
Bloodied Soul Bound: Resurrection Of Calamity

His lucid green-blue eyes refused to look away from the alluring sight before, feeling a certain stir in his lower insides as his instincts fully triggered. The air around was tainted with the provocating yet intoxicating scent that filled his sensitive nostrils, watching the bright red liquid slowly sip out of the broken skin on her shoulder. He gulped. Gingerly shifting his gaze to the pair of brown doe orbs, Leviathan immediately noticed the hint of mirth in her eyes. Kamyla grinned, "Are you really so desperate to taste it?" Leviathan didn't respond, struggling to resist the strong temptation of the woman lying underneath him; not to mention her lascivious features protruding from her barely clothed body. His fingers dug deeper into the sheet on both sides of her head. He grinned, "How cheap do you think I am?" "Then do it", her eyes glittered with mischief. "Taste it". Leviathan clenched his jaws, preventing his eyes from wandering back to her corrupting blood. Kamyla then let out a chuckle, raising her hand to cover her bleeding injury. His eyes slitted. "Levi..." The severally disapproved nickname rolled off her tongue, causing him to cringe in annoyance. "If you really want my blood so badly..." She slowly wiped the blood on her thumb, bringing it to her lips to lick it off. Leviathan bit his lower lip. "Then you'll have to earn it". • • • In the year 1503, One of the most powerful Empires in central west Africa, the Sah' Jangi Empire, began to experience strange unexplainable disappearances of their citizens in various kingdoms. To solve the mystery affecting their society, the Royal family alongside the chief priest, decided to summon an ancient demigod to come to their aid — only to accidentally summon a foreign demon god — one with strange pale skin colour different from theirs, but possessed with unimaginable powers enough to help them in their plight. But unknown to them, the arrival of the odd-looking demon prince brings nothing but calamity as dark secrets and lies buried deep in their empire history are brought into the light; causing great changes to all the lands and its people. Especially after he crossing paths with the strongest female warrior of the capital. Kamyla Odjafah. Tags: BWWM. Son of hell. African mythology. Black female lead. War. devilson. African historical fiction. Demons. African fantasy fiction. Ghouls. Witches. Giants. Spirits. Power Couple. |On Hiatus till January 01, 2025|

DestinyNdi · Fantasy
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26 Chs

20 |Stubborn Devil III

Leviathan sat on his medium-sized bed, resting against the wall with his hands at the back of his head and his eyes shut as he stayed deep in his thoughts.

His fur coat was now off and set aside on the bed, leaving him dressed in his pants and back turtleneck shirt.


He furrowed his brows in irritation at the disturbance at the door. With his eyes still shut, he said, "Come in".

The door slowly pushed open.

Slowly opening his eyes, he immediately sighted Kamyla's figure step in with a tray in her hand with a covered plate on it.

"What do you want?" He asked.

Kamyla didn't respond, silently padding forward to carefully place the tray on the bed space next to him without looking up.

Leviathan lowered his gaze, crooking a brow. "What is this?"

Kamyla didn't respond as she finally uncovered the plate and stood up straight.

His eyes fell on the content on the plate, widening slightly.

Served on the ceramic plate were pieces of sliced fried plantain covered with egg sauce; looking colourful with the pieces of carrot, beans, onion and other garnished vegetables that added to its sweet aroma.

A cup of milk was set next to the dish.

He shot his eyes at her. "What is this?"

Kamyla glared at him with a bored expression, not seeming interested in responding to his question.

She exhaled softly, looking away from him to sluggishly turn to the door — her eyes instantly widened at the sight of him standing in front of the door with his hands in his pockets.

She flinched.

Leviathan tilted his head, "You dare have the audacity to ignore me, woman? Who do you think you are?"

Kamyla's eyes were still wide in disbelief as she flickered her gaze between the bed and door, obviously confused about how he got there.

Leviathan took a step forward, "Look at me when I'm talking to you".

Kamyla finally look up at him, scrunching her face into a frown. She clutched her fists.

"Get out of my way, Leviathan".

"Answer my question first. Is that supposed to be eaten by me?"

"No. By your father", she crossed her arms.

Leviathan narrowed his eyes. "Isn't it too early to be this rude?"

"Oh woah! I'm rude?" She let out a chuckle, touching her chest. "Not the uncivilised stranger that accused me of a shameless lewd act in front of the entire village!?"

"He sounds like a handsome devil".

"He sounds like a fucking parasite! What is wrong with you!? Why did you do that!?"

"You are such a nitwit". Leviathan exhaled lightly. "Why are you so agitated about a little joke—"

"A joke!? Everyone was standing right there! Even children!"

"And so what?"

"So what!?" She clinched.

"Yes. So what if I said it in public?" He shrugged a shoulder. "It's not like anyone believed my words and doubted you. They all looked at me like a complete liar. Even though I am but that's beside the point".

Leviathan rolled his eyes, sneerly striding past her and to his bed to halt in front of the food as her glare followed him.

He continued, "Besides... You should be happy I caused a little fuzz. Your lover defended you senselessly, didn't he?"

"L- Lover!?" Kamyla's brows quirked. "Danji is not my lover!"

"Danji? Is that his name?" He crooked a brow.

"Yes! And hell no! He not in love with me!"

"Is that what you think?" Leviathan gazed over his shoulder.

"Yes, of course".

"Does he know that's how you think?".

"W- What?..."

Leviathan stretched out his finger to poke a part of the food. "Does he know you don't realize his feelings yet?"

"Huh? What feelings? Danji has no feelings for me, he is like my big brother".

"That's sad to hear", Leviathan tasted the food stain off his finger. "You both sound even more stupid to me now".


He surveyed the taste over his tongue, scrunching his face in disgust. He then turned to face Kamyla.

"Meaning you're a core nitwit. Simple".

Kamyla furrowed her brows, hardening her eyes at the apathetic expression on his face.

"You know what? Just shove your food down your throat! I'll be back in an hour to get your dishes". She hissed, turning around to face the door.

"No need", his words caused her to look back.

Leviathan swiftly pushed the tray of food off the bed, spattering its content all over the floor. Kamyla's eyes widened.

His lips cracked into a grin. "That's for ignoring me".

Kamyla stared at the mess on the floor, still unable to believe he just did what he did. She slowly lifted her gaze to lock with his eyes.

His crystal orb glittered in achievement to the brewing anger in her eyes. Kamyla clenched her jaws as her fingernails dug deep into the palm of her hands.

Seconds of utter silence drew between the two as tension built in the air alongside Kamyla's wrath.

She suddenly shut her eyes, taking in a deep breath as her shoulders relaxed. The moment she opened her eyes, her lips stretched into a queasy smile.

"Okay", was all she said.

Stepping forward with a calm demeanour, Kamyla slowly lowered herself to her knees, carefully picking up the food from the matted floor whilst gathering the dishes.

She slowly got up with the tray, looking back at Leviathan's insulting gaze. Her smile widened.

"I wish you success in your new starvation journey, Leviathan".

Leviathan let out a chuckle.

Kamyla slowly turned to the door and walked out without another word, shutting the door with a light click.

Leviathan's grin immediately fell. He then turned back to the bed and stepped forward to sit back down as he rested back on the wall.


• • •

At the bright brink of mid-day, Leviathan laid still on his bed, shielding his entire body and face from the sun with his blanket and coat.

Daytime was always too shiny... He snarled under his breath.

Listening to the sound silence of the room and distant chatters and footsteps of the villagers outside that carried on with their daily activities; a set of small hunching noises approached his window, immediately seizing his attention.

Leviathan furrowed his brows.

A light crack grasped the frame of his wooden window, having a childlike huff sound out. Leviathan remained still on his bed.

The noise of a grunting child echoed louder with ruffling sounds as a pair of small feet finally dropped onto the floor of the room.

Leviathan still didn't move.

He heard the little footsteps roam around the room for a few seconds before coming close to his bed and halting.

The warm heartbeats and calm-paced lung rate of the intruding child crawled clearly into Leviathan's sensitive ears.

The child remained standing by his head, seeming to have their eyes locked on his body shielded underneath the cover.

He then heard the child slowly raise and stretch out their hand towards his cover — in a single swing Leviathan grasped the child by the head, pulling off his cover as he sat up to look at his surprise guest.

"Ah!! Don't eat me! Don't eat me! Don't eat me! DON'T EAT ME!"

Leviathan's brows quirked at the sight of the small boy looking not more than six years of age; jittering in fear with his eyes shut and his lips still ranting for mercy.

"Don't eat me, please! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry, please! I haven't eaten today! I can't die on an empty stomach! Please!!!"

Leviathan tightened his grip on the small skull in his palm, digging his nails into the boy's spongy short hair.

He scanned the child from head to toe. The boy child looked healthy and well fed, with his chest left bare and clothe wrapped around his waist and a pair of leather slippers.

The boy winced.

Leviathan dropped his brows, slowly pulling the boy off his feet and closer to his face. He whispered in pain, clutching Leviathan's wrist.

"Good idea though, ratty. I haven't had breakfast yet", Leviathan licked his teeth.

The boy snapped his eyes open, locking his brow eyes with his.

He suddenly screamed. "AHHH!" He began struggling harder to escape his grip.

"Shut it!" He squeezed his head harder.

The boy immediately held in his tongue, biting his lips to the pain.

Leviathan then narrowed his eyes, "Who are you?"

The boy slowly let go of his lip, gulping timidly, "M- My... My- name is Oni Epó".

Leviathan crooked his head. "You all and your weird names". He suddenly let go of the boy's head — he plummeted to the floor.

"Ugh!" The boy called Oni grunted, rubbing the side of his behind. He then mumbled, "You could have been a bit gentler..."

"What did you just say?" Leviathan's eyes slitted.

Oni quickly pushed himself into a push-up pose. "Thank you for not eating me! Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!"

Leviathan hmphed, "Just as I thought..."

Oni slowly looked up as he stood up straight, staring up at Leviathan's eyes.

Leviathan stared back at him with a bored look, "Besides, what stupid temerity made you think you could sneak into my room and why?"

"Well, uh... I- I came to check up on you..." Oni said with a less frightened demeanour.


"Um... Because... Because I wanted to know if you are civilized or will kill me at first sight", he pushed out an innocent smile.

Leviathan furrowed his brows. Was the child an idiot or he didn't just know what he was saying?

Leviathan then asked, "And why would you risk your life for such a pointless experiment?"

Oni bit his lips for a moment, pinching his fingers. "Because Biwa and Bimo promised me six extra fried plantain if I did".

"Biwa and Bimo... What are those?"

"The two girls hiding under the window".

"SHUT UP!" Two feminine voices sprouted from the other side of the window, causing Oni and Leviathan to look in one direction.

Two identical sisters suddenly popped up from the other side, having the window frame end at their upper chests as they looked in with deep scowls on their faces.

Their eyes locked on Oni.

One of the sisters suddenly snapped, "Onishy! Why are you telling him the truth!?"

"Do you want him to kill us along with you!?" The other added.

Oni grimaced in confusion. "But he asked".

The one that seemed younger, Bimo, retorted, "Doesn't mean you should be honest!"

Biwa hissed, "We sent you in first as a test monkey to know whether he is deadly or not! And you are there calling our names and exposing our location! With your big mouth like Mama Poit's pot! Do you want to kill us!?"

Oni pouted, "You didn't tell me I couldn't tell him..."

"We'll remove three pieces of plantain because of your carelessness!" Biwa tsked.

"Huh!? NO! That wasn't the deal!"

"You failed, Onishy!" Bimo snarled.

Oni shook his head, "That's not fa—"


The three children sealed their lips, snapping their eyes back at the demon prince.

Leviathan then snapped his finger in the air.

A black mist suddenly swirled around the twins and saturate their bodies into dust — they reappeared standing next to Oni.

The sisters' eyes widened, snapping their gazes around to understand what just happened.

Their attentions were immediately seized by Leviathan's distasteful growl as he slowly stood up from his bed.

Their dilated eyes gingerly trailed up; his tall muscular figure towered over their measly bodies as his blue-green eyes glistered and his brows twitch in annoyance.

He clenched his jaws, "I hate kids..."

Their three hearts dropped.