
Bloodline: my bro ace got caught in war my family go to war with navy

Starting 1 to 20 chapter is rough to read for now. Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). "Legacy of Flames and Illusions: Chu Xia's Children Emerge with Unleashed Incantations" Across the vast expanse of the One Piece world, Chu Xia's true identity as Ace's older brother and the son of One Piece Roger remains shrouded in secrecy. However, silently harnessing the power of the Many Children and Many Blessings System, Chu Xia has married and borne children, each possessing extraordinary abilities. As the pinnacle of power approaches, Marine Admiral Sengoku's resounding words threaten to extinguish the last remnants of Roger's bloodline. Yet, in this critical moment, a mysterious figure steps forth to claim the mantle of rescuing their uncle, Ace. In a clash of unmatched prowess, the battlefield echoes with incantations that defy imagination. Chu Xia's children wield powers beyond comprehension, speaking the enchanting words "Ryūjin Jakka" and "Kyōka Suigetsu," unraveling the fabric of reality with each utterance. Their presence amplifies the intensity as the Sage Art's "Wood Style, True Several Thousand Hands" reverberates through the air, shaking the very foundations of the world. And then, amidst the chaos, Chu Xia herself emerges, casting a piercing gaze upon her undeserving younger brother, who kneels on the execution platform. With a chilling laughter, she challenges the authorities, proclaiming her intent to publicly execute the detested Celestial Dragons—the descendants of the eighteen kings. The repercussions of her audacious declaration ripple across the globe, sending shockwaves through the hearts of all who hear it. As Chu Xia's children unleash their incantations and demonstrate their formidable powers, the world trembles, for the legacy of flames and illusions burns bright in their hands. In this captivating tale set within the world of One Piece, witness the emergence of Chu Xia's remarkable children and the extraordinary incantations they wield. As the battle for freedom, justice, and family reaches its crescendo, the boundaries of possibility are shattered, and the forces that shape the world are forever altered. there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me patreon.com/AZofficial https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial

Ahmed_Riaz · Anime & Comics
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289 Chs

199. Ace's Knowledge Of God's Island, Brothers Meet, Nine!

Zhan Taomaru's words really attracted Xerath's attention.

He turned his head and looked over, his face full of surprise.

"What did you say?

"Can you say that again."

Xerath looked at the other party, his expression as calm as ever.

Zhan Taowan looked at Xerath and sighed deeply.

"Doctor, don't be too sad.

After saying this, he felt that his comfort was too weak.

After all, Xerath had all his brothers and sisters dead, plus his own father.

Even the home was destroyed and turned into ashes.


But Zhan Taowan obviously misunderstood.

Xerath watched him silently, without blinking.

Zhan Taowan finally said helplessly.

"Dr. Xerath, the Island of the Gods was destroyed by the Ancient Weapon Uranus of the World Government. The Portgas family and the Four Emperors are gone."

He sighed, softly.

Xerath watched him silently.

After hearing that the world government launched Ancient Weapon Uranus and destroyed the island of gods.

As if thinking of something in his mind, he turned around calmly and looked at Vegapunk.

"Old man, let me reiterate to you again, among the seraphs, for example, you need to inject souls!

"Otherwise, they are just fighting machines without emotion. Do you want 790 to keep them being used by others without having their own lives?"

Hearing Xerath's words, Vegapunk suddenly blushed.

"You stinky brat, how many times has the old man said that!

"Creating life is against the laws of heaven and earth, against ethics and morality!

"We cannot create life, we can only make them machines, no matter how intelligent they are, they cannot have a soul!"

After Vegapunk said this, he was going to continue to say something, and solemnly reiterated the seriousness of this matter.

However, before he could speak, he swallowed back the words that followed.


Vegapunk looked at Xerath, his eyes slowly widening.

At this moment, his eyes were full of complexity, and there was also a hint of distress.

Xerath heard about the destruction of the Island of the Gods, but he could turn his head and talk to him about scientific research.

What does this mean?

It means that Xerath at this time has a big problem!

Vegapunk lost the heart to argue with Xerath for a moment.

He looked at Xerath complicatedly.

Even if he is just a mad scientist, he still has emotions.

Zhan Taowan also looked at Xerath, his eyes were full of fuchen.

How would a person feel when he heard that his home was destroyed and his father, brothers and sisters all died tragically?

Zhan Taowan didn't dare to think about it.

This is the same as when he went out for a trip, and Dr. Vegapunk and Zhan Weibo were all killed when he came back.

He will die of heartache.

Xerath looked at the two of them silently, with an incomprehensible emotion in his eyes.

If I have to describe it.

It's like, looking at a fool?

Xerath didn't bother to explain.

Just when Vegapunk and Zhanmomaru were still complicated.


The messenger phone on Zhan Taowan's arm rang out.

"Sir! Come back quickly, someone is attacking Egghard!


Zhan Taowan's brows twitched fiercely.

He raised his arm and asked because of the sound.

"What's the situation, please report to me in detail."

The subordinate's detailed report rang from the other end of the phone.

"Sir, three pitch-black warships have arrived, and a leader has disembarked from them.

"Two of them, it seems to be... It seems to be..."

The subordinate stuttered, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying.

Across the phone bug, Zhan Taowan asked in a deep voice with a solemn expression.

"Who exactly?"

The subordinate hesitated for a while, and then said.

"Sir, it's the God of the King's Hand and the cold-faced Shura!


Zhan Taowan's brow twitched again.

Egghead doesn't exist on the map, but it doesn't mean it's isolated from the rest of the world.

They will still receive sea intelligence from the world government from time to time.

Everyone is familiar with the God of Senju and the cold-faced Shura.

That is a powerful existence that can join hands with Garp to draw a tie.

Not long ago, during the battle for the top stand.

They even declared themselves to be the second of the three Admirals.

Moreover, two meteorites were summoned in New World, openly provoking the government of the world. (agci) These pieces of information appeared one by one in Zhan Taowan's mind.

His complexion suddenly changed.

Not waiting for Zhan Taowan to react.

He heard the voice of the subordinate on the other end of the phone bug that suddenly became extremely trembling.

"Sir...sir, I..."

Before the subordinate finished speaking, an unfamiliar voice came from the phone bug.

"On the opposite side, is this the chief of the defense science unit?

"I am Kyoraku Shunsui, can you please give up your resistance and be captured by our army?"

Jingle's voice sounded, her tone was slow and her eyes were coughing.

Zhan Taowan was in a trance when he heard the voice.

He thought he heard the combination of Mr. Kizaru and Aokiji.

Zhan Taowan froze in place, completely lost the ability to think.

After a while, he regained his composure, raised his hand and hung up the phone bug.

After finishing this, he turned his head and looked anxiously at Vegapunk and Xerath.

Zhan Taowan's complexion is extremely anxious, and his mouth is anxious

"Two Doctors, Admiral is here to attack Egghead!

"It's disgusting, how did these guys find Egghard?

"Two doctors, I will take you to evacuate the hall as soon as possible!"

As Zhan Taowan said, he kept thinking about the escape route later in his mind.

The Ge Ming army landed from the north.

Then they'd better go from the south.

But there is a cliff there, and the only way to escape is to jump into the sea.

With Vegapunk and Xerath on his back, it should work.

Just Vegapunk's central brain in Egghead?

The more Zhan Taowan thought about it, the more impatient he became.

However, when he thought for a long time, he raised his head.

But found out.

Xerath, and Vegapunk, both watched him silently.

Although Vegapunk's face was not calm, it wasn't ugly either.

He was also arrested by the World Government.

Now if he is captured by the Pavilion Commander, it will be fine.

You can do research anywhere.

As long as the Ge Mingjun gives him resources, how about serving the Ge Mingjun?

It's just that the conditions may not be as good as they are now.

But he has no choice.

Vegapunk and Zhan Taowan don't know.

They ignore a very important issue.


Xerath looked at the two with a very calm expression.

He looked at Vegapunk first.

"My three older brothers are here, do you want to go with me to the Island of the Gods to do research?

"Over there, there is my exclusive research room, which is a thousand times better than here!"

Upon hearing this.

Vegapunk froze for a moment, then thought of Xerath's surname.

Then I heard Xerath say that his exclusive research room is ten times better than here.

Vegapunk burst into joy.

Xerath looked at Zhan Taomaru again.

With one hand, he silently put the long knife on his waist straight.

The long knife came out of its sheath, and lightly wiped Zhan Taowan's body.

Zhan Taowan suddenly felt that his limbs could not be controlled and became numb.

At this time, I heard Xerath whispering.

"Zhan Taowan, what is your choice?

"Continue to follow me and the little old man, or be loyal to the government of the world?

"Just to remind you, although I am a researcher, it doesn't mean I'm not good at fighting, it's just that I rarely use that kind of crude method.


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This fanfiction is 30-chapter ahead in my Patreon