

Diana Carter...the global detective that everyone knows.. She will get herself in the devil's den and they will play a bloody game together..just to achieve her goal. The devil who doesn't care about anyone and kills those who bother him or disagree with him.. Is she gonna end the game holding his head?. or something else will happen that will turn their game upside down?.

Lily_55 · Urban
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2 Chs

The gate to the maze of hell

I finished all of my work and finally, I'm going home..hmm my beautiful home with my warm bed that makes me forget all the burdens that happened to me..just sleep..But do you think that life will let me go home peacefully... sure no, cause I'm Diana the girl who will never end a day peacefully without anything happening, what is the new?.

But this time the misfortune is more dangerous than ever. it's like I entered the maze of hell with no escape.


Diana Carter, who doesn't know this name?

She is known as "The golden brain"..with her intelligence she became the most popular detective despite her young age she achieved success and caught a lot of criminals...some of them are mafia members.

At the same time, she's a beauty icon with her long black hair, black sparkling eyes, the scar on her right cheek that makes her more beautiful, and the sharp features she has... literally perfect.

But she's really scary while working...she doesn't care if she has to kill a criminal...and gets happy because of that...cause she really hates them.. it's like they killed her in her past life.


After I was called to Italy to investigate the crime that terrified all Roma police.

When I went there, I was shocked...it was the most savage crime I have ever seen in my entire life...the bodies were really scary and distorted..

The thing that made my whole body goosebumps was...the reason of all of this is such a human even though he's not a demon just a human like me.

The crime scene was at Albirtino Bruno's villa who has a popular real estate company.

Everything was normal until we went to the backyard...I thought that was a party or something here cause the wine bottles were everywhere...what's the hell is going on how could the pool be red like that...the bodies were everywhere and some of them were floating on the pool, it's like a dainasore attacked them...that was my thoughts when I saw the backyard.

Everyone who was at the crime scene was really scared...I woke from my shock and tried to discover the place more and find any clue.

- Mark: what are you starin' at, detective

Diana: when I'm done examining the bodies I will go to investigate with everyone in the neighborhood.

After I finished..I told Mark the notes that I wrote about what I discovered.

Diana: First of all, all those dead bodies were important personalities before they were killed, and this is evident from their expensive clothes. Secondly, all of them, without exception, were carrying weapons in their pockets, and this indicates that they are all criminal elements. In addition, they did not bring guards with them, and this indicates Their knowledge of the host of the party and those who were invited to it. Thirdly, it is clear, as we can see, that the killer killed them without any mercy. He didn't target their necks to kill them silently. Rather, he killed them brutally, as if he had closed his eyes. This is evidenced by the traces of their hands on the glass and then there's not a single drop of blood in the villa. Fourthly, there is no car outside, this explains why no neighbor reported this massacre because they were all in the massacre. Everyone in the neighborhood was killed, and this explains why There is no car outside, but how did the killer and his guards get out I don't think that he killed them alone, and if he did that, it would seem that we will be confronted with a psychopath...and they left without any bloodstain in the street, plus there were no fingerprints on weapons or knives.

- Mark: I'm really shocked, looks like we're playing with a dangerous person

Diana: I don't think it's only dangerous, but it's beyond the dangerous stage.

I ordered the police who were there to search for bags with blood on them, then I went outside to search for traces of the killer's car, and indeed I found it. It was the only car at the party, and this indicates that the killer lives far away.

Diana: Mark, you know, I'm going to call this crime "Blood Party."

Mark: A name that really suits her..

A policeman came to me with two bags of blood

Policeman: We searched the whole place and found only two bags, detective

Diana: Good job, Soved (the policeman's name).

-Mark: What does this mean....did he kill them on his own?

Diana: Looks like we're going to be playing with fire, my dear Mark, so be prepared.

After we finished investigating the crime scene, we went to the upper heads to tell them what we found, and I explained everything I found very seriously, but I had to stay at the police station for a late hour.

now I'm walking to my car, which I parked a little away from the police station.


I finished all of my work and finally, I'm going home..hmm my beautiful home with my warm bed that makes me forget all the burdens that happened to me..just sleep.

I stopped walking to hear a sound, something like a cat or a dumb person coming from an alley in the street. I went towards the sound to see what this was, but I froze in my place...I saw more than six huge men, with really scary bodies and wearing black suits.

Diana: I'm not stupid to wage war on them and go to them with my weapon, but I will act smartly.

I said to myself while watching them...

After realizing the matter, I grabbed my phone and recorded a video of what was happening inside that alley, and because I was an expert, I didn't make any sound, but suddenly a man with a terrifying aura entered, His body is larger than these tall men, with a black beard, dark skin, and black hair. Dark eyes....eyes that have no life or spirit. But I swear that I saw beautiful shiny blue eyes for a second and then they disappeared, the thing I'm sure that I felt there was a maze inside his eyes, and it was not any maze, it's a maze of hell.

It seems that he is the leader and these are his guards. He looked handsome... really handsome the most beautiful man I had ever seen.

He started to talk...

-####: Welcome to the brat again. Did you think that you would betray me and then escape from me in peace? Unfortunately, I have destroyed what you wished for.

Then he grabbed the man's chin from the ground and said, completing his words.

####: Do you know what I hate the most in this life?... I hate betrayal and lies, and do you know what I do with those who do that?

(The man nodded his head apprehensively.)

I kill them very slowly so they kiss my feet to can them quickly without pain, my dear.

At this moment I felt fear running through my blood because of his words and I started shaking so his face didn't appear well in the video... For the first time in my life, I was afraid in this way that he was not a normal man at all. Because of my fear, iI turned back...made a very soft sound, I wished he had not heard it, but he heard it and ordered his men to see who was there watching them. I ran into an alley that was behind me.. climbed the pipe as fast as possible before they arrived, and reached the roof, not knowing what to do, and there is no way out but jumping to the building next to it, this is more like death because the distance between them is not small, and if I don't die, my back will be broken.

There is no time to think about what I will do. He's about to reach me and he's already climbing the stairs of the building, I quickly jump off the building I am in, grabbing its edge with my hand so that he thinks that I jumped and turns away from me, but will this man fall into my reckless trap?

The man entered the roof by himself, then took a few seconds and then laughed...he laughed out loud...his voice froze me in my place

-####: What a funny thing, dear little mouse, who got himself involved in what does not concern him.

Then he made his way towards me with slow steps.... I have given up on my life and will do the most reckless act you will ever see.

I bit the tip of my finger for some blood to come out, then I grabbed my phone, writing in a line hoped they would understand: "Give the phone to the police station." Then I threw the phone on the balcony next to me then I raised myself to the building which I was hanging, to meet his face for the first time, we were starin' to each other ...at this moment I felt like the time stopped for a while, And I finally knew the color of his eyes, gray mixed with light blue..he was incredibly beautiful. The matter is no different for him. He stopped walking and let go of my features, he was looking at me as if he had seen a girl for the first time.

-####: You are a girl!, so I'm am sorry, my beautiful dear, for calling you in the male form

- Diana: Do not apologize, because I also thought that you were a huge dinosaur when I saw you, but in reality, you are too despicable to be a dinosaur.

The sound of his laughter filled the place

-####: You are really funny about the loss killing you, but what to do, you have evidence, do you know if you didn't have evidence, I would have married you.

Diana: thank god, I have evidence

He kept laughing out loud and slowly walking towards me as if he was sure that he would catch me. In an instant, I took my pistol out of my pocket and raised it at him.

Diana: If you move one step, I will shoot you

-####: As if you were going to shoot with these trembling hands, my little girl, calm down and lower your weapon so that I don't kill you slowly--

Before he finished speaking, I fired a bullet at his right thigh in order to slow his movement and then jumped to the other building.

When I reached the other building, I felt a deadly pain in my back, as if someone had lowered a large ax on it, but there was no time for pain now. I stood with difficulty and ran to the building and jumped...every time I jumped, the pain increased until I wished for death for jumping again. The opposite of me was the one who was chasing me...he has i bullet at his thigh but still jumping smoothly as if nothing happened

after the fifth jump, I saw a garbage dump at the bottom and recklessly jumped that distance to land on the garbage dump.

...Here I came close to my car, and I finally saw it,

I look back at this psychopath, but I didn't find him, as if he had disappeared.

I smiled triumphantly walking with zigzagging steps to the car. Here I am, I will get into the car and head to the police station so that they can rescue me, then I'll sleep comfortably without any pain, but something interrupted my happiness. A hand pulled me into a narrow alley, holding me tightly with his hands.... my back against his chest so I can't even move a finger.

And who else is that he is this deranged who doesn't die. He grabbed me tightly until my back screams in pain... his breath hits my neck hard. Despair surrounds me. I have lost hope of escaping. Whatever I do, I will not be able to escape from his grip. I had accepted the reality.

-####: Did you think you were going to run away from me, little one? Don't tell me you're still thinking of escaping from my grasp with this body that if I want to squeeze it I'll twist it into little pieces, but I won't because I'm merciful.

He said with a smirk on his face..

Diana: Shut up, you bastard. Do you think I'm going to give up?

-####: What are you going to do, for example…..you will kill me?













((Gunshot sound))

To be continued..