
Bloodline plunder

A college student got summoned to world call eratria where strong bloodline rule dragon, titan, mermaid and many powerful races the stronger the bloodline the easier to cultivate dragon can reach legend level while sleeping demon reach legend just by killing. In this world, mc got the power to plunder the bloodline and make his own watch him plunder the most powerful races and become the lord of the universe. Author note: hey guys, please read my work and tell me what you like what you didn't I will try to write and upload chapter as soon as possible thank you. To support me= https://paypal.me/sage811 The cover is not mine.

Sage_author · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Expedition begin

Two days later outside of the town, many people were gathering and a handsome youth also walking toward the crowd brown eyes 6 feet height handsome face fair skin it was sage.

After sage arrival, he looked around finally found larry he was standing with three other people 2 guys and 1 girl including him they were total of 4 people, Sage walked toward him and larry also found sage coming toward him.

He shouted " Hey sage here.

Sage heard him and also nodded to him and walked where other members standing.

Larry started introducing everyone "Hey guys he is the fifth member of our party his name is sage.

Sage introduced himself " Hello I am sage 1-star bronze cultivator I am good with my fist.

Than muscle guy standing there also introduced himself " I am Nolan bronze 3- star cultivator I use mace as the main weapon.

Fat guy with the group also introduced himself "I am Grant level 3- star bronze cultivator I use a hammer as my main weapon.

The girl who looks like 17 years old white skin, the slim figure, brown hair looked at sage coldly said " Larry why you ask someone so weak level 1- star bronze cultivator to join us.

Larry replied " He is Indeed level 1-star bronze cultivator his battle power similar to 3-star bronze warrior he can hunt azure wolf by himself.

She coldly snorted and introduced herself" Thea level 3-bronze warrior main weapon spear.

Larry looked at everyone and introduced himself " I am larry 4-star bronze cultivator main weapon sword, ok everyone introduction over we will take care of each other so let's work hard and return safely.

Sage didn't expect blondie has a 4- star bronze cultivation his strength should be similar to him and Thea who looks so young she is also talented at such a young age reach level 3-bronze it is good stronger they are safer he is if they try anything shady he has enough confidence after mastering phantom step skill If they try anything funny with me he will let them know the price.

It is difficult to trust anyone in this world where the strong prey on weak without any mercy if Sage shows the slightest hesitation or mercy they will come for his neck and also he can't randomly kill and offend people who he can not afford to offend so he needs to deal with everything cleverly.

After 10 minutes, later adventure guild leader came on his horse gave the signal to move out everyone started travelling some were walking others have horse or cart luckily Larry already booked a cart for the party members it only would take 4 days to reach where the conflict between adventurers and elf begins and that will be also the battleground.

Sage cart also started to move the journey is going to take 4 days so he needs to utilize the time perfectly and train he did meditation to keep himself in top condition, on his way he also gets know more about the party members unexpectedly Larry is a son of a Nobel and join the adventure guild to get experience and the Thea girl is coming from the capital and she came here to improve her strength so she can join the Royal Academy and other two guys are from this town they been an adventurer for a long time they have a lot of experience.

Sage started to get familiar with them especially Grant the fat guy he got some intel as well what happens to elf tribe it seems some adventures tried to steal there life tree this is really Precious resources anywhere in the world it has a lot of vitality and life tree is soul grade material very precious.

It's been 2 days since they started to travel they came across many beasts because they have almost the whole adventure guild with them it didn't slow their speed Sage was chatting with Grant or cultivating even a little bit of increase can improve his survival chances.

On the third day, he was cultivating suddenly arrows started to rain he realizes elf has ambushed them but the guild leader also started to give orders the more chaotic the situation is more chances for him he also got looked from the cart looked all around and found more than 50 elves were surrounded them in all directions.

Again they raise their bows and aimed at them everyone in the guild was also ready they took out their weapons as well.

On his right, Larry also looked at Sage and group and said "Get ready to fight we will deal with the bronze level charge without stopping.

The whole group nodded and charge toward the elf and the elves have the advantage in their bloodline but also disadvantages no race is without fault elf have a low birth rate and adult elf can reach the silver stage easily but to be adult they have to be 120 years old so not all elves we're adults, so they charge on the bronze level elf with all their might luckily they didn't get shot with the arrows but everyone was not lucky as them in the adventure guild some died on the spot some were heavily injured.

Guild leader also started to fight with the elves gold level warrior elf is not just good with bow and arrows but also with spells they really have good affinity with light and wind spells and guild leader was having a hard time he has a big hammer and was fighting with the elf.

Finally, Sage chance has come he looked at the weak-looking elf he had a level 3-star bronze cultivation and Sage jumped and attacked him with a punch he defended with his sword but Sage didn't stop he use his agility and used phantom step and came behind him without him knowing and punch his back he was thrown because of impact directly crash on the ground and blood started to overflow from his mouth.

Sage didn't have the time another elf came from right he used the wind blade to hit him Sage dodged and fall on the ground Larry came from behind him and hit the elf with his sword Sage got a little time to breath the elf he hit he was on the ground unconscious Sage acted as he was injured he looked around found no one was looking at him he took the elf used the phantom steps with all his speed ran in the woods.

After running for a while he found a cave directly throw the elf inside and cover the cave with some bush and hide his footprints after making sure he took all the precautions he could take, he entered the cave it was the time for him to obtain the elf bloodline one step closer to his goal.

Sage looked at the elf he has a big smile this silver hair pretty face elf need to sacrifice himself for a great cause hehe.