
Bloodline: my bro ace got caught in war my family go to war with navy

Starting 1 to 20 chapter is rough to read for now. Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). "Legacy of Flames and Illusions: Chu Xia's Children Emerge with Unleashed Incantations" Across the vast expanse of the One Piece world, Chu Xia's true identity as Ace's older brother and the son of One Piece Roger remains shrouded in secrecy. However, silently harnessing the power of the Many Children and Many Blessings System, Chu Xia has married and borne children, each possessing extraordinary abilities. As the pinnacle of power approaches, Marine Admiral Sengoku's resounding words threaten to extinguish the last remnants of Roger's bloodline. Yet, in this critical moment, a mysterious figure steps forth to claim the mantle of rescuing their uncle, Ace. In a clash of unmatched prowess, the battlefield echoes with incantations that defy imagination. Chu Xia's children wield powers beyond comprehension, speaking the enchanting words "Ryūjin Jakka" and "Kyōka Suigetsu," unraveling the fabric of reality with each utterance. Their presence amplifies the intensity as the Sage Art's "Wood Style, True Several Thousand Hands" reverberates through the air, shaking the very foundations of the world. And then, amidst the chaos, Chu Xia herself emerges, casting a piercing gaze upon her undeserving younger brother, who kneels on the execution platform. With a chilling laughter, she challenges the authorities, proclaiming her intent to publicly execute the detested Celestial Dragons—the descendants of the eighteen kings. The repercussions of her audacious declaration ripple across the globe, sending shockwaves through the hearts of all who hear it. As Chu Xia's children unleash their incantations and demonstrate their formidable powers, the world trembles, for the legacy of flames and illusions burns bright in their hands. In this captivating tale set within the world of One Piece, witness the emergence of Chu Xia's remarkable children and the extraordinary incantations they wield. As the battle for freedom, justice, and family reaches its crescendo, the boundaries of possibility are shattered, and the forces that shape the world are forever altered. there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me patreon.com/AZofficial https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial

Ahmed_Riaz · Anime & Comics
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289 Chs

197. Ace's Knowledge Of God's Island, Brothers Meet, Seven!

Bell suppressed the matter deeply in his heart.

At this time.

The blond-haired Five Elders turned to look at the other four people, and pondered.

"Shall we announce that the Isle of Gods was destroyed by Uranus?"

The other four also pondered when they heard this.

The battle for the top is not long over.

And that battle was not a very good result for Marine and the World Government.

Although Marine's prestige in the entire sea is still there.

But that was limited to some ordinary civilians.

As for the prestige among the pirates.

Losing a top-ranking competition can only be said to be a disgrace and a loss of prestige.

This is what Marine has the most to lose in the fight for the top.


Even if Marine chose New World for the new Naval Headquarters.

But it can't suppress the rioting New World at all.

The morale of the pirates is at an all-time high, while Marine's face is in disgrace.

The entire Grand Line is now almost out of control.

Four Seas is currently fairly stable.

But this is only the appearance.

As time goes by, once the pirates, or the Portgas family do something.

Then Marine's prestige will be completely lost.

Along with the loss of Marine's prestige, there is also the face of the world's government.

Now this time 06.

If the World Government announces the news that the Four Emperors pirate group and the Portgas family were all destroyed by the power of Uranus.

Then it is conceivable how much benefit it will bring to the world government?

The pirates in the entire sea will be unable to raise their heads in an instant.

The civilians on the entire sea will completely return to the level of belief in the world government as before.

Even, it can directly end the era of great pirates!

The Five Elders looked at each other silently.

Although they can't figure out Master Im's attitude.

However, the release of this news brought too many benefits.

The flushed mustache Five Elders said excitedly.

"I think this news should be announced to the sea to completely revitalize the prestige of the government.

The bald Five Elders nodded.

"Before there was the Marine World conscription, and then we completely destroyed the Portgas family and the Four Emperors.

"As long as this news is released, all the face lost by my world government in the Summit War will be restored."

Mustache Five Elders added.

"Even, we can end the troublesome era of great pirates and completely erase the influence of that bastard Roger!"

so many years.

Not many people can be wiped out by the Five Elders.

The previous one was still Rocks.

The opponent is the overlord of the sea, and he has thoughts about Celestial Dragons.

No matter how great his threat was, after his death, the world government went directly to the existence in the north.

And behind the One Piece Roger.

Why didn't the Five Elders want to erase Roger's existence?

But Roger and Rocks are fundamentally different.

Although Rocks is strong, it was only limited to New World at that time.

Those who know his name are basically powerful pirates from New World.

Has minimal influence on the Grand Line and Cosmopolitan.

Therefore, the Five Elders can completely erase the existence of Rocks and let him disappear in history.

But Roger?

Whenever Five Elders thought of this, they felt a little out of breath.

Their public execution of One Piece Roger was a mistake.

In the end, instead, they made a wedding dress for Roger, making the other party dying, and opened the era of great pirates.

It is hard to say that the World Government is not helping Roger.

Thoughts turned, and the Five Elders' gaze returned to their eyes.

Five Elders with Goatee, Five Elders with Shaggy Beard and Five Elders with Blonde Hair.

They still have some doubts about whether the island of gods was destroyed, whether the people of Portcas and the Four Emperors were completely killed.

But think of the benefits of making this announcement now.

The three of them are still unavoidably moved.

This is a good time to end the era of great pirates.

In the end, the five people unanimously decided to immediately release the news that the island of gods had been destroyed.

The bald Five Elders picked up the phone bug and called Naval Headquarters.

New Marineford, inside the gardener's office.

Akainu is on business.

Aokiji, Kizaru, tea dolphin, green cow, buffalo, etc. Admiral sat on the sofas on both sides boredly.

They are all waiting for news from the World Government.

I want to know whether the launch of Uranus really wiped out the Four Emperors and the Portgas family.

"Porp porp porp!"

"Porp porp porp!"

Aokiji and the others raised their eyebrows, and they all looked at the phone bug on Akainu's desk.

The news finally came.

Several people looked at Akainu expectantly.

Akainu couldn't see any joy or anger on his face, he raised his hand to pick up the phone bug.

From the other end, came the powerful voice of the bald Five Elders.

"Sakazuki, the island of the gods has been destroyed by the power of Uranus.


Just this news.

It made Akainu's face stagnate.

on both sides of the sofa.

The green bull and buffalo looked happy.

Aokiji lowered his head slightly, his eyes full of complexity.

Kizaru and the tea dolphin exchanged glances.

Chafu felt a little heartbroken, Kizaru raised the corner of his mouth.

Akainu behind the desk slowed down and said in a deep voice.

"I see."

Listening to Akainu's harsh voice.

The bald Five Elders was a little displeased, and his tone couldn't help being three points cold.

"Sakazuki, I order that Marine personally draft an announcement stating that the island of the gods will be destroyed, the Portgas family and the Four Emperors will all be killed, and the sea will usher in unprecedented peace..."

The bald Five Elders said a lot.


There's a short discussion here at Five Elders.

Everyone felt that the island of the gods was indeed destroyed.

But the Portgas family and the Four Emperors are dead or not.

They still have 540 doubts.

After all, the patriarch of the Portgas family is a terrifying existence who can play against Lord Im.

Since he invited the Four Emperors to the Island of the Gods, didn't he think that the World Government would take the opportunity to launch Uranus?

Although the facts are right there.

The island of gods was indeed destroyed, and all vitality dissipated.

But Five Elders was a little suspicious.


In order to prevent slaps.

In order to prevent the world's government from releasing the announcement, the country's face.

The Five Elders unanimously decided to let Marine make the announcement.

Even if something goes wrong in the end.

That's a disgrace to Marine, what does it have to do with the world?

Five Elders was delighted by the wit of himself and others, and was in a great mood.

But at this time, Akainu in Naval Headquarters was in a very bad mood.

He listened to Five Elders' words, but did not respond for a long time.

Akainu is not stupid, of course he can figure out the intention of Five Elders' move.

Letting Marine release this announcement seems to be a benefit to Marine, so that Marine can save the face lost in the top station competition.

But in fact.

If the news is okay, that's all.

Marine does reap the benefits.

But if there is a problem.

Then Marine's little face and prestige will be completely dissipated.

As the Marine Marshal, Akainu had to think about Marine.

In the end, he decided to fight Lun Five Elders.

Akainu did not say a word, silently did not answer.


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This fanfiction is 30-chapter ahead in my Patreon