

[Warning: Mature Content R18+] BLURB “ Greetings your majesties, my name is Cedric Charon” The new slave took his time before he bowed his head and lowered his eyes in obedience. It was the uttermost impudence that we had ever seen from a slave. Yet, he was a startlingly beautiful specimen with all muscle and perfect edges, but the eyes were the most startling thing about him. They were molten gold and like the boy's skin, they seemed to shine in the sunlight. I felt my whole existence questioned by the slave and I pushed my power to smell him and for sure the scent of ambrosia that we had earlier scented came from him. " Brother, am I dreaming or is that human slave blood calling to us? A human slave!!!" Silas who sat on my right hand gasped in uttered shock. "My beast wants me to rush over and sink my fangs into him. He is a human slave for fucking sake" Talon muttered from the left side of the seat. " Mate," I spoke up. " That is what my beast roared and declared the minute he stepped foward and introduced himself" I whispered. Sith and Talon's eyes widened and they both looked at me with shock, dread, and disbelief at the realization of the fact that I had uttered the word " Mate". ******** Vampire Lords Niko, Silas, and Talon Sith were born in a pair of three and had lived for centuries ruling the Sith Glassy Mountains. They fed on the blood of the Elisera slaves who came to work in Sith castle where they all resided. Under the pact named Paktum between the humans and the Vampires, the young men would be employed to work in the castle for the Vampires while their families would be provided with gold that would take care of their needs. Hence, they co-existed as the Paktum Pact maintained peace between the two races. That is until Cedric Charon enters the Blood Mountains and the Vampire Lords realize that their intended mate is a human slave and more sore with the blood of a witch. Cedric is everything the Sith Mountain coven forbids, a human, a witch, and a rebel. Cedric is not ready to be imprinted by the vampires who have enslaved his people in the mountains to feed on their blood, while Vampire Lords Niko, Silas, and Talon are disgusted that their mate is a human slave with the blood of a witch. It gets complicated when they find out that Cedric is a blood rose. His existence makes the Vampires question all the teachings the coven has taught them regarding humans. Their relationship becomes more complicated once they discover that Cedric is also part of the resistance that wants the Paktum Pact broken and the human slaves set free. Will their mating bond survive or will it completely break them?

Anna_Baibe · LGBT+
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119 Chs



This little slave before me was the most entertaining person I had met in years. He had first blocked his mind from my power and more sore cursed me while at it. In return, I could not help but tease him and saw his realization of the fact that I was powerful enough to read his mind.

" Cat got your tongue?" His only reaction came when bowed his head and fisted his hands at his sides.

" You are dismissed " Talon spoke up and Cedric was about to turn around when Talon added " Fabian Alator, you are dismissed. " The other slaved looked up in surprise, his mouth pulled into a thin line of displeasure but he complied as Guardian Lenora and him left the inner court hall.

" Now that we are alone, raise your head, little slave " I spoke up and Cedric raised his head but his eyes were filled with anger and rage.

" So, his mind is solid rock but you can hear his thoughts " Talon spoke up and he had a smirk on his face.

" That is about it. This little slave has balls and anger issues " I chuckled and saw the way Cedric's eyes widened.

" Really?" Silas drawled. " He called you a fucking bastard?"

" Mmh" I nodded. " An offense that would result in beheading. His angry voice was so loud in his head that it took me by surprise. "

" I never spoke out loud, who would confirm what you are saying? " I muttered under my breath and realized I had been baited to speak up.

" He is the master of the castle, the King of the Coven, and our ruler. It is your word against his. Whatever he says goes and now that you are in our castle, you are at a disadvantage." Talon stated.

Cedric shrugged his shoulders and stood his ground but I could tell that he was suddenly laced with fear.

" It seems that the inner court is going to be entertaining from now on" Silas stood up and walked over to Cedric, he assessed him from head to toe and then chuckled when Cedric gritted teeth. " You do look good in these pants."

Cedric's eyes flashed in anger and I knew he was holding back a retort.

" You don't need to hold your tongue, speak up " Silas encouraged Cedric. " Permission granted.

" I do love my head. I would rather say less and not get myself into trouble your majesties" Cedric's hushed response made Talon burst out laughing.

" You managed to make Talon laugh which is quite rare " I observed.

" I never knew that I was funny, Your Majesty" Cedric responded but there was an underlying sarcasm in his voice

" Yet, trouble found you today " Silas noted.

Cedric's voice was so loud in his mind as he said " I never knew that those two had planned to trap Governor Lenora and rush over to cause trouble. Do they want to be married to the lords and would do anything? There is nothing normal in this fucking castle"

" That is correct. You saw through their plan little slave "I answered loudly.

Cedric gasped in surprise and stepped back in shock " Why are you reading my mind ?"

" Because I can, " I responded. "It seems you forgot the formalities. How should we punish you? "

" As you see fit your majesties" He bowed hurriedly and stood in waiting.

" Your punishment will come in due course. As of today, you are dismissed " I raised my hand and the way he rushed out of the inner court and once the guard closed the door, Silas fell on the floor and his fangs elongated out of breath.

" You held on for too long I see" Talon wiped his nose and gritted his teeth.

" His mind is magical and that little slave is more than meets the eyes. I could read his thoughts but that was all. His mind is closed and solid. I have never met a human with such a mind. It is best to keep him around us since my beast already declared he is our mate"

" Do you know the scandal that your statement would bring ?" Silas spoke up after he managed to calm down.

" Gisela and Ciaran already noticed the interest we have with the slaves and that is why they rushed over. I have a feeling that we shall have so much trouble in the inner court, " Talon huffed.

" Thank God, I still had the elixir pills that can suppress our thirst, or else we would have been exposed. " I whispered. " We need to be extra careful. Guard summon Guardian Lenora back"

" Yes, Your Majesty " The guard responded and rushed out of the inner court.

" Get your ass back to your seat Silas" Talon scolded him and Silas chuckled as he walked back and his demeanor changed automatically as he sat down majestically. In minutes the door of the inner court opened and Guardian Lenora walked, her heels clicking on the polished floor and she stood at the center and bowed.

" You summoned me your majesties" She spoke up.

" Rise " Talons commanded and Lenora lifted her head.

" You don't look too happy, " Silas observed.

" Your majesties, permission to speak freely" Lenora responded.

" Go ahead, " Silas encouraged her.

" Your majesties, I know I fell for their trap, It will not happen again. But I would suggest you add more guards in the two slaves' quarters. I have a feeling that the royalty Gisela and Ciaran will not give up." Lenora voiced her thoughts.

" In the end, we still have to deal with the coven royalty," Talon complained.

" Calm down. We are to blame. We chose hastily and it was about to raise eyebrows." I acknowledged. " Lenora, you need to protect them with your life. The two slaves are important to us"

Her eyes widened and she responded hastily " Yes your majesties"

" Take your time with the training, we are not in a hurry to have them serve us" I proceeded to say" Thank you for your hard work. You can go back now and keep us informed of the progress"

" Yes your majesties " She smiled before she left the inner court.

" Why would Gisela ever think we would take her as our mate?" Silas growled.

" Because her father hopes to control us by having us marry his daughter," Talon chuckled.

" What about Ciaran?" Silas snickered.

" Aunty Tharna has always been power-hungry. And because she could not control us she pushed Ciaran into thinking that we would imprint on him" Talon growled.

" Our doom just walked into the castle in the form of a human slave. Tell me, brother, how scandalous will it be when the coven finds out? Even worse now that we can compel him because his mind is strong."

" I know Aunty Tharna would be the first to vindicate us and say we were not suitable to rule," Talon chuckled.

" Oh it's the opposite, she would blackmail us into making her son our mate. I know she would go to extra lengths to make her point. " Silas laughed.

" I am glad you are all taking this lightly. Come on, we better hit the royal coven library and investigate what this means for us. The old books must have something about having a human as our mate. I shudder to think that we don't have a solution. " I stood up to leave.

" Yes brother" Both Silas and Talon agreed as they stood up and followed me out of the inner court.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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