
Bloodline: my bro ace got caught in war my family go to war with navy

Starting 1 to 20 chapter is rough to read for now. Warning: This is a translations of a Chinese Fanfic and may contain some Chinese elements(I try to remove/replace whatever I can, but forced to leave some in to maintain the chapter’s integrity). "Legacy of Flames and Illusions: Chu Xia's Children Emerge with Unleashed Incantations" Across the vast expanse of the One Piece world, Chu Xia's true identity as Ace's older brother and the son of One Piece Roger remains shrouded in secrecy. However, silently harnessing the power of the Many Children and Many Blessings System, Chu Xia has married and borne children, each possessing extraordinary abilities. As the pinnacle of power approaches, Marine Admiral Sengoku's resounding words threaten to extinguish the last remnants of Roger's bloodline. Yet, in this critical moment, a mysterious figure steps forth to claim the mantle of rescuing their uncle, Ace. In a clash of unmatched prowess, the battlefield echoes with incantations that defy imagination. Chu Xia's children wield powers beyond comprehension, speaking the enchanting words "Ryūjin Jakka" and "Kyōka Suigetsu," unraveling the fabric of reality with each utterance. Their presence amplifies the intensity as the Sage Art's "Wood Style, True Several Thousand Hands" reverberates through the air, shaking the very foundations of the world. And then, amidst the chaos, Chu Xia herself emerges, casting a piercing gaze upon her undeserving younger brother, who kneels on the execution platform. With a chilling laughter, she challenges the authorities, proclaiming her intent to publicly execute the detested Celestial Dragons—the descendants of the eighteen kings. The repercussions of her audacious declaration ripple across the globe, sending shockwaves through the hearts of all who hear it. As Chu Xia's children unleash their incantations and demonstrate their formidable powers, the world trembles, for the legacy of flames and illusions burns bright in their hands. In this captivating tale set within the world of One Piece, witness the emergence of Chu Xia's remarkable children and the extraordinary incantations they wield. As the battle for freedom, justice, and family reaches its crescendo, the boundaries of possibility are shattered, and the forces that shape the world are forever altered. there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me patreon.com/AZofficial https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial

Ahmed_Riaz · Anime & Comics
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289 Chs

105. Shocked Whitebeard: What? Guy Celine Is Natalia's Sister?

Now that the words have been said.

Then there is no need to deliberately conceal it.

Instead, say it openly, so as not to arouse too much suspicion from the Red Hair Pirates.

And that's about as much as Whitebeard can say.

As for more.

Natalia's last name.

And the relationship between her and Ace.

Whitebeard couldn't say that.

But even so.

I learned that the big sister of the Whitebeard Pirates is Natalia.

This also surprised everyone in Red Hair Pirates.

Lagilu looked at Joz, and the chicken leg in his hand seemed to be smelly.

"Joz, is this true?"

"That Natalia, is the head of your Whitebeard Pirates' big sister?"

"Could he be one of your Whitebeard pirates?"

this moment.

Lagilu and the Red Hair Pirates thought of one thing.

That was when Natalia deliberately rushed to Banaro Island in the first half of the Grand Line to attack Blackbeard.

Once upon a time.

They lack key information, so they don't know why Natalia went to Blackbeard.

There is absolutely no reason for this.

can now.

Once the news broke that Natalia was the head of Whitebeard's big sister.

Lagilu and the others immediately figured out something.

Joz realized he had said the wrong thing.

No longer dare to say more.

It was Vista who took over, Kaidō.

"The big sister is not a member of our Whitebeard Pirates."

"But it also has a lot to do with our Whitebeard Pirates."

Bista thought about it like this Kaidō.

Neither will make the Red Hair Pirates think in a wrong way.

It will not fail to respond, but attract suspicion.

"Not a shallow relationship, oh oh oh."

Lagilu suddenly realized.

"No wonder."

"No wonder the God of Heat made a special trip to Banaro Island in the first half. It turned out that it was because of the hatred of Ace."


"It seems that Blackbeard's defeat was not wronged, and it is true that he died well."

Lagilu said this.

Bista and the others suddenly became tense.

At the back, they relaxed again.

Joz patted Lagilu on the shoulder and laughed.

"Yeah, because elder sister just can't see the various ways of beard.

"That's why he shot and directly crushed Blackbeard with that terrifying flame ability."

"Hahaha, just think about it and relieve your anger!"

Talking and talking.

Joz raised an eyebrow.

"By the way, the head of the big sister of our Whitebeard Pirates is Natalia."

"Your big sister head of the Red Hair Pirates, is that Guy Celine?"

Bring up Guy Celine.

Lagilu was immediately excited.

He looks like a kid who shows off how powerful his parents are.

"The head of the big sister calls himself First Generation Kenpachi, do you know the origin of this title?"

Lagilu said braggingly.

Everyone around the Red Hair Pirates laughed.

The Whitebeard Pirates looked curious.

The two Four Emperors, Whitebeard and Shanks laughed and watched the fight of the crew.

And Joz was obviously interested by Lagilu's words.

"First Generation Kenpachi, why is this title?"

Bista is also very interested.

He was originally a strong swordsman, nicknamed Foil Sword.

Because after he became a great swordsman, the sword intent he comprehended was flowers.

That's why it's called foil.

Guy Celine, the First Generation Kenpachi, is something he has never been able to figure out.

Looking at the Whitebeard Pirates, everyone has been interested by himself.

Lagilu was full of farts, and was just about to explain to them.

But suddenly.

The red-haired Shanks slapped the table and laughed.

"The reason why Guy Celine calls herself First Generation Kenpachi is because she has a self-created eight-thousand-flow swordsmanship."

"That sword technique is very powerful, hahahaha!"

Saying that, Shanks couldn't help laughing.

Sure enough, he turned his head.

Then I saw Lagilu's resentful little eyes.

"Captain idiot, can you stop grabbing my words!"


Everyone watched this scene and laughed again.

Joz couldn't believe it.

"Speaking of Lagilu, is that Guy Celine really that strong?"

"Fighted your captain Red Shanks at swordsmanship?"

Joz said.

Vista also looked at the red hair, his eyes full of prudence.

The red hair is also a great swordsman.

He can often compete with Hawkeye in swordsmanship, and the redhead's swordsmanship is also top in the sea.

Stronger than him.

But in this way, he lost to Guy Celine?

That eight thousand stream swordsmanship is really so amazing?

Hearing Joz's question, Lagilu immediately became unwilling.

"Joz, what are you talking about?"

"You actually doubt the strength of our big sister head?"

"She rushed to Mariejois alone, just to challenge Hawkeye.

"Even if the big sister lost his head, he managed to cut off Kong's arm.

"Who is Kong?"

"Our captain may not be able to win."

"The big sister head can do this, just think about how strong she is.

Lagilu blushed from the contention.

For Guy Celine's strength, she even became a little dissatisfied with Jozi.

Joz laughed when he saw this.

"Don't be mad, Lagilu."

"I'm just in disbelief.

Lagilu waved his hand.

"Forget it, big sister head, she probably doesn't care about these things."

"Of course, if you say that her sword skills are inferior to anyone else, then she will definitely be impatient with you.

As Lagilu said, his eyes were filled with regret.

Joz patted him on the shoulder again.

"If there is a chance in the future, I will introduce our big sister head Natalia to you."

"After all, I have a very good relationship with our big sister head."

Joz said.

Vista, Izan, Marco, and even Whitebeard all looked at him.

Everyone almost couldn't hold back their laughter.

The relationship in Joz's mouth is very good.

Does it refer to the incident when I met Natalia for the first time and was instantly killed by Natalia's Black Coffin?


Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates burst into laughter.

But I had to hold back a smile.

After all, he couldn't lose face to his brother in front of the Red Hair Pirates.

But watching Qiaozi and Lakilu have a big meal.

They really couldn't hold back.


Bramanke was the first to laugh.

Then came Bista, Yizang and others.

Everyone laughed loudly, looking at Joz, laughing like crazy.

Watching this scene.

Everyone in Red Hair Pirates was confused again.

Yasopp looked curious.

"Everyone, what, is what Joz said wrong?"

This time, Marco, who was more stable, responded to the opponent.

"Half of what Joz said was right."

"What should I say about the strength of the big sister head?"

"We haven't seen her full shot so far, but there are only a few hands-on records."

"Given a glimpse of the leopard, the strength of the big sister head is absolutely unfathomable, at least surpassing all of us.

At least far ahead of all of you?

This word.

Everyone in Red Hair Pirates always felt something was wrong.

But can't find where is the problem.

Yasopp asked curiously again.

"The other half is wrong, what is it?"

Listen to this question.

Marco couldn't help laughing.

"Just tell you one thing."

"Joz said he has a good relationship with the big sister boss."

"Uh, it's really good."

"When the big sister head and our Whitebeard pirates met, we felt like a big enemy.

"I was the first to be suppressed by the head of the big sister."

"Of course, I was suppressed by her flame ability.

"As for Joz, he was the second to be instantly killed by the head of the big sister.

"But Jozy, undefeated on the flames of the big sister's head."

Marco said this.

In an instant, Inz's face turned green.

He just had a big blow with Lagilu and the others.

How good the relationship between me and Natalia is.

...asking for flowers...

but now.

This was dismantled in a blink of an eye.

This made Joz, a big man, want to find a crack in the ground to get in.


At first, it was just the Whitebeard Pirates laughing.

But gradually.

The Red Hair Pirates also joined in.

Look at the way they laugh.

Both captains, Whitebeard and the red-haired Shanks, laughed too.

At the moment before the waves of the sea are about to surge, it is also very good to see them laughing in such a relaxed way.

Joz and the others were still chatting with Lagilu and the others about their big sister.

Everyone says that their big sister's head is very strong, and that their big sister's head is stronger than the opponent's big sister's head.

The two sides fought red-faced.

Just one game away.

Let's tell each other that our big sister is stronger.

But fight to the end.

The momentum of the Red Hair Pirates suddenly let out.


They thought of Guy Celine's death.

What's the point of arguing with the Whitebeard Pirates any more?

Their big sister, Guy Celine, has already died in this sea.

But Natalia, the head of the big sister, is still alive and well.

What's the point in arguing again?

Everyone in the Red Hair Pirates fell into sadness for a moment.

Even the captain with red hair fell into this mood.

So did Deputy Captain Benn Beckman.

Thinking of Guy Celine, they were going to be very excited at first.

But think about it.

In the end, they will just be silent.

This is the process that the Red Hair Pirates go through every day when they come to The fish men island.

Watching the Red Hair Pirates go silent.

Everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates also stopped showing off Natalia.

Look at the Red Hair Pirates crowd.

They sighed deeply.

Whitebeard also looked at the redhead Shanks.

"Red-haired brat, don't be too sad."

"Guy Celine, at such a young age, she possessed that level of swordsmanship, and at the last moment of her life, she fought against a top expert in the sea."

"Her life is worthy of admiration.

Shanks nodded.


"Guy Celine's life, although we don't know much."

"But it's been an absolutely wonderful life."

"By the way, Whitebeard, that Natalia, is she really going to participate in the top stand?"

Reminds me of the fact that Natalia is Guy Celine's older sister.

The redhead just misses the other side.

For nothing else.

Just wanted to chat with Natalia Guy Celine, know something.

Whitebeard frowned slightly at Shanks' words.

"I'm not sure either."

"But, it should come.

Whitebeard didn't say anything dead.

Because in that case, it will be easy to think of the relationship between Natalia and Ace.

Whitebeard wouldn't talk about it without Natalia's permission.

Shanks nodded.

"That's good."

"Stand on the top, we will go there too."

"Of course, it's not to help you, that would make this sea chaotic."

"I just want to meet Natalia."

"After all, she is Guy Celine's older sister.

Whitebeard heard that the redhead was going to fight, but he wasn't going to help them.

He was not in the slightest displeased.

Because he understood the accusation on the redhead.

Once the two Four Emperors regiments attack Naval Headquarters together.

That will inevitably cause a chain reaction of the other two Four Emperors regiments.

Either attack their territory together, or directly attack Naval Headquarters together.

That would mess up the sea.

Neither Whitebeard nor the redhead wanted to see it.

Whitebeard was about to nod, admiring the redhead's approach.



He caught a word from the redhead.

Whitebeard's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he turned to look at Shanks suddenly.

"Red-haired kid, what did you say?"

"Is Natalia Guy Celine's older sister?".


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All the fanfiction is 20-chapter ahead