
Bloodied Soul Bound: Resurrection Of Calamity

His lucid green-blue eyes refused to look away from the alluring sight before, feeling a certain stir in his lower insides as his instincts fully triggered. The air around was tainted with the provocating yet intoxicating scent that filled his sensitive nostrils, watching the bright red liquid slowly sip out of the broken skin on her shoulder. He gulped. Gingerly shifting his gaze to the pair of brown doe orbs, Leviathan immediately noticed the hint of mirth in her eyes. Kamyla grinned, "Are you really so desperate to taste it?" Leviathan didn't respond, struggling to resist the strong temptation of the woman lying underneath him; not to mention her lascivious features protruding from her barely clothed body. His fingers dug deeper into the sheet on both sides of her head. He grinned, "How cheap do you think I am?" "Then do it", her eyes glittered with mischief. "Taste it". Leviathan clenched his jaws, preventing his eyes from wandering back to her corrupting blood. Kamyla then let out a chuckle, raising her hand to cover her bleeding injury. His eyes slitted. "Levi..." The severally disapproved nickname rolled off her tongue, causing him to cringe in annoyance. "If you really want my blood so badly..." She slowly wiped the blood on her thumb, bringing it to her lips to lick it off. Leviathan bit his lower lip. "Then you'll have to earn it". • • • In the year 1503, One of the most powerful Empires in central west Africa, the Sah' Jangi Empire, began to experience strange unexplainable disappearances of their citizens in various kingdoms. To solve the mystery affecting their society, the Royal family alongside the chief priest, decided to summon an ancient demigod to come to their aid — only to accidentally summon a foreign demon god — one with strange pale skin colour different from theirs, but possessed with unimaginable powers enough to help them in their plight. But unknown to them, the arrival of the odd-looking demon prince brings nothing but calamity as dark secrets and lies buried deep in their empire history are brought into the light; causing great changes to all the lands and its people. Especially after he crossing paths with the strongest female warrior of the capital. Kamyla Odjafah. Tags: BWWM. Son of hell. African mythology. Black female lead. War. devilson. African historical fiction. Demons. African fantasy fiction. Ghouls. Witches. Giants. Spirits. Power Couple.

DestinyNdi · Fantasy
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28 Chs

23 |Out With Kamyla II


Kamyla immediately clenched her dagger, narrowing her eyes at the sore creature above that gazed down at her with a frown.

The hell Prince's brow crooked, "And what do you plan to do with that?" He eyed the sharp bone dagger and back.

Kamyla smiled, "Just a little marker to use and engrave my love confessions on your skin. Most especially on your throat".

"Hm?" Leviathan crooked his head, "Sounds like a new love language".

Kamyla's brows fell into a scowl. "What did you do to him?" She snarled.

"Him?" Leviathan causally stepped off the branch — gravity swiftly pulled him to the ground as he landed steadily on his feet and next to the tree Oni was tied to.

"Nothing more than a business", he completed.


Leviathan sliced through the air, splitting the ropes into two and releasing the boy from captivity. Oni landed flat on his face.

Without thinking twice, Kamyla seized him by the arm and pulled him behind her as she posed in defense. "How dare you lay a finger on my people!? On a child in fact! After you swore to all of us!"

"Relax, nitwit. I was simply just carrying out an experiment. A mutual one".

"Mutual?" Her brows knitted.

Leviathan then pulled out his hand from underneath his coat, displaying the fresh-looking corncob held in his palm.

"Gimme!!!" Oni quickly pulled away from Kamyla and charged forward, grasping the corn and digging his teeth into it in seconds.

Leviathan lazily gazed at Kamyla, sighting the confusion in her eyes.

"You see", he stated, "I and little Glutton here", he pointed at Oni as he carried on devouring raw corn like an animal. "We made a deal. A deal that you had a poor aim in surprise or unprepared attacks".

"What!?!" Her brows shot up. "Are you crazy!? Oni!!!"

Oni's lips paused with the corn between his teeth as he looked up at Kamyla. "Mmh?"

"Why the hell will you do that!? I could have killed you!"

"Mmh, mhm mhmm mhhmm..." He spoke with corn in his mouth.

"Speak properly!"

He pulled out the corn and swallowed his chew. "I had faith you wouldn't hit me because you'd be able to tell it was me".

"H- How does that even make sense!?"

Oni shrugged. "Not sure. I just felt you would". His lips then pulled into a wide smile, "Besides, Uncle Prince promised to give me corn if you missed the shot". He resumed eating.

Leviathan's lips twisted in disgust at the sound of the word 'Uncle' being attached to his title even after warning them.

Oni then mumbled, "Although Biwa and Bimo both bet you wouldn't miss the shot".

"Biwa and Bimo?!" Kamyla's expression seemed more and more shocked by the proceeding of the conversation.

"Kamy, why!!!"

Kamyla snapped her head over her shoulders, sighting the two identical sisters seated on a branch of a short tree behind.

The sisters frowned.

"I can not believe you missed that shot!" Biwa was the first to shout, pushing herself off the branch to land on her feet. Bimo followed after, halting behind Biwa.

"That was a clear shot!" Biwa added with her hand on her waist. "He was right there!"

"You really disappointed us, Kamy..." Bimo murmured, "We believed in your skills even when you aren't prepared".

Kamyla blinked twice. "Eh?..."

Biwa stomped forward with Bimo trailing behind.

"How come you missed him?!" Biwa asked again, pointing at the unharmed child next to Leviathan.

Kamyla had to take a few seconds to ask, "What?!"

"We had bet that you would get the shot. And Uncle Princ—"

"Prince Leviathan!" Leviathan growled.

Biwa quickly cleared her throat, "I- I mean, Prince Leviathan, had promised us that if you did he'd grant us our greatest desire!"

"Greatest desire?" Kamyla repeated.

"Yes!" Bimo supported.

"Can you even hear yourselves?" Kamyla had to ask. "You both literally made a deal with the Devil!!!"

Their brows quirked. "Oh..."

Biwa pouted. "When you put it like that..."

"You nearly got Oni killed!!!" Kamyla shouted without withdrawal.

Bimo's expression fell lightly, "U- Um... B- But we didn't actually know..."


The sisters flinched to her frightening tone. Bimo quickly shook her head, "W- We honestly didn't know! He told us he would use a scapegoat... We... We didn't actually know it would be Oni".

Biwa then whispered, "Although one can sometimes not tell the difference between Oni and a goat". Kamyla snarled.

"But! He also said even if you just laid a small scratch on Oni, we would win!" Bimo said with an aim to calm the situation.

Kamyla's eyes slitted, causing a tingle in their spine as their skin crawled to the hardening glare of the brown orbs locked on them.

They gulped. They knew better than to add another word that would be embedded in their burial woods.

They stepped back.

"Do not be so uptight, nitwit", Leviathan grabbed her attention.

His expression remained stoic. "It was just a game. One I was sure you would lose".

Kamyla felt her fingers tighten on the leathery handle of her blade as her eyes turned more venomous whilst locked on the crystal green-blue irises.

Leviathan blinked boredly. "Do you not know it is cheap to look this long into one's eyes on the first date?"

Kamyla didn't say a single word; letting her eyes which seemed close to shooting flames, watch the arrogant bastard of hell before her.

"Oni?" She called in a calm yet threatening tone.

He quickly stepped forward in fear, "Y- Yes..."

"Before I close and open my eyes, I want you three back in the village and with your mothers".

The three grimaced. "K- Kamy, we are sorry", Biwa murmured.

Kamyla gave them a dramatic head turn as her lips cracked into a grin. "Oh you will be, the second I repeat myself".

They gulped. Not needing to be told twice on the spot, the three quickly turned in the opposite direction and picked on their heels.

"Tsk! Such a turn-off".

Kamyla dragged her eyes back at the provoking creature.

His brows dropped, "I dislike strict women".

Kamyla glared at him from head to toe. "Next time", she snarled, "You dare not even think of instigating those children or any other member of my community to do anything at any point in time. Ever! Your interaction is limited to only me and the two others. Do not push your welcome into our village".

"What a subtle way to confess your obsession for me and forbid me from being with any other but you", his lips pulled stretched a grin.

Kamyla didn't say a word afterward as she turned away with a hiss and stomped forward.

Scowling deeply, Kamyla walked out of the forest to where she left her beast pet — she instantly froze at the sight of the person in front of Rhou.

"How many times do I have to tell you I hate being ignored? Especially by a nitwit like you". Leviathan frowned.

Her brows dropped, "Then how about you stop being available to be ignored".

"That was the plan until I discovered your recklessness without me".

Kamyla tutted, stepping forward to reach the sack of corn she dropped down.

Focusing her eyes on the sack of harvest, Kamyla lowered herself to pick it up and toss it over her shoulder with ease.

She began walking forward as Rhou tailed after.

Leviathan's voice then sounded at her side. "You know, you didn't tell me you had other hobbies aside from being a clingy arrogant snub".

Kamyla didn't respond.

And sadly, it didn't stop the obnoxious devil from carrying on. "To be honest, I almost felt sorry instead of provoked when I saw you earlier..."

She responded to him with silence, pacing steadily like he was nonexistent.

"Because you didn't strike me as the jealous type... Especially over a man that isn't yours to begin with".

Kamyla's face instantly reacted to that statement.

Gotcha, Leviathan smiled, feeling the urge to add more fuel to her little spark. "I mean, it was written all over her face how much you wanted to rip her out of his arms and shred her".

Kamyla clinched.

"But then I wondered, wasn't he, your commander, just a friend—"

"Prince Leviathan!" Kamyla called in a sudden joyful tone, causing his brows to knit.

Kamyla smiled, "We are on our way to the village chief's house to give the harvest so it can be shared with our guest villagers". Her jaws clinched, "So if you would like to tag along, I suggest you maintain the peaceful silence that was here before your presence, okay?"

Leviathan stared at her with a stoic expression. He then shook his head, "Nitwit".

His body suddenly saturated into dust, sweeping through the wind to reappear on the sacks of corn in the carriage behind Rhou.

Leviathan laid on the harvest with his hands held behind his head and his legs crossed. He closed his eyes to murmur, "Do not come waking me when you miss me".

"I assure you, Highness of Hell, I dare not". She frowned, looking forward and resuming her walk at a faster pace.

Apologies for the long break... Academics and work really sucked me in. But hopefully, I'll be able to provide a more stable update from now on. Thank you...

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