
Bloodline Reckoning

In a world veiled in mysticism, where ancient bloodlines hold the key to unimaginable power, In the mystical world of Mystic Bloodlines: Unveiling the Secrets of Power, ancient sacrifice rituals play a pivotal role in the unfolding narrative. These rituals are deeply rooted in the kingdom's history, shrouded in secrets and surrounded by an air of dark mysticism. The bloodlines, with their extraordinary powers, are believed to have originated from these very rituals. Legends speak of an era when the kingdom's inhabitants practiced occultism, delving into the arcane and supernatural to achieve their goals. These rituals involved offerings of great significance, often involving the sacrifice of living creatures and even human lives As Li Shan delves deeper into the mysteries of the bloodlines, he stumbles upon ancient tomes and cryptic scrolls that hint at the long-forgotten practices of the kingdom's ancestors. These texts describe the rites and ceremonies conducted under the veil of secrecy, where the boundaries between the physical and metaphysical worlds blurred. The allure of power, the pull of the occult, and the consequences of meddling with forces beyond human comprehension form a central theme in the novel. This novel invites readers to lose themselves in a world where mystique energies are tangible, secrets are unveiled, and alliances are forged and broken. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, and the characters' choices will ultimately determine the legacy of their bloodlines. It is a world of intrigue, mystique, and discovery, where the line between protector and harbinger of destruction blurs, and where the future of a realm is uncertain and waiting to be shaped by the hand of destiny.

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26 Chs

Chapter 26: "Unleashing the Arrow's Power"

Before the formidable Ballista, Li Shan, Gao, and their fellow recruit, specializing in the metal element, stood with eager anticipation. It was a moment of revelation, a chance to uncover the hidden secrets of this imposing war machine.

Lian Xiu's eyes gleamed with enthusiasm as she began to unravel the Ballista's mysteries. "This Ballista is a remarkable creation, forged from the wood of a mighty oak tree that grew directly above a mystical energy vein. This unique positioning has provided it with the perfect structure to harness mystique energy. To enhance its pulling capacity, the Bureau employs special green ox tendons."

Approaching the colossal wires that powered the Ballista, she continued, "The wire that propels this formidable machine is woven from spider silk, making it more resilient than any other material known to man. Think of ballistas as grand crossbows, but on a colossal scale, requiring the coordinated efforts of more than one person to operate."

Lian Xiu paused, her voice laden with excitement. "Today, you will learn how to operate this incredible machine and, in doing so, unlock its awe-inspiring potential."

With a press of a button, Lian Xiu initiated the mechanism, and in a matter of seconds, a hidden compartment beneath the cart opened, allowing the massive Ballista to disappear beneath the cart's surface in less than a minute. The recruits watched in amazement as the enormous weapon vanished from sight.

Lian Xiu continued her explanation, emphasizing the practicality of the Ballista's design. "As you can see, the Ballista is an integral part of this cart. Pay no heed to how long it took to conceal itself within the horse cart. In a war situation, it can be swiftly deployed." She demonstrated by pressing the button once more, and in less than three seconds, Ballista appeared on the cart, leaving the recruits in awe of the remarkable technology at their disposal.

Lian Xiu further elaborated on the wagon's contents. "In addition to the Ballista, the wagon contains medical kits, water supplies, ropes, sparkle stones, lanterns, and various devices designed to assist you in specific situations. You needn't concern yourselves with memorizing the placement of these items. That responsibility falls on the regular veiled men. As seal masters, your focus is on harnessing the power of mystique energy, and the management of this cart is the duty of two sealkeepers."

Lian Xiu gave an order, and a veiled man stepped forward to demonstrate how to aim the Ballista. The massive weapon's precise movements were a sight to behold. Levers and gears allowed the veiled man to manipulate the Ballista's position, and the entire oak structure supporting the weapon turned smoothly, adjusting the angle of the Ballista.

The recruits watched in awe as the Ballista followed the veiled man's commands, rotating into the desired position. The mechanical components within the Ballista worked harmoniously, reflecting the careful engineering that had gone into the creation of this formidable weapon.

Lian Xiu's voice was firm and instructive as she continued her explanation. "Once you have successfully aimed, pressing the trigger will release the arrow." She motioned for one of the veiled men to demonstrate. With a single action, the veiled man pressed the trigger. In an instant, the iron arrow was catapulted from the Ballista with great force, resembling a dragon in flight. It struck one of the trees with a resounding impact.

Lian Xiu continued her explanation, "After the initial hit, your next step is to release the mechanism within the arrowhead. This mechanism will expand itself, forming a hook-like structure." Her instructions were clear, and the recruits watched intently, absorbing the crucial details of how to operate this powerful weapon.

Lian Xiu reached into her pocket and retrieved a coin, holding it up for the recruits to see. "Before we begin your training," she instructed, "I want each of you to establish a connection with this coin simultaneously."

Li Shan, along with the other two recruits, immediately formed the connection hand seal. In less than a minute, all three of them were successfully connected to the coin. Li Shan could sense the presence of the other two connections. While he couldn't quite describe the sensation, he understood that these two connections were preventing him from freely manipulating the coin as he desired. The challenge had begun.

Following Lian Xiu's order, the three connected recruits collectively willed the coin to lift off the ground. For a brief moment, the coin ascended into the air. However, its movement soon became erratic, swaying from side to side. While it was airborne, small cracks began to appear on its surface.

The recruits struggled to stabilize the coin's position in mid-air, but their efforts were in vain. Suddenly, the coin cracked into three distinct parts, and all three sections plummeted to the ground with a resounding thud. It was a challenging introduction to their mystique training, and they realized they had much to learn.

Lian Xiu offered her guidance with a knowing smile. "As you've seen, when each of you tried to lift the coin, you all had the same intent. However, the way you imagined it differed. Some of you attempted to lift it with a slight rightward motion, while others veered left. Your individual perceptions and imaginations play a crucial role. When lifting or moving an object, all of you need to share the same mental image. Otherwise, two or more forces will collide, leading to one of two possible outcomes. The first is that the object, like the coin in this case, can't withstand the conflicting forces and breaks. The second, less desirable outcome is that the most powerful person among you will seize total control of the object, potentially expelling others with their superior force. Both situations are less than ideal. We want you to unite your strengths and direct them collectively against the Bureau's adversaries."

Lian Xiu continued, "Now, try again, but this time simplify your mental image. Make sure the coin lifts with a smooth, controlled motion at a 90-degree angle without any wavering."

With Lian Xiu having moved on to instruct other elemental groups, Li Shan and his comrades were left to put her teachings into practice. Li Shan was eager to give it a try. "Alright, let's follow her advice. I'm confident we can lift a coin without any wobbling."

Gao, his head positioned at a specific height, proposed, "This height should be our target. We'll collectively envision the coin reaching this precise level."

Li Shan and the other recruits immediately agreed with Gao's suggestion. However, one of the recruits couldn't contain his curiosity and asked, "Do you have an extra coin?"

Li Shan and Gao exchanged frowns, realizing they didn't have an additional coin. In response, Gao decided to take out his dagger, and with focused concentration, he executed a few hand seals. In the blink of an eye, the dagger shattered into five pieces. Gao examined his handiwork with a sense of pride. "This should do the job." They were now ready to try again.

Despite their efforts, the first few attempts resulted in the same outcome: the metal splitting into pieces. Li Shan's determination remained unshaken. "Let's keep trying," he urged.

Time and time again, they attempted to lift the metal, but each effort ended with the material disintegrating into smaller fragments. After numerous attempts, they found themselves running out of metal pieces, leaving them with nothing but a pile of sand. Their determination only grew stronger, and they continued their collective effort to overcome the challenge.

Lian Xiu came from behind and offered a valuable tip. "Don't try to be the main force lifting the metal. Instead, reduce your efforts and aim to be a smaller part of a united force."

Li Shan and his group absorbed Lian Xiu's guidance, understanding the need to work together as a team, ensuring that their collective strength would be sufficient to accomplish their goals. They shifted their focus from individual efforts to a united approach, each member contributing a smaller part of the whole.

Under Lian Xiu's guidance, Li Shan and his group embarked on their next challenge involving the Arrow. They synchronized their connection seals with the Arrow, ensuring they all had a strong connection.

Lian Xiu emphasized the importance of timing as she spoke, "Remember, focus on the sound, not the Arrow itself. Your coordination and timing are crucial. In real situations, you won't have the luxury of watching the Arrow. Now, listen for the clock noise that signals the Arrow's release. Use it to guide your timing."

Li Shan nodded in agreement, "Got it. We'll listen for the sound and act simultaneously."

Gao added with determination, "We need to be precise and efficient. Let's do this."

Lian Xiu then gave the order, "Veiled man, inform us of the target, and when you're ready, release the Arrow."

s they focused on the auditory cue, the veiled man operated the Ballista, and soon, they heard the distinct "click" noise that marked the Arrow's release. In unison, Li Shan and his companions executed their throw hand seals. The Arrow accelerated, striking the tree with remarkable force.

Li Shan, impressed by their collective effort, couldn't help but mutter, "Not bad, team."

Gao chimed in, "We're getting the hang of this."

As the Arrow struck the tree and penetrated the trunk, they shared a moment of relief. Their synchronization and teamwork were showing significant improvement.

Lian Xiu, always focused on their progress, continued with her guidance, "Well done. But remember, there's more to this. Now, release the Arrowhead. Enlarge it and transform it into a hook."

With her instruction, they worked together once again, this time focusing on the Arrowhead. As the metal within the head was revealed, they initiated the next step in their training. Lian Xiu gave a hand command to the veiled man who was holding Ballista, beside the veiled man there is a wheel which connected with a chain. The man started to spin the wheel, and the chain began to pull the Arrow from the tree. The recruits adjusted their hand seals, ensuring the Arrowhead didn't exit from the tree trunk.

Lian Xiu's instructions remained clear and precise. "In this process, you will also have to help. Be sure that the chains remain taut. We can't afford the Arrowhead to exit the tree trunk."

The recruits recognized the importance of their role in this phase. Every move, every ounce of pressure, had to be in sync. They understood the stakes: a slight mistake could lead to disaster. As the wheel turned, and the iron chain pulled, they concentrated their efforts on maintaining the tension on the chain while ensuring the Arrowhead remained securely embedded within the tree trunk.

After a few seconds, the visible Arrowhead was slowly and steadily pulled inside the tree. Its entire body disappeared within the wood, leaving only the hook-shaped Arrowhead exposed. The recruits, including Li Shan, managed to expertly regulate the tension, making sure the Arrowhead didn't exit the tree trunk.

Lian Xiu beamed with pride as she observed their successful completion of the task. "Good job. In real exterminations, you guys will cooperate with at least three ballistas. The monster will be ensnared from three different directions, and when the chains are tensed from all sides, the creature will lose its mobility."

The recruits, now well-versed in the intricacies of operating the Ballista and handling the associated tasks, had taken another significant step in their mystique training.

After their challenging training, the recruits, including Li Shan, were well-prepared for their upcoming fieldwork. When they arrived in the morning, Lian Xiu had a pleasant surprise for them.