
Bloodline Reckoning

In a world veiled in mysticism, where ancient bloodlines hold the key to unimaginable power, In the mystical world of Mystic Bloodlines: Unveiling the Secrets of Power, ancient sacrifice rituals play a pivotal role in the unfolding narrative. These rituals are deeply rooted in the kingdom's history, shrouded in secrets and surrounded by an air of dark mysticism. The bloodlines, with their extraordinary powers, are believed to have originated from these very rituals. Legends speak of an era when the kingdom's inhabitants practiced occultism, delving into the arcane and supernatural to achieve their goals. These rituals involved offerings of great significance, often involving the sacrifice of living creatures and even human lives As Li Shan delves deeper into the mysteries of the bloodlines, he stumbles upon ancient tomes and cryptic scrolls that hint at the long-forgotten practices of the kingdom's ancestors. These texts describe the rites and ceremonies conducted under the veil of secrecy, where the boundaries between the physical and metaphysical worlds blurred. The allure of power, the pull of the occult, and the consequences of meddling with forces beyond human comprehension form a central theme in the novel. This novel invites readers to lose themselves in a world where mystique energies are tangible, secrets are unveiled, and alliances are forged and broken. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, and the characters' choices will ultimately determine the legacy of their bloodlines. It is a world of intrigue, mystique, and discovery, where the line between protector and harbinger of destruction blurs, and where the future of a realm is uncertain and waiting to be shaped by the hand of destiny.

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26 Chs

Chapter 25: "Elements Unveiled: The Mystique Bureau's Training Regimen"

As the recruits equipped their armors and veils, they followed their squad leader, Lian Xiu, to the resting quarters. In this new and unfamiliar environment, they awaited her introduction.

Lian Xiu addressed the group with pride and authority. "I am your squad leader, and our squad's designation is number twenty-one. Each squad consists of twelve individuals. Thanks to the eleven of you who successfully passed the mystique energy sensing assessment, along with me, we are now a full squad of twelve. There's no need to add an extra member from outside. You can call me Lian Xiu or simply Captain."

She continued, "Today is your rest day, but tomorrow, we will begin team training. Normally, the higher-ups might have you start fieldwork right away, but I've decided to prioritize teamwork. After this training, you will be better prepared for the field."

Leading the recruits to the residential area, Lian Xiu showed them around. "Because all of you are men, you will stay in this residential area. Try to get some rest; tomorrow will be a challenging day." With those words, she left.

The residential area was a modest and well-kept space, where every group would stay in one room that contained twelve beds. However, in this particular group, there were only eleven members, so one bed remained unoccupied. Each bed was neatly made with crisp linens, and a small nightstand stood beside each one.

As Lian Xiu's words sank in, Li Shan and the other recruits began to prepare for their training. They understood that tomorrow's challenges would test them in new ways, and as Li Shan lay in his bed, he closed his eyes, focusing on the training that awaited him in the coming days.

he next day, as the first light of dawn was yet to grace the sky, all the recruits were rudely awakened by Lian Xiu's commanding voice. She barked, "Wake up! The clock has already passed midnight. What are you doing lying in your beds?"

Li Shan, still disoriented by the sudden awakening, peered out the window, which was shrouded in pitch darkness. The realization that it was still the middle of the night washed over him.

Another recruit couldn't help but let out a curse. "The sun isn't up yet."

Lian Xiu's response was swift and stern. "Monsters won't wait for the sunrise. Wake up, equip your armors and gear, and be outside in five minutes."

The recruits hurriedly began equipping their armors and gear, but it took them more than ten minutes to be ready. Lian Xiu observed their tardiness with a frown and expressed her dissatisfaction. "If this were a real monster attack, the monster would have reached you before you reached it."

In response to their delay, she ordered, "As a memorable punishment, all of you will perform 100 push-up exercises."

Li Shan took a deep breath and commented to himself, "One hundred push-ups? That's nothing. At least she's a reasonable person." However, it didn't take long for Li Shan and the recruits to realize that their assessment was far too optimistic. Push-up after push-up, the count continued, and after a grueling session, they finally completed the full hundred.

Lian Xiu, maintaining her stern expression, frowned and counted aloud. "One. Well, it seems you've only got ninety-nine times more. Why are you relaxing?" Li Shan couldn't help but groan softly at their luck.

After four hours, the recruits had somehow managed to complete 10,000 push-ups, but exhaustion had left them drained. None of them, except for Gao, could lift their hands. Lian Xiu, her veil concealing a satisfied smile, remarked, "Impressive, you managed to complete 10,000 push-ups. Compared to last year's recruits, you've shown some improvement. I have to commend Master Ren's training regimen."

Li Shan, gazing at the rising sun, cursed his luck, now certain that he had encountered a formidable, and somewhat crazy, leader.

nder the watchful eye of Lian Xiu, the recruits made their way down the mountain, accompanied by a team of veiled men and horse-drawn carts. As they reached an expansive field nestled within the forest, the recruits could sense the weight of the training ground and the challenges that lay ahead.

Lian Xiu's voice was unwavering as she declared, "Now, it's time for the real training." Her determination resonated with each recruit as they prepared for what lay ahead.

Upon reaching the training ground, Lian Xiu turned to face the recruits and began to explain the day's objective. "As humans, we may not possess the sheer strength or resilience of monsters, but we have a unique advantage. We can harness the power of mystique energy and utilize various devices to overcome dire situations. Today, you will learn just how powerful mystique energy can be."

Approaching one of the horse-drawn carts, she addressed the recruits, "You've likely heard of group seals, where a team of mystiques work together, using specific hand seals to unleash incredible forces. Today, I'm challenging all of you to unite and cast a formidable group seal. To achieve this, you must first master the same elemental skills."

Lian Xiu stepped forward and pressed a button on the horse-drawn cart, instantly summoning a massive ballista. The recruits' eyes widened as they gazed upon this formidable piece of machinery.

Lian Xiu began to explain, "One of the most common and undeniably helpful elements at humanity's disposal is iron. With our knowledge and ingenuity, we've learned to shape and inscribe metal with powerful runes, making it a perfect medium for suppression."

She held up an arrow, its structure intriguingly designed to conceal a portion of itself along its edge. Chains connected the arrows to the cart, ready for action. Lian Xiu ordered one of the veiled men to aim at a thick tree in front of the group, setting the stage for a remarkable demonstration.

"This, my recruits," Lian Xiu stated with a sense of pride, "is one of the most common types of ammunition used by our bureau." With a few deft hand seals, she initiated a connection with the arrow. "Now, let me show you the power of seals when combined with a deadly device."

Lian Xiu signaled the veiled man to "open fire," and in an instant, the ballista released its arrow. The projectile soared through the air with incredible speed, the attached chain trailing like a mighty dragon. As the arrow neared its target, Lian Xiu executed another series of hand seals, further amplifying the arrow's velocity.

With a resounding impact, the arrow pierced the tree's trunk. The ballista's firepower and the arrow's remarkable durability allowed it to penetrate deeply. Chains slithered into the tree trunk, and at the far end, the arrowhead gleamed menacingly.

"Release!" Lian Xiu commanded, performing one more hand seal. A new metal structure extended from the arrowhead and clamped onto the tree, securing a firm grip like a hook. Removing the arrow now required enlarging the hole, making it a formidable task.

Lian Xiu then instructed the veiled men, "Now, quickly wind the spool." Two veiled men immediately set to work, rotating the wheel that held the chain and the arrow. As they spun the wheel, the chain began to stretch, pulling at the tree with increasing force.

With a determined look, Lian Xiu called out, "Now, the second ballista fires from the opposite side!" Her command prompted the second ballista to unleash an identical arrow, also connected by an iron chain. The scene replayed as the arrow pierced the tree, the arrowhead expanded into a hook, and the tree strained under the pressure. The recruits could hear the distinct sound of pressure cracking the tree, a resounding "crack" accompanying the spectacle.

Lian Xiu wiped the sweat from her temple and continued her explanation, "What you've witnessed is one of the most common methods we use to subdue a monster. We typically employ multiple arrows from various positions, then we pull the chains to control and ultimately immobilize the monsters. Afterward, we can manipulate their movements to seal them or, if necessary, exterminate these beings."

She paused, her gaze focused on the recruits. "But what you've seen today is just the beginning. In practice, every ballista requires cooperation from at least three mystique masters. With their support, the arrows gain even more velocity and precision. When the arrows strike their target, your role is to maintain constant pressure on them, which will restrict the monster's movements. It's crucial because the most challenging part isn't the initial hit; it's keeping the pressure applied."

Lian Xiu's eyes hardened as she spoke, emphasizing the gravity of the task. "Monsters will attempt to free themselves continuously, and your mission is to maintain the pressure until their energy is drained, allowing the chains to pull them in various directions and rendering them helpless."

Lian Xiu continued, her voice filled with authority, "The same principle applies to other elements as well. For instance, Earth element masters can create a temporary pit to make the monster fall, and if your team is swift enough, you can fill the hole with earth to trap the monster. However, keep in mind this method works best against mortal-level and pseudo-mortal-level threats. Stronger-level threats can use their immense power to physically move or jump through the earth, rendering this technique less effective."

She then led the recruits to a massive fire built with tree trunks, flames raging ferociously. "Out of the five elements, fire is undoubtedly the most lethal. When harnessed by a group of mystique masters, it can even give rise to a fire tornado." Lian Xiu executed a series of hand seals, conjuring a snake made of fire from the flames. The fiery serpent moved with a sinuous grace, its length stretching up to a human's head, roughly three meters long. She aimed it at the tree that had been struck by the ballistas from two different directions.

With a flourish of power, the fire snake collided with the tree, exploding into two smaller serpents. These two fiery creatures moved in opposite directions around the tree, leaving behind a dark, charcoal-like trail.

Lian Xiu walked over to the horse cart and pressed another button. Water began to flow from inside the cart. "We've also equipped our horse carts with a water element, so you won't have to worry about sourcing it," she said. Lian Xiu performed a series of hand seals, and a waterball was sent towards the tree that was still on fire. As water and fire collided, a mist enveloped the area. The fire wasn't entirely extinguished, but it was greatly reduced. After a few seconds, the tree began to emit constant cracking sounds.

Lian Xiu continued, "You have one week to practice working together and casting these seals." As she spoke, the tree cracked further and the arrows that were lodged in its trunk were forcefully removed by the chains. Then, with a loud crash, the massive tree toppled to the ground.

Lian Xiu looked at the group of recruits and said, "Now, I want each of you to inform me which element you'd like to master. Next week, you will focus exclusively on that element to learn how to create a connection and work in unison with it."

She added, "I'm aware that many of you may have the potential to master more than one element, but keep in mind that this training season will be brief, so you can only choose one element."

After some consideration, the recruits began to choose which element they wanted to master. Li Shan thought for a moment, and after some initial brainstorming, he decided to go with the metal path. He figured it didn't really matter which one he chose, as he had the potential to master all five elements, even the superior ones. So, he went for the element that seemed the coolest.

Approaching the ballista, Li Shan couldn't resist the urge to touch it with curiosity. His fingers traced the cold, metallic surface as he marveled at the formidable weapon before him. His thoughts raced, and he couldn't help but mutter to himself, "If this is just the most basic device in the Bureau, I can't even begin to imagine what those advanced devices are capable of." The allure of the unknown, of secrets waiting to be unraveled, sent a thrill through his veins.