
Bloodline Legacy

[Kindly check out my new novel Kick Nothing But your Boyfriend] Life always gives us the opposite of the things that we wish for. All I wanted in life was to have a normal family with loving parents and live a normal life even without money but rather it gave me the opposite. It turned me into an orphan who was left with nothing not even a shelter but the raggy clothing I had on at that moment. It all started in 1573. Hi, my dear readers come one come all. Let's explore the adventure of Gessa Kelvin aka GK together. Note; This novel contains some mature content Each chapter will have a minimum of 1000- 1100 words. I will name my chapters according to song names that you all know very well so don't get shocked to find some of the words in a chapter. Song recommended. Fuck I wish- Levent Gieger. It will be okay by Shawn Mendez

ZoeTinnah · Fantasy
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125 Chs

Obsession or real love?

"One-sided love is like eating a bowl of dry noodles without water, hard to swallow," GK muttered to himself smiling at Cassandra even when he knew she hated him to the core.

"At least talk nicely in front of me and talk shit about me when I'm not there but what you are doing right now is like rubbing salt in my wounds. Something is eating me up inside I thought you could cheer me up but rather you are adding to my sadness. I understand you don't love me but at least try to be nice to me even if it's just two minutes."

GK declared to Cassandra avoiding eye contact with her. He sounded rather tragic but managed to force a smile before walking away.

"What's wrong with him? He was fine a minute ago but right now he's acting as if I am the one who caused his despair."

Late in the evening,