
BLOODBOUND HEARTS:Forbidden desires

“What am I to you? she asked looking at him intently “Go back to your chambers,”he said without looking at her “Not until you answer my question! What am I to you? “Esline , go to your chambers!he said authoritatively “I’m your wife and I have every right to be here, what am I to you? I knew it.. I knew you were using me.. she said tearfully and added: “I’m just a wife who you feed on, goodnight, Your Majesty,” she said disappointedly about to take her leave then…

Favour_Adebesin · Fantasy
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7 Chs


The castle bustled with the activity as the evening of the wedding between King Alistair and Esline approached. Servants hurried to and fro, decorating the grand halls with flowers and candles, creating an elegance befitting the occasion.

In Esline's chamber, the soft glow of candlelight flickered as she slept peacefully, her mind filled with dreams of the unknown future that awaited her. The sound of a consistent knock on the door roused her from her slumber, and she groggily blinked her eyes open, wondering who could be disturbing her sleep.

"Who is it? Esline called out, her voice still heavy with sleep.

"It's the royal tailor, Your Highness,"came the muffled reply from the other side of the door.

"We have come to fit you for your wedding dress."

Esline's heart skipped a beat at the reminder of the wedding. This evening, she will be married to King Alistair. The thought sent a shiver down her spine, but she pushed aside her apprehension, knowing that there was no turning back now.

"Come in," Esline called, her voice more alert now.

The door creaked open, revealing the royal tailor and Esline's ladies-in-waiting. The tailor carried a dress that was laced with expensive and shimmering stones. The ladies in waiting followed behind , their faces filled with excitement and curiosity.

"Your Highness," the tailor and the ladies in waiting greeted Esline with a bow .

"We have brought your wedding dress for your fitting."

Esline nodded, her expression composed as she prepared herself for the fitting of the gorgeous black wedding dress(as black wedding gown is a custom for them :vampires), a tradition that she had no choice but to embrace. As the tailor began to measure her figure, the ladies in waiting hovered around, their eyes wide with interest.

Two of the ladies in waiting: Lady Beatrice and Lady Veila , however, seemed particularly nosy, their gazes lingering on Esline's every move as they washed her up and prepare for the fitting. Esline sensed their prying eyes and felt a surge of irritation rise within her.

"Is there something you wish to say?" Esline asked, her tone sharp as she caught the two ladies in waiting exchanging knowing glances.

The nosy ladies in waiting faltered, their expressions guilty as they realized they had been caught.

"We were just curious, Your Highness," one of them stammered.

"About the King and well, about what to expect."

Esline's jaw clenched at the mention of King Alistair . She knew little about him, only the rumors that swirled around his dangerous and enigmatic persona. But she refused to let it cloud her judgement.

"You have no concern with such matter! Everything will unfold as it should!

The two ladies in waiting fell silent chastened by Esline's rebuke. The tailor continued with the fitting, adjusting the gown and intricate details to enhance its beauty. Esline stood still, her mind a whirlwind of emotions as she contemplated the events that will unfold in the evening.

The fabric clung to her feature, accentuating her delicate features and pale complexion.

"Definition of beauty and perfection ," the tailor said with satisfaction. Esline stood before the mirror , gazing at her reflection and said:

"I'll like to be alone," she said and they all left.

This evening, she would be married to the King, a vampire she knew nothing about. Her thought filled with a mix of apprehension and curiosity.


The evening was bathed in a soft, ethereal glow as the time for the wedding. The castle was adorned with intricate decorations, casting a spell of enchantment over the grand halls and corridors. Guests began to arrive, both elites: vampires and humans, the King had given out an order, which is during the wedding ceremony, there should be no form of killing from vampires. Their voices mingling in excitement as they arrival of the bride.

As Esline walked down the aisle, a hush fell over the grand hall. The flickering candlelight cast a warm glow on her wedding gown, accentuating her delicate features and cascading dark hair. Her eyes shone with a mixture of nervousness and determination, her steps steady and graceful.

King Alistair stood at the front, his gaze fixed on Esline as she approached. His expression was unreadable, a mask of regal indifference that concealed the tumult of emotions swirling within him. As she drew closer, he couldn't help but find her breathtaking, a vision of ethereal beauty that stirred something primal within him.

Her porcelain skin glowed in the soft light, her eyes like pools of liquid silver that seemed to pierce through his icy facade. He felt an inexplicable pull towards her, a magnetic force that defied reason.

Her eyes scanning the crowd until they landed on her parents sitting at the front row.

The guests watching every step, she reached the front, her eyes meeting his(the King) in a silent exchange of unspoken promises and untold secrets . Despite the King's stoic demeanor, the King's heart quickened at the sight of her, a rush of emotions flooding his cold, immortal veins.

The ceremony began, the ancient words of the Turiac( vampire priest) weaving a spell of binding around the couple. Esline listened intently, her mind racing with doubts and fears? Would she ever truly be able to adapt to the life of a vampire's bride? Would she ever truly understand the enigmatic King standing before her? Before the vows, they have to be initiated as a couple, the turiac extended a small, ornately carved knife to the King. The King accepted the knife, the cold metal kissed his palm and with a practiced motion, he drew the blade across his palm. A line of crimson bloomed forth, without hesitation, he gestured for Esline to bring forth her palm , he drew the blade across her palm, she winced, her blood oozing out, he took her palm against his , their blood mingling . The vampires and the turiac murmured an ancient chant .

But then, a hush fell. As custom, if a vampire should get married to a human bride, when their blood comes in contact, the human bride is going to be wracked with a very sharp pain. Instead, Esline remained unflinching: of which as custom means she is a witch. Whispers of awe fluttered through the wall except from the King who wasn't suprised . The vampire murmurs grew louder, the Turiac himself was in awe, their disapproval palpable in the air. The revelation of Esline's true nature sent shockwaves through the hall. The Turiac, his voice trembling with fear and anger demanded an immediate halt to the initiation process. How could a vampire, a King of their kind, be bonded to a witch, an abomination in the eyes of their Kingdom! A reminder of a dark chapter from centuries past. The King whose palm was still rubbed against Esline's palm said:

"Enough! Silence!! Henceforth, we are no longer prohibited from bonding with witches and they are now welcome into this great Kingdom." The guests were dumbfounded at the King's words. The Turiac resumed the sacred ritual. The King released Esline palm and their palms healed up instantly.

"Do you King Alistair take Lady Esline to be your lawfully wedded wife? The Turiac priest intoned, his voice resonating through the grand hall.

"I do," King Alistair's voice was deep and commanding.

"And do you, Lady Esline, take King Alistair to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Esline hesitated for a moment , her heart pounding in her chest.

Taking a deep breath, she looked at the King and whispered,

" I do ."

The Turiac pronounced them husband and wife , sealing their fates with ancient words of power. Esline felt a sense of unease settled over her as she was now bound to a vampire King. As the night unfolded, the celebrations continued with feasting and dancing . Esline tried to push aside her doubts and fears, then her parents walked up to her, they hugged in tears, her father then excused himself. Her mother was a bit scared of her , now that it has been revealed that she is a witch .

"My daughter, I have missed you so much," her mother said as they hugged again tightly and both burst into tears.

" I missed you more, mother,"

" I have something to tell you," her mother barely said, when the King approached them and said:

"May I steal my bride from you?

"Yes, Your Majesty," she bowed, smile to her daughter and left. The King looks at Esline, his eyes dark and inscrutable and said:

" Dance with me,"