
Bloodlines Unveiled: Chronicles of Darkness

Nightshade26 · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Chapter 37: A New Journey Begins

Victor awoke to the soft glow of morning light filtering through the trees. As he stretched and prepared to leave the small camp he had made, he noticed a parchment neatly placed beside his belongings. Unfolding it, he recognized the handwriting of his master, Aric.

"Victor, you've given me a reason to fight once more. We shall meet again someday. - Aric"

A rare, almost imperceptible smile touched Victor's lips. He left a bottle of wine next to the note, a silent token of gratitude to his master. Though he struggled to show his emotions outwardly, Victor felt a deep appreciation for all that Aric had taught him.

Setting off on his journey, Victor traveled through the dense forest until he stumbled upon a scene of chaos. A carriage was under attack by a horde of monstrous creatures. Without hesitation, he sprang into action. His sword, imbued with the power of shadow, cleaved through the monsters with ease. He sliced one in half, pried open the jaws of another with his bare hands, and shot the third as it tried to flee.

Victor surveyed the aftermath, his eyes cold and calculating. One guard lay half-devoured, another had half his face torn off, and the last surviving guard bore deep wounds, the agony etched into his features. Understanding the futility of leaving the guard in such pain, Victor mercifully ended his suffering.

The only remaining guard, trembling with fear, watched Victor in awe and terror. As Victor turned to leave, the guard called out, "Thank you... Can you escort me to the trade headquarters?"

Victor nodded. Despite his growing detachment, he agreed to help the guard. They made their way to a bustling trade city, its streets lined with shops and vibrant with activity. The guard explained that this was the largest trade city in the kingdom, home to one of the three major trade houses in the world. He worked for the auction house, responsible for transporting items for sale.

Upon arriving at the auction house, Victor was struck by the sight of an extraordinarily beautiful woman. She was described as an extremely seductive woman wearing a revealing robe with bare legs. Her personality matched her appearance: playful and alluring. Victor found himself slightly captivated by her charm.

As he sat down at a table, the woman's eyes met his. She had noticed Victor the moment he walked in, his striking appearance catching her attention. Victor wasn't the only one drawn to her; many in the room, including young nobles, admired her openly.

The auction house buzzed with activity, but Victor's focus remained on the seductive woman. Her presence was magnetic, and for the first time in a while, Victor felt a slight stirring of interest.