

Selena Moon hides a secret that she don't want to reveal to anyone. She feels like a freak when she found out what she can do. She have the ability to freeze anything within her thirty meter radius and because of this no bully can mess with her. When her mother decided to move to another town Selena met a man named Luke Stronghold. He is a rich and powerful man in the eyes of his town people. Respected by others and adored by all women. But Luke also has a secret. He belongs to a powerful family of wolves and he is the Alpha of one of the strongest pack called Shadow Claw. Now the two have met. A human with extreme ability and a very strong Alpha who saw her as his mate. How do you think their love story will end?

belenpasaway · Urban
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51 Chs


"You four will going to be very busy this year". Drew said and looked at Dean Furwood. The old man nod consecutively with a frightening seriousness on his face.

The four lads faces sunk and turned red with fear. A threat from a Beta and their college Dean who was a former Beta is not a simple matter. They know what the word BUSY means. No games, no strolling, only schools and training in Stronghold Village and some special mission. And aside from that their fathers will going to whip their assess after they learn what happen.

"Uncle I need Selena Moon's information". Luke asked the old man beside him without looking at his face and he just sense him nod.

"I will send it to you".

"Ok then, I'll wait". He paused then looked at the four again. "Listen, I will give you one last chance to make it up to her and lessen your punishment". Luke saw the glitters of happiness in the youngsters eyes. "But make sure not to let her know anything about our clan and one last thing. This meeting never happened!". A firmed tone gives emphasis on his last words.

"Yes Alpha we understand". Mark answered for them. He can see the confused look on his three friends eyes but he have no intention of telling them what he suspected. They have no idea what's really going on today but he does.

"You are all dismiss". Drew said lastly.

The four lads walk out of their Dean's office in a hurry. They were relieved to find that their necks are still sticking on their shoulders.

"Mark will be a great warrior, isn't he". Dean Furwood commented.

"Just like his father". Luke replied.

"He is the only one who can guessed what was going on here, the boy is sharp". Drew is somewhat proud of him. He should be, he is Sylvia's little brother and Syl is his Mate.

"Any idea how can I lure my Mate to my side?". Luke asked Drew in a confused tone. "Obviously she is very young".

"At least not in diapers". Drew laughed at his remarks.

Luke sighed. "I'm glad she's already in her pony tails". He tried to vision her like a child with hair tied on both sides of her head. It made him smile.

Dean Furwood chuckles. He clearly understands his nephew's dilemma. As far as he can remember Luke is already 26 and Selena Moon just turned 18. Eight years is a big gap beside the fact that she is an ordinary human. It will be a great challenge for their Alpha to approach her. 'You shouldn't worry my nephew your uncle here have some tricks on his sleeves'. He told him silently.

Academy Hallway.

"I don't understand, what is it about strawberry girl that bothers our great Alpha so much?". Kevin couldn't help it but blurted out his question. He is the most confused person among them four.

"How naive". Sam remarked with disdain. He looked at Mark who is silent since they left Dean's Furwood office.

"Hey, Kevin is not naive he is really just stupid". Clint mockingly said and stick his tongue out in front of Kevin.

Kevin chased Clint. "I am going to kill you". And Clint's laughter echoes through the hallway as he run.

"Idiots!". Sam's last remark while watching his two friends running and chasing each other. "I know you know the reason.... Are we thinking the same thing?". Sam looked at Mark. He knows how sharp he is. Sam only noticed the reason for their Alpha's behavior to change drastically when Mark opens his mouth and talk directly to Alpha Luke.

"We already found our Luna". Mark said without hesitation. But his face bear a lot of questions.

"I knew it". Sam smiled widely then paused. "Isn't she too young for our Alpha?". He got a worried look at his face.

"I know. I was thinking about it after I figured it out, why the Alpha burst into anger. He felt his mate's anger towards us. And the worst thing is she is HUMAN!". Mark paused and sighed deeply. "We cannot act recklessly in front of her anymore. We need to respect and protect her from now on. She is still a vulnerable human, if anyone finds out about her as our future Luna her life might get in danger". Mark explained his thoughts about this matter to Sam.

"I understand but how about those two?". Sam was referring to Clint and Kevin. He knows how childish their two friends are even though they were all born on the same year the two are still on a level of a child's brain.

"I'll deal with them later". Mark said and lead the way to their next class.

Sam looked at Mark with admiration. He knows he's a smart guy just like his father, the great Amon. Though both of their fathers holds a group of warriors under them. Mark's father is well known for being a smart warrior while his father is well known for his strength. But for now there is one thing they need to do and he also knows what kind of mission their Alpha will give to them.

"We need to protect our future Luna". Sam whispered to himself.

Mark seems to heard what Sam said, he looked at him and nod.


End of class.

Selena prepared her things and herself. Her class ended today. "It's time to go home". She is very excited to leave the place and go straight home. She picked up her things and turned to leave when she noticed the four guys she hated this lunch is actually standing in front of the classroom door. "Trouble". She told herself.

Mark sense some tension in the air. He can feel Selena is putting a defensive mode on herself. He grin slightly.

"Hey Moon!". Kevin shouted out loud Selena's surname and all the people inside the room looked at her.

Selena's brows lift a notch then knit in one line.

"Stupid!". Sam feels like he wants to smack Kevin so hard for his idiocy. Like Mark, he can also feel Selena is in her defensive mode and his stupid friend just called her in her last name as if they were friends. His idiot friend just forgot how they messed with her. Sam's thought.

"Fuck off!". Selena said as soon as she's near the door where the four stand. Then walked pass right them.

Kevin was stunned for a moment not because of Selena's rude word but he felt something weird passed him.

"Nice try idiot!". Clint laughed at him disdainfully.

"Did you feel that?". Kevin asked Clint with a confused look. He sense something but he has no idea what it was.

"Feel what?.... Idiot". Clint is still mocking him. He ignored Kevin's question.

"Stop calling me idiot!". Kevin already forgot his question instead he got angry at Clint who keeps on calling him idiot.

"Then should I call you stupid". Clint laughed out loud with his outrageous joke. He can see a rage in Kevin's face but he doesn't care at all.

"Shut up Clint". Mark heard what Kevin said and got curious but he got irritated by Clint's nonstop teasing. He gave him a dagger look. "What did you feel Kevin?".

"I felt like a very strong force holds my whole body for a second and I can't move, fuck I can't even wave my hand back there". Realizing what just happened to him he got frightened. "Do you think there's a ghost here?". He was brushing his skin briskly because of the goosebumps.

"Oh please!..... A ghost.... Do you still believe in those things, what are you five?". Clint sneered on Kevin hearing him say such weird things.

Mark and Sam looked at each other and both are knitting their brows they do saw Kevin stopped and stood still for a second or two for no reason after Selena passed by. Then at the same time both of their lips curved upwards. Through mind link they both said the word, 'EXTRAORDINARY'.

"Hey you two, are you planning any dirty tricks against her?... I'm telling you to count me out I don't want my father to whip me when I go home". Clint didn't understand what Mark and Sam is thinking when he saw them grin. He already had his share of fun and lead him in great disaster. If his father finds out about this he will probably going to tie him under a tree with ants crawling under his feet.

Sam and Mark just shook their heads. Judging by Clints's question they can tell he is still thinking like a kid and so as Kevin. They still like to prank people. The four of them have the same age though born in different months but this two fellow of them have a very undeveloped brains. They can't even tell how special their future Luna is. But both of them are thinking, do they actually know Selena is their future Luna?.

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