
Bloodbound Devil (Multi-Cross, DxD, Rosaria Vampire, Seikon no Qwaser)

Carl Bloodriver, an Half-Vampire set on a path of domination. There was nothing truly special about him, apart from his Sacred Gear, the Longinus, Bloodbound Dominion, fabled to be created from the blood of a God. Leading the life of a player, he ends up being stabbed to death, and with a second chance at redemption, he awakens in the body of a Dhampir who was experiecing the process of Eternal Slumber, his fate uncertain. If he messed around with his first life, not amounting to much but a player, maybe in this new life, he would better make the smart decisions. (Insert)(Multi-cross)(Rosario Vamp, Seikon no Qwaser, New Sis Devil, Uzaki-chan, Ikki Tousen, Beelzebub) ======================== - Reviews of any kind are welcomed. - Opinions do matter, especially constructive ones. - Discord: https://discord.gg/CMsHqJVDVD

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47 Chs

Mingling among Prey (3)

Chapter 5: Mingling among Prey (3)

Night found Carl relaxing in his accommodation near the University of Graz, while scrolling on his new phone different threads and sites, all were about how to obtain your travel documents and other identification acts while having nothing to justify your existence.

At least obtaining his phone and sim card didn't require him identification, just, play old, cash. And in only a day of searching on the internet, his hopes toppled down when he discovered there weren't any legal paths to take on this job. 

Left without 'legal' options, he began pondering on the endless illegal methods of forging his identification, and he wasn't lacking in them.

'Highly unlikely that using the methods from movies would do jack. Where do I find a Skilled Forger? I'm not that lucky to be honest. Maybe, I will try contacting the Mafia after I mess up a bit with their business and force them to craft me some identification paper?'

'Nahh, they might have contacts with supernatural beings. I don't want to get involved with Devils or Fallen Angels this early.'

'Then? Do I search for some 'Old Archives' belonging to the Vampires? Right… my 'father' lives in Wien, I should have some paper on myself? Maybe not. Hah, and it is so stupid of even entertaining such an idea, just to repeat the mistake of getting caught by the big guns.'

'I don't know, it feels dumb to get exposed like this. What about checking on the Dark Web for some paperwork? I should be fine with that? … Heard is mostly a scam, so maybe not.'

'Last but not least. Using a Hypnosis Spell from the plethora of spells that, you, Great Count know.'

'What do you say, mister? Wanna start the Training Arc for me? The faster I start training my Sacred Gear and Blood Magic, the better for us? Right?'

[Look at this brat trying to manipulate me. You're too young for your tricks to work on me. However, I'll help you since it's in my interest to see your Potential Blooms. And I don't want to see you die too early. I'll get again into an Eternal Slumber waiting for the next Sacred Gear wielder, and God knows when that might happen.]

[Prepare yourself mentally, and call me whenever you want to begin.]

Carl, feeling that it would waste his time pondering over the traveling paper, went into the bathroom to take a shower, and with the cold water reinvigorating his mind, he returned back to the main room where he sat on the couch, his posture and expression cold and resolute.

'How do I start? Do I need a Grimoire to learn Magic or can you guide me verbally?'

Perceiving the seriousness in his tone, there was no point in dragging things around, but unlike Carl who was as a statue waiting instructions, Nosferatu had a slight malicious grin, as if he got excited by the idea of training someone.

Memories flashed in his eyes, from his little brother and elder brother that he used to spar against, then to his mercenaries that he instructed along with the other human serfs that managed to make even the smallest impact in his mind.

The room was cloaked in a hushed stillness as Carl prepared himself for a long and arduous journey, as he imagined learning Magic to be. He could feel the difference between his past life and this life, there was an ethereal essence that would stir up according to his emotions. 

He perceived that essence to be the Magic Power all supernatural creatures owned that made the difference between simple humans and monsters, and in hindsight he knew slight information regarding Magic and Demonic Magic from the Novel, but by no means was this system ever explored. 

The meager information with regards to the Power System was overshadowed by the amount of ecchi and R18 scenes, and while it might be nice from the perspective of a reader, who wouldn't care about the Power System that much, it now came to bite Carl's ass like Cerberus hunting lost souls in Tartarus.

'Boobs and ass are a delight, but the power to get them boobs is also important. Fuck, I hope I get at least 10% of the 'Lesson'. Phew, let's do this, by the time the Events in the story happen, I might as well become someone at the level of an Ultimate Devil.'

Clearing his mind of random thoughts as he slapped his face hard, Carl spoke inwardly, signaling to Nosferatu he made his mind. 'I'm ready, Count. How should we do this?'

[Activate your Sacred Gear, Carl.] Nosferatu's voice echoed in the recesses of his mind, guiding him through this process like a patient teacher.  

Understanding the task, now it became the second time since he activated his Sacred Gear, since he was constantly wearing the blood-red pendant around his neck even while in Graz. It was only after the incidents with the shop assistants at the mall that he decided that it might also be the reason why his Vampiric Charms were enhanced.

'It's a bit awkward… But I can feel it inside of myself.'

As Carl closed his eyes, he delved into the recesses of his own willpower and desire. The catalyst for the awakening of 'Bloodbound Dominion' was his beating heart, the rhythmic pulse that echoed the vitality within him. As he focused on this internal rhythm, a transformation began to unfold.

'Bloodbound Dominion. Awaken.'

From the core of his being, a crimson jewel extruded itself, emanating a profound energy that seemed to intertwine with the very essence of his vampiric nature. The jewel took on the shape of an intricately designed pendant mirroring the interior of a Vampiric Eye and bearing ancient symbols that hinted at a lineage steeped in mystic knowledge.

A silver chain materialized around his slender form, encircling him in an ethereal embrace. The pendant hung elegantly, suspended from the chain, and it's dark crimson glow permeated the emptiness of the room.

The light emitted by the pendant intensified, casting an otherworldly radiance that enveloped the entire space. The glow became vibrant and pulsating, giving the impression that a 'Nightclub Party' was staged inside this Airbnb, while the dormant magic power in his body manifested in crimson miasma spreading around his body.

"What's next?" inquired Carl who remained calm in the face of this transformation.

The matured voice of the Count, didn't respond right away, as if also preparing himself for the next set of actions, until he urged him. [Focus your mind on the jewel, stare directly into the Eye of the Jewel. Don't resist any uncomfortable sensations you'll feel.]

Carl grabbed the pendant in his arms and focused directly into the Eye of the Beast, and slowly he felt a stabbing pain in his mind that he initially wanted to resist, but this was something Nosferatu warned him against. Taking deep breaths to calm down even in the face of this jarring pain, soon a resonance was reached within his latent energy and vampiric essence. 

As he concentrated on the pendant, similar to someone who wanted to get self-hypnotized, the room around seemed to shift. The jewel on the pendant gleamed with a malicious, crimson mana, transforming the Vampiric Eye into an ominous existence that commanded the death of others. 

'Shit, I'm no masochist to enjoy this pain…'

'Damn, I'm tripping balls deep.' 

Carl felt a disorienting sensation as if he had lost sense of his physical form. In the blink of an eye, he found himself within a fantasy-like world, akin to Limbo or Afterlife as he thought them to be, but its vibes weren't off the charts in eeriness . 

'Where am I? Is this a similar scenario as the one between Issei and Draig? Or when he enters his mindscape to receive the Chant for  Juggernaut Drive? Still, from the bland, small-sized amphitheater in Issei's mindscape mine is a complete 180.'

'This place feels like a throne room.' Carl marveled at the spectacle before him, the ambient glow casting a regal radiance upon every facet of this mindscape. The rhythmic pulsations of the light seemed to echo the very heartbeat of the vampiric power that dwelled within.

The throne room exuded an air of grandeur, its architecture weaving a tale of ancient authority with their origins in the genesis of the human race. It felt as if he was watching some 'Bible' stories painted in symbol carvings.

But in general, he could grasp the theme, it centered on the 'Seven Deadly Sins' with 'Pride' standing proud among the many depictions of sins. A crimson carpet led the way to a magnificent throne, its intricate design reflecting the intertwining forces of vampiric essence and supernatural power.

Amidst the opulence of the throne room, there was a figure seated on the Throne Chair, emerging with a formidable presence that Carl couldn't help but get goosebumps, feeling this meeting surreal. 

'Whew, so this is how the notorious Dracula looks like, unlike the depictions in Novels, Games and Anime?'

His form, though maintaining a human semblance, bore an otherworldly aura that hinted at the ancient power he wielded. The Count appeared slightly bulkier than an average person, exuding a commanding stature that transcended mortal limitations.

His face, aged to that of a middle-aged man, bore the weathered lines of a timeless existence. A short, full beard and mustache framed his features, adding to the air of gravitas that surrounded him. His long, wild hair cascaded to his mid-back, a mane that spoke of his personality and life experiences as a Warlord.

Attired in a full set of gunmetal gray plate armor, made Carl wonder if this man would go chop him into bits or impale him for messing around with his words. The armor, adorned with intricate detailing, seemed to resonate with the essence of the vampiric throne room. A tattered black cape with red inlay billowed around him, lending an air of dark elegance to his stoic presence.

"Is that you, Mister Dracul? Greetings," Carl addressed the enigmatic presence within the sublime throne room of the Bloodbound Domain.

"Carl. We don't have an eternity to spend here. Only one hour. Leave the pleasantries for later," responded Nosferatu, his voice carrying the weight of centuries. The glint in his eyes conveyed a silent command.

"I see, no problem, I'll not act like a brat here. Quick question, is this the subspace of the Sacred Gear? It's only you and me, here? Is this the number of owners of the Sacred Gear by chance?"

"To make it simple for you to understand. I used my own power to summon you into the Bloodbound Domain space. Since you're the new owner of the Sacred Gear, your mindscape has been connected with the subspace of the Sacred Gear." the Count explained, a subtle authority in his tone that brooked no challenge.

"You're quick to read the room. To this day, there's only been three wielders of the Longinus, Bloodbound Domain. The First Sinner, Cain, the Son of the Dragon, Vlad Dracul, and you, Dhampir and Descendant of mine, Carl Krassius Bloodriver." explained Nosferatu while observing Carl's reactions with his dignified predatory eyes that had a deeper glint than his own.

"It must have been lonely here. I got the gist of things. What now? Have I passed out on my couch for sure. I'll wake up with a neck strain for sure."

"Focus, Carl. The reason I called you in here is to assist you in your training. To impart you with my whole Inheritance." Nosferatu continued, his eyes radiating a different glint than any other vampire Carl had encountered before. There was an unspoken warning in that gaze, telling him not to underestimate the ancient power that dwelled within. "From all of my knowledge of Fighting Arts to my Knowledge of Magic and Blood Magic."

"All of them?" inquired Carl, getting the chills that he might be in for a terrific nightmare in just a moment.

"Don't you want power? I'll make sure you acquire all of my Knowledge to carry on my Legacy."

As Nosferatu spoke, the very fabric of the Bloodbound Domain responded to his will, and without even lifting a finger, Carl found himself standing inside an expansive library.

Carl stood in the vast expanse of the Library, and he didn't know where he was, but a historical fanatic would be able to tell that this was the Famous Library of the Renaissance Era, Bibliotheca Corviniana. 

The rows of towering shelves seemed to stretch into infinity. The air carried the scent of ancient parchment and the weight of accumulated knowledge. In the dim light, the leather-bound spines of the books began whispering into Carl's ears, their words almost devilish in charm, which attracted him into opening them. 

[Pick me up, darling. Release me, and I'll offer you the whole world.]

[Choose me and I'll make you the King of Kings.]

[I'll offer you the vast knowledge of the universe.]

All sort of intriguing offerings hit Carl's ears left and right among the shelves, and he snapped out from this trance when Nosferatu scoffed and mocked the voices in the Library. "Pathetic scum, keep your hands away from my Descendant."

[BURN IN HEAVEN, NOSFERATU! RELEASE US FROM YOUR DAMNED LONGINUS!] screamed a male, twisted voice with hate that might be described as infernal.

[Child of Blood, if you release me, I'll teach you my Demonic Magic.]

[And for your sake, I'll tell you this… You should be wary of your Predecessor. He'll use you as a Pawn in his game of toppling Hell and Heaven.] whispered the attractive voice of a woman, which might as well be capable of stirring a pink fantasy in the minds of men.

'... What the fuck are those books smoking? I want some too.'

'But on a serious note now…Couldn't it be? That those voices trapped in the grimoires are Souls of Demons, Devils that Count killed in his lifetime?'

"Keep your dirty trap shut, foul demon. What was your name? Laranje? The Devil Whore who was bending over to get fucked by me when your Army got crushed. Pathetic swine."

"Why are you dogs barking so much when I come to visit the Library? Are you dissatisfied with my treatment?"

[Those were some hurtful words Count. To reject such a beauty like mine. I knew you were screwed totally in your head. Besides, why should I keep quiet, when I speak only the truth? Can you see this, Child of Blood? Your predecessor is afraid of the cold truth.]

Carl stopped to look at the Grimoire from where the voice was reaching out, and with the Count turning around to check on the youngster was up to, he stopped and was about to reach out and use his Blood Control to puppeter his body and pass this section.

"Huhuhu, isn't that sweet of you Devil? To reveal the truth to a poor, pitiful person? I should release you from your suffering, but… What's in it for me?"

[If you'll release my seal, I'll make sure the House of Leranje will reward you generously. I will write a Contract with you, as a High-Class Devil with a Noble Lineage. This will be enough to prove my sincerity.]

"Ahhh, a Devil with sincerity. I'll think about it. If there are other Lord Devils that want my help, please think of ways to reward me. If I feel your sincerity, I might give you a hand."

As the voices persisted, Carl contemplated their offers, even considering bargaining for rewards from these trapped entities. Turning to Nosferatu with a nonchalant expression, he commented, "What's wrong, sir? I'm only considering it. If they don't give me something of equal value, they can rot in here."

Nosferatu found the audacity of Carl amusing, a trait that hinted at the potential strength within the young Dhampir. "Boldness suits you, child. I'm sure that you're aware of the true face of the Devils."

Without dwelling further on the matter, he led Carl to another section of the library, one meant for study.

In the serene section of the library dedicated to study, Nosferatu and Carl stood by a table not too far away, only a cup of coffee was missing from this room and he might enjoy himself fully. 

'We waste a bit of time with those Grimoires, but hopefully the Count is someone great at teaching.'

Carl, since entering the mindscape, observed Nosferatu and analyzed his behavior, and could tell that even when he was communicating telepathically through the Sacred Gear, it was the same mature guy stuck in the 1400s living under a different set of rules than what he had.

This perception of the Count only got stronger when he met him face to face in his mindscape. It felt as a 'Cool' Uncle showing around his mansion, and wanting to spend time with his nephew.

This idea would soon crumble when Nosferatu began teaching him the obscure terms of Magic, from Black Magic to Blood Magic, even touching a bit the boundaries of Demonic Magic.

Focusing on the first lesson, he braced himself for a new ride, while the Count's voice echoed through the air, carrying the weight of centuries of knowledge.

"As I stated previously. We'll begin your first lesson with Magic. The earlier you understand it, the better you'll be on the journey ahead."

"Yes, sir. Can we start with the Basics of Magic? Maybe an explanation of what it is?"

"Sure. Magic, in its essence, is the manipulation of mystical forces that govern our world. It's the art of harnessing energy from the surroundings, bending it to your will through knowledge and incantations," Nosferatu began, his eyes gleaming with crimson mana.

"Demonic Power, on the other hand, is a raw and primal force, drawn from the depths of supernatural realms. It requires not only the ability to envision, but also the courage to embrace the chaotic energies that accompany it. The power of demons lies in their unpredictability and sheer force."

Carl, absorbing the information, raised an inquisitive eyebrow and couldn't help but state an analogy he came up with to perceive this concept in his mind. "So, it's like the difference between painting with precise strokes and throwing buckets of paint at a canvas?"

Nosferatu nodded in approval at this innovative analogy that could work in this situation. "Exactly. Magic is the refined artistry, where each movement and incantation is a carefully calculated stroke. Demonic Power is the unleashed chaos, a torrent of energy that demands your control and mastery."

The Count continued, guiding Carl through the intricacies of casting spells, the importance of focus, and the delicate balance required in welding magical energies, and along the end of the lesson session, it came to practicing Magic, specifically Black Magic.

"Now it's time you apply what you learned in this lesson. Think of this spell as your lifeline for now. The 'Hypnosis' Spell." Nosferatu began, his eyes fixated on Carl. "This type of Black Magic Spell contains the basic application of mind, and alteration of minds based on suggestion impulses."

"Practice it until the mindscape is released. You have 10 minutes." 

"Should I start now, sir? How was it? Feeling the Mana and channeling along my mana veins?" Carl inquired, eager to put theory into practice.

"Indeed. Focus on channeling your mana and visualize the desired effect. Envision a subtle thread connecting you to the minds of your targets. Weave your will into their thoughts, and let the magic flow," Nosferatu responded, offering a final set of instructions.

Carl took a deep breath, centering himself to channel the magical energy within. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on the image of a subtle thread weaving through the vast expanse of the mindscape, connecting him to the target standing before him. 

The first attempt failed miserably as if he couldn't link mentally, not even for a second. He continued his attempts, twice, thrice, the list of attempts made Carl huff and puff, his mana getting wasted in the process. Yet it was a great chance to practice against a target of Nosferatu's caliber that could bring fear even in the souls of High-Class Devils, if not even Ultimate-Class Devils.

Then, with the loss of the count, he focused on the Count while his mana was brewing in his body. Focusing his crimson eyes on him, he suddenly felt the link connect and felt a heavy pressure indescribable, it was akin to being submerged into the depths of the Ocean.

Still, with the Link connected, Carl made a subtle suggestion to Hypnotize his mentor "Lower the difficulty of the lessons next time."

'Did it work? He gives the impression he got lost in thoughts?' 

'Will it work this time?' he wondered, watching Nosferatu as the spell took hold.

A brief moment passed before Nosferatu scoffed, breaking off effortlessly from the effects of the spell. "Nice try. But with your pitiful magic power, you'll not get along with your tricks."

"Damn it. At least it was worth a try. Did it work?" Carl inquired, realizing that his attempt to influence Nosferatu had been thwarted and trashed.

The middle-aged man smirked, acknowledging Carl's effort. "I'll make sure to give you hell in the next lesson."

"Practice more, and remember that a strong mind is the key to mastering Black Magic, especially Blood Magic." There was a sense of humor evident in his eyes as he gazed at the black-haired youngster seated by the table watching him with a sour taste in his mouth.

Nosferatu's smirk persisted as he continued to tease Carl, finding amusement in the young Dhampir's attempts.

"Please have mercy on me, Lord Count! I'm a weak guy at heart," Carl appealed, injecting a touch of humor into his plea.

Nosferatu's smirk persisted as he continued to tease Carl, finding amusement in the young Dhampir's attempts.

"Please have mercy on me, Lord Count! I'm a weak guy at heart," Carl appealed, injecting a touch of humor into his plea.

The middle-aged man chuckled, his deep laughter resonating within the mindscape. "Weakness is an illusion, child. It's merely a stepping stone while searching for power. As you are right now, you should embrace your weaknesses, and you'll find the strength within."

From Nosferatu's perspective, the acknowledgment of weakness was not a concession to defeat but an acknowledgment of the potential for growth. He was aware that Carl tried to lift the heavy mood he created from his stern teachings, but in the art of Magic, there was slim room for mistake. 

"As for mercy," Nosferatu continued, his eyes glinting with a spark of amusement, "you'll find that it's a rare commodity in the World of Monsters. But fear not. Your journey is just beginning, and you're constantly accumulating power as we speak."

With Nosferatu delivering his final words, the mindscape of the Bloodbound Dominion began to disintegrate, the illusionary world unraveling like threads in the fabric of dreams.

"Ahh, don't panic when you wake up. You'll feel tired and drained of your power, and thirsty for blood," the Count's voice echoed, his smirk lingering in the fading mindscape.