

In pain was reborn as a new race and in rage she accidentally gained a gang. A whirlwind of emotion mixed with guns in their conquest to the summit that will break the norm It may even dye the oceans and pile up on the lands With a brighter and darker world opened up to her, can time heal the girl's heart that shattered or will she be dragged by her bloody rage for revenge. All we need to care about is pulling them into the red abyss together.

R_Twilight · Fantasy
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20 Chs


There was a deadly silence as Leo and Lyza looked at each other. Her claws were pushing into her palms and bled onto the floors as he smile didn't waver. Leo moved forward but guards grabbed him and bashed his head on floor.

" Raphael....keep him company. I'm on my way.....brother." Lyza told leaving upstairs

" So your her ex-family huh?" Raphael smirked" Kinda glad you came, Leo."

Leo was literally dragged to the basements and strapped to the wall. Raphael sat in front of him looking through his tools and thinking.

" Hey. I need to see Lyza." Leo frowned

Raphael grabbed a blade and sliced Leo's right eyes shut. He placed the blade on his throat and forced him to look up.

" Don't call the Head's name so casually. You were siblings and that's in the past." Raphael smiled

" I am her brother." Leo said sternly looking at Raphael

Damian and Deedee walked to Leo not hiding their anger towards him.

" You're quite shameless aren't ya? Didn't your family cast her aside like a used rag?" Deedee frowned " YOU DARE CLAIM TO BE HER BROTHER NOW!!!!!?????"

" I know I did something wrong and I came to ask for forgiveness." Leo told

" Will that stop the pain?" Damian finally said

" No but I-" Leo started

Damian smiled, " Do you even now what happened?"

Damian was by a pot of hot coals where metal rods stuck out. He pulled out on that had the Bloodhart's underworld logo: a dripping heart.

" Head said we should 'keep' you company. Although if you accidentally die we tried our best to save you." Damian grinned " Please make yourself comfortable."

Damian pressed the hot logo onto Leo's chest in front of his heart. Deedee took an iron rod that had a sharpened end and stabbed into his thigh.

" Sorry doesn't fix everything." Raphael smiled taking a thin blade " We'll make sure you don't feel lonely."

Raphael pulled the other tools closer as Damian pulled of the logo along with Leo's shirt. Damian took a hammer and smashed Leo's fingers on the right hand. Meanwhile Lyza was listening to the information on weapons etc.

" Even with the weapons and the new recovery capsules the Head, Jimmy and Tiffany made we don't stand a chance against Black Rattle." Pedro told.

" There is a way." Lyza frowned " But I don't like one bit."

" What is it?" Arlo asked

" Are you talking about...." Rosalie frowned

" Yes. Tying down Leo to Bloodhart." Lyza told

Pedro looked at Ken, " What implementations does that have?"

" Well, Leo will become 'family'. You don't understand the instinctive impact that has on us." Ken told

" The Head won't be able to kill Leo after. Thus hindering her revenge the reason for expanding Bloodhart." Jack sighed " What a nail-biter."

" I'll do it. I will sacrifice Leo to get Lydia's head hang it." Lyza frowned

Owen sighed, " Let's just check if he's even alive."

" Good point." everyone agreed picture a ruthless Rafael

They entered the basement finding Dee, Damian and Raphael panting on the floor. Blood was everywhere from the windows and ceiling with bloodied tools scattered.

" Is that....alive?" Owen choked

Raphael panted, "....Yes....it's alive...."

Leo raised his head and looked at Lyza. He had been stabbed, slashed, lost some fingernails, a little electrocuted, poisoned and let's not forget punched with the force of 4 tons by the three on the floor. We'll leave the other minor torturing in between when the three took a torture break with coconuts.

" Ly...za?" Leo said weakly " I.."

Lyza approached Leo, her tail split into two and one piece took out an eyeball from Raphael's collection. The tail piece transformed the eyeball as the other raised Leo's head higher than it could due to the pain on his nape.

" From now on....you are Leo Bloodhart." Lyza told

The tail forced into the shut eye and Leo screamed loudly as it merged with his damaged one. The others didn't even as Leo scratched Lyza's tail and yelled to stop before fainting. She removed him from the restraints and ordered for him to be quickly recovered to a fighting state.

" We will attack Black Rattle like a storm tonight." Lyza smiled

Leo came out of the capsule looking at Lyza drinking a milkshake.

" How do you feel?" Lyza asked

" Alright. My body kinda feels different." Leo told

Lyza sighed, " Just recovering of the muscle you lost for whatever reason. We'll be going to fight Black Rattle Gang soon so get dressed already."

" Let's leave, Lyza. Lydia is looking for you." Leo went

Lyza smiled, "So what. YOU WANT ME TO RUN AWAY?! TO DISAPPEAR?!"

Leo was shocked at her bloodshot eyes filled with bloodlust. She smashed the milkshake cup and her tail pulled her brother closer to her.

" I tried of waiting for you Brother. So I picked myself up from the bloody gutter you and that damned family tossed me into. I shan't cower Leo. You want me to forgive you?" Lyza smiled

Leo found her rage cover ruby eyes mesmerizing as she spoke each word with a killing intent within them.

" Give your life to me, Leo. Even if I lead to the end of all things or make you swim in body of millions of innocent corpses." Lyza smiled " As Leo Bloodhart. Maybe I'll forgive you since you're crime was doing nothing."

Leo held her cheek," You can torture all you want sister. I also don't want to be abandoned. So please forgive me"

Lyza threw Leo, " Call your lover and fiancée. Please think over whom you love most, brother."

Lyza met Owen in the hallway and she smiled wondering what he wanted.

" You look tired, Boss." Owen said

" Maybe.....I wonder why I'm so sentimental." Lyza chuckled

The other Bloodhart were in the shadows looking worried as Lyza laughed at herself.

" I can remember everything you know. What the robbed from me, I remember them so well and my heart swells up with emotion. You know, Owen you'd make a great father if you weren't so debauch ." she chuckled

" She...used to say that too." Owen thought touching a ring on his finger

They were stunned as light from the moon lit up the room and scar on scars appeared on Lyza's body. She looked up at the moon bitterly.

" I use to look the moon in that tiny experiment room I was trapped in. I felt that it would lead me out but even it silver rays were dyed red." Lyza smiled

She went to the balcony and stood on the rail raising up her arms upwards. Her scars didn't miss any place on her body from the lode of her ear to the space in front her fingernail. Her red eyes seemed to shine brighter than the full moon above them.

" You guys are unlucky. I maybe crazy, I may lead you to destruction but will you follow me my dear family. This crazy Head *sigh* " Lyza snickered holding her hands together " Since I wish for my enemy, my sister, Lydia to attain all her dreams and stand on the highest place, may the sun be her hat and walk on gold, may the stars smile to her.....SO I CAN DRAG HER DOWN INTO THE DARKNESS WITH ALL SHE HAS KILLED FOR HER POSTION!!! SO I CAN RIP HER TO SHREDS AND FEED HER TO THE LOWEST BEASTS-"

They were silent as the white moon reddened and Lyza seemed to smiled broadly as red light covered the world. Her happy face was both deadly and beautiful.

" I want her to have continuous suffering and you saw you want to follow me. I suspect you may not me sane as well." Lyza laughed licking her lips " Shall we dye Black Rattle in a lovely color?"

"......Yes ma'am." they responded

" Please. Enjoy yourself, I will not be controlled by my past as a lab rat but I hate that I can't let go of my hate. Although I'd hate to lie about that." Lyza jumped off the edge looking to the moon

" What for us, Mum." Jimmy went jumping over with his siblings.

Lyza saw the moon behind the children and smiled, " I hate the moon but I hated the sun even more."