
Visceral attack

Once he had finished contemplating the strange statue, Surgit started observing his surroundings again. On the platform where he stood, Surgit saw two doors on each side. Each probably led outside. He still didn't know where he was and he was determined to find out more about the place.

He couldn't help but notice a déjà vu feeling. The first time he arrived to Yharnam, he was thrown inside the city with no clue to where he should go. This time, he had no idea where he was or what he should do to get back to the Cathedral Ward. He learned from Yharnam that exploration was the mother of discovery.

He had to wander around in order to find a way out of the place. When he thought about the situation more clearly, he realized that all he had been doing in Yharnam was wandering around. He had been chasing after a concept no one has ever heard of. 'Am I just trapped in an unending nightmare with no way out then?' he thought, deeply concerned about his next steps.

'After all, overthinking leads to doubt. Doubt leads to indecision, and indecision leads to death, or in my case, to insanity.' He hated thinking too much about his situation in Yharnam. He couldn't help doing so though, as every human does while questioning their existence. He shook his head in order to snap out of his daydreaming. He slowly started recalling where he was, as if his daydreaming transported him to a different plane of existence.

At the foot of the sculpture, he saw another tiny skeleton with a cage on its head. There was no doubt about it in his mind. Those things were not really imprisoned. This one seemed to be sitting there, unbound but willing to die and rot until its bones were the only thing left of it.

He couldn't understand their motivation to do so but he decided not to dwell on things he couldn't possibly have an answer to at that moment. Yharnam concealed many secrets, and if he wanted to uncover them all, he'd have to explore every nook and cranny of the city. However, he wasn't willing to do so, he only wanted to reach Byrgenwerth and find out more about Paleblood. It felt like he was in a wild-goose chase.

He knew that his mission as a hunter was to hunt beasts, but if by finding Paleblood, he could end the hunt and subsequently leave Yharnam, that should be his main focus. Near the skeleton, Surgit noticed a lantern. His way out of this place was at least secured.

He lit the lantern using his insight in order to avoid being transported directly to the dream. He still wanted to explore the place he was kidnapped and thrown into against his will. Moreover, he wanted to find the bastard responsible for this and make him pay. He had lost all his progress through the tower and he knew deep down that jumping back down was his only option to go back.

As soon as he lit the lantern, Surgit proceeded towards the sealed doors. Both of them were locked from the other side and despite his kicking and pushing, none of them would budge. He gave up his attempts and climbed the stairs down towards the larger room of the building. He made for the open door he had seen earlier, beyond the floor composed of metallic bars.

As he walked towards the door, his feet made clinging noises against the metal. He saw a shape entering from the distant door. It was that creature that had kidnapped him. He inspected it with his insight and he saw its name this time around 'Kidnapper' the voices said. A fitting name for what they do. Surgit grabbed his saw cleaver and stood in the middle of the room, awaiting his foe to come at him. As soon as the kidnapper had seen Surgit, it extended its free arm and pointed at him, growling as it did before.

The kidnapper, extremely fast and agile for its size, jumped and landed behind Surgit. He was ready this time and anticipated the next move. Surgit jumped forward and avoided the slam attack by the kidnapper's bag.

He turned around in time to see the kidnapper swinging at him with his enormous hand. Surgit shot his pistol at the beast at the appropriate time, causing his foe to stagger to the floor. He performed his visceral attack, inserting his beastly claws inside the kidnapper's body and ripping his insides.

As he removed his hand from within the monster's body, the kidnapper went flying backwards. That attack always satisfied Surgit's desire to obliterate his foes. He prepared himself to turn around and head for the door when, to his big surprise, the kidnapper rose to its feet.

His foe let out a screeching scream, similar to the mix of the shouts of an newborn child being ripped off its mother's womb, and his mother screaming in pain and agony. Surgit felt blood freezing in his veins when the kidnapper turned towards him and ran even faster to attack. The first hit he received in the chest sent him flying in the air, several feet above. The second one, performed with the kidnapper's bag, slammed him into a pillar.

Surgit felt his strength leaving him as blood rushed out of every pore, natural or newly made due to the fractured bones protruding from his body. He was a few feet away from the beast. He gave himself two seconds before the beast had reached him. He let go of his cleaver and quickly injected himself with a blood vial, while his other hand held his pistol in place.

As soon as the beast was right above Surgit and ready to finish him off with another powerful punch, Surgit let another bullet pierce its exposed chest. The kidnapper fell again to its feet and Surgit, standing up slowly as his bones and body reconstructed, destroyed the beast once more using his visceral attack.

This time, the kidnapper did not move nor try to stand up again. Surgit filled his vials from the monster's open wounds. He was lucky this time. The blood vial he had used was the last in his possession. 'It seems like I can't carry enough of the-' his thought was cut short as he heard another kidnapper's growl. He looked towards the door and saw another one that had just entered the building.

He knew that visceral attacks could make short work of these kidnappers even if they were fast and extremely strong. He didn't lose any time. He ran towards the kidnapper and tried to induce it to attack him.

Every shot he landed however, managed only to slow the beast and not stagger it. This didn't give him enough time to transform his arm and attack with it. He had to learn the hard way that the process of transforming his arm also left him vulnerable to enemy attacks as he we was flung to the side and smashed against another pillar by one of the kidnapper's swings.

His bones weren't broken since he managed to move a bit to evade the attack which made the impact less powerful. His feet were shaking however and he was losing his strength. The kidnapper jumped and Surgit avoided the slamming attack in the nick of time. His own movement became slower and his attacks sloppier.

He had to fight back otherwise he'd lose this fight and perhaps, he'll have to face them both at the same time once he resurrects next to the lantern. The kidnapper swung at Surgit so fast that he could barely dodge his attacks. He had to stay in his place and not move. His legs could barely support his weight and so he just danced around the attacks with his upper body. 'Shit! No time to use the vials…'

The kidnapper grew tired of that exchange and jumped back. It looked at Surgit and opened it mouth, letting that faint growl come out again. It disappeared from sight and Surgit, feeling the danger and the opportunity opening up, turned behind him and shot his pistol blindly.

Lucky shot, it caught the kidnapper right in the chest and destabilized him, enough for Surgit to transform his hand and rip his foe's insides. Surgit knew what was going to happen next and he couldn't allow the kidnapper to become faster and stronger. He quickly injected the freshly harvested blood vial and prepared his next move.

As the beast stood up and let out its harrowing scream, Surgit urged his feet to move and ran behind his enemy, striking at it with all his might. The impact brought the kidnapper to its knees and made Surgit lose balance. He fell to the ground. His cleaver slipped from his hand and was thrown a few paces away from him.

He immediately stood back up and saw the kidnapper regaining its composure. Surgit acted as quickly as he could and felt his beasthood manifest in front of his eyes. His whole right arm was covered in fur and it grew larger, four times larger than his human arm. It penetrated the kidnappers back and snapped its vertebra. When he was done, Surgit watched his hand slowly shrinking to its human size, still holding a corrupt vertebra, covered in black and red.