spine.

The mission was critical and all depended on me. I needed to reign in my anger and behave. Hence what I did next surprised both Fabian and the Guardian Lenora. I bowed down and whispered " Forgive me, Guardian. I promise to abide by the rules and behave well. I will listen to you and learn from you, from now henceforth"

I watched her feet as she stepped back " Now that is more like it. Rise " She commanded.

I raised my head and then our eyes clashed with guardian. I felt her power trying to penetrate my mind. This woman was not human at all and I blocked my mind and stood stoic as her eyes widened and then she burst out laughing again.

" What was your name again? " She demanded as she spoke in between the bouts of laughter.

" My name is Cedric Charon," I responded politely.

" Okay, Polite does not suit you. When you are alone just be yourself but if you dare to overstep, you will get the same treatment as lower-level slaves," she stated.

" Yes Guardian" I nodded.

" What about him ?" She pointed at Fabian.

" This is Fabian Alator, " I answered.

" I can see you are all learning fast. Answer when spoken to and speak when it's needed. When it is not necessary just bow your head and act like a fool. That is the only way to survive. Stay away from Enforcer Warren and don't dare pick a fight with him. I don't want anyone to ruin my hard work" She instructed.

" Yes, Guardian" Fabian and I piped.

" I had your things moved to the guardian's quarters so that we can have training started. Please do not speak to the rest of the slaves or anyone else for that matter. If you have concerns you come to me. I will sort them out. Don't ask anyone for help or any questions.

We both nodded at the same time.

" Guard" She yelled and they came rushing in and bowed. " Take these two to the private quarters prepared for them. Take a shower and change into the clothes I have laid on the bed. You have only one hour to do so and then come back to my office" She snapped her fingers.

We rushed out of her office after bowing to her and then the guard took us to the private quarters. Fabian's jaw dropped when we arrived and I could only whistle at how lavish our quarters were.

" Are you sure these are our quarters?" Fabian asked.

" Yes, " The guard responded.

" I will be watching your every move" A voice rose from the door. We turned around and Enforcer Lenora stood by the door. " I know punks like you will never fucking be obedient. I will leave for the day when you make a mistake and then get beheaded. " He smirked evilly.

We stood our ground remaining silent and then turned and left. The guard closed the door and Fabian pulled me deeper into the quarters and said " Enforcer Waren is already gunning for us. We need to take him out and he is the first one to go."

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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