
Bloodline Offline: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

A modern man from Earth died of a mysterious disease and got reincarnated in a world that was still in the age of knights While leading a peaceful new life, he suddenly got transported to the bloodline tower to help him prepare for the upcoming Apocalypse which will arrive in his world but luckily he possesses a very strong bloodline and the only human who can have a bloodline Watch our protagonist rise to power and build the strongest empire

Bloodsniper · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Ch-8 : Gaining Knowledge and Return

As Adam stepped into the library hall, he was engulfed by a gentle ambiance, the dim lighting casting intriguing shadows across the room. The air carried the intoxicating fragrance of aged papers and inks, evoking a sense of intellectual curiosity. The vast expanse of the hall was adorned with towering bookshelves, each brimming with a diverse collection of knowledge treasures spanning a multitude of subjects

As Adam ventured deeper into the hall, his gaze settled upon the section designated for basic knowledge, beckoning him with its accessible allure. Though a wave of temptation nudged him to explore the other sections, he exercised restraint, mindful of the unspoken rules that governed his access. Displeasing the old man would not only thwart his chances of exploring beyond the basics but could also jeopardize his privileges within even the entry-level section

Adam's wandering eyes stopped as his footsteps halted in front of a book shelve and his roaming gaze stopped on a particular book which was labeled as ' Effects of Evolution on an Unevolved World'

"Hmm, could this be the one?" Adam mused softly to himself, his voice barely audible amidst the hushed atmosphere of the library. With deliberate precision, he delicately retrieved the book from its designated place on the shelf, his movements reflecting a reverence for the knowledge contained within.

Adam examined the book in his hands which was rather thin than all the thick books on the shelves, with a gentle touch, Adam opened the cover, revealing the pristine pages that lay before him, his eyes were locked on the first page of the book as he started reading it, his gaze turned serious with every passing moment and started flipping through all the pages

" Huff" Adam's lips parted, releasing a deep exhalation as a solemn expression adorned his face, the information he just gained really changed his outlook on the world

The book contained information about what happens to a world when mana invades and the book used various worlds as a reference for explanation

During the first phase of evolution, if humans mostly populate the world, all of humanity will awaken the two sources of power they can use which are energy and ki, as it was stated in the book the humans who awaken Ki becomes rulers of mighty kingdoms and empires, they can use powerful swordsmanship skills and in within the tower such humans are given the class of Knights as they cannot get a system outside the tower. The people who awaken energy are just stronger humans who have their lifespan and strength increased and can make use of powerful weapons created by blacksmiths and do not possess any special abilities like knights

During the initial phase of evolution, the infusion of mana enchanted various ores and herbs, empowering humans to forge formidable weapons and brew potent potions. Adam came across an illustrative account of a world undergoing this phase, which shed light on the insatiable greed that often consumed humanity. The newfound abundance of resources and sudden surge in power fueled the ambitions of power-hungry kings and emperors, leading to wars waged in the pursuit of capturing enemy kingdoms and territories. Within these kingdoms, nobles turned against their rulers, staging rebellions, usurping thrones, and resorting to heinous acts such as murder and assault. Adam's countenance grew somber as he recognized the potential dangers that awaited him as the crown prince

Adam's worry subsided as he considered the example of an elven world, as there were no humans who had ever existed throughout history who could use blood essence as seen from the texts in the book. In this realm, the elves harnessed the power of blood essence, emerging as the dominant force within their society, Adam was confident he could also become the most powerful in his own world as he also possess a special bloodline

The next piece of information worried him as there were some cases in which Blood Essence users were summoned by the tower and when they returned to their respective word and they would return at different times or locations, some went back to their world when they were babies and some returned at the most terrifying time in the future which was during the time of second phase, or at a different reality where first phase had existed for years but his worry lasted for a few seconds only as he was sure he would be able to stand out and become a powerhouse even if his world was in the first phase after he returned back to his world

The second phase of evolution was the most dangerous of all and people who did not take advantage of the first phase of evolution might find themselves on the verge of death

During the second phase, beasts would evolve and would be able to make use of their racial powers and some monsters using special abilities would start appearing, some beats would even gain sentience and would attack kingdoms to hunt humans, unlike the first phase where beasts would just become stronger and faster and smarter

"This..." Adam's voice trailed off, a deep breath escaping his lips as he digested the weight of the knowledge he had just acquired. His eyes wandered toward the other books lining the shelves which contained basic information about weapons, classes, and other basic information

Adam placed the book he currently had in his hands and started skimming through the pages of various other books

First and foremost, he discovered a profound knowledge of the four fundamental elements that beings from races other than humans possess the ability to control: fire, water, earth, and air. In addition, certain extraordinary beings with unique bloodlines can harness even more extraordinary powers, such as manipulating lightning or conjuring mysterious black flames. On the contrary, humans have a distinct approach to magic, as they can only access its wonders by establishing contracts with elemental spirits

Secondly, he tried to search for information about bloodlines and physique, he learned that only people who had special bloodlines could possess special physiques, the physiques related to the bloodline could give them specific advantages, for example, elves possessing a bloodline could have self-healing or increased magic power capacity

Immersing himself in the knowledge contained within the book's pages, he encountered a comprehensive classification system that delineated the different levels of bloodlines. The ranks he discovered were as follows: Awakened, Chaos, Disaster, Calamity, Transcendent, and the most esteemed known rank, the Monarch Rank Bloodline. Adam found himself perplexed as his own bloodline, labeled as Divine, did not neatly fit into any of these established categories. However, an intuitive hunch nudged him to consider the possibility that his Divine bloodline might be on par with or even surpass the esteemed Monarch Rank, given its inherently majestic name.

Astonishment flooded Adam's being as he delved further into the intricacies of bloodline acquisition within the book's sacred pages. He discovered a revelation that left his eyes widening in sheer amazement. It unveiled the method by which beings blessed with bloodlines could harness the vital essence required to expand their mana capacity—a process achieved through leveling up. With every ten levels attained, a single precious drop of blood essence permeated their very being.

As the weight of this revelation settled upon him, Adam couldn't help but recognize the sheer brokenness of his own physique. The true extent of his innate prowess manifested in a remarkable ability to absorb cores, enabling him to acquire blood essence directly. The profound implications of this realization washed over him, leaving him both awestruck and staggered by the immense potential locked within his Origin Physique.

But the surprises did not end there. His awe deepened as he stumbled upon another astonishing truth within the book's passages. Typically, when beings leveled up, their stat points experienced a modest increase of 2 or 3 and the highest ever recorded was an increase of 10 points. However, his own stat points defied all known boundaries, surging skyward with an extraordinary increment of 50 points for each stat.

He also learned about the classes or powers Ki and Energy would grant its possessor, beings who possess KI would be able to use special moves with the aid of their weapons which can be considered rare among the humans, and on the other hand everyone would possess Energy which is the basic and most common source of power, Energy allows the possessor to become stronger, faster and smarter and also increase their lifespan but cannot use special moves like KI or Mana users, they can only use powerful weapons which makes use of their energy created by capable blacksmiths

He also made a significant revelation that within the tower, individuals undergo Tier upgrades every 50 levels, while certain exceptional classes are required to complete Tier Promotion quests. When these extraordinary individuals reach level 50, they ascend to Tier 1. Furthermore, the weaponry within the tower is categorized into Tiers, with each Tier encompassing various grades such as Low, Mid, High, Top, and Peak grade weapons.


" Huh?" Adam closed the book as he digested all the information that he received when all of a sudden he got a string of text in front of him

[ Congratulations ????? has completely assimilated with your Origin Bloodline ]

[ The assimilation process is complete ]

[ Current Assimilation Progress: 100%( Locked)]

[ The name and the ability of the fragment will be unlocked when mana has completely invaded your world ]

[ User can return to his own world, Do you wish to return? Yes/ No ]

With unwavering determination, Adam exclaimed, "Hell yeah, yes!" Without a moment's hesitation, he decisively selected the option to return to his own world, vanishing from the library in an instant

Outside the library, the old man was leisurely reading the book in his hand, sensing the aura emitted from outside his eyes squinted and a look of shock appeared on his face

" What!!! Impossible!!! How can he have a fragment with him when e is only a newbie Otherworlder? Judging by the aura emitted from him it should be among the highest of all how did he perform a bloodline merger??" the old shouted in disbelief when he sensed the fragment completely merged with Adam's bloodline

" Shit, I can't even wait for his return as my time on the lower floors is over, damn, I quickly need to inform the leader and tell him to recruit him into our faction before the other forces try to recruit him," the old man exclaimed as he disappeared with the library as specks of light

Regular, updates will begin from next month for both of my novels

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