
BLOOD: You're my Strength and my Weakness

Aezelle_Lee · Fantasy
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8 Chs


IT'S already late but Theresa can't still sleep. She decided to look at the records of all children who have been in their custody since the orphanage started operating. Though she's happy that they were able to rehome about five thousand children for the past ten years, she's sad to know that there are that many children that's been abandoned by their parents in that short time.

And now, she still has around five hundred kids in her custody. Honestly, it has been a while since they stop accepting kids in the orphanage. If there are babies that are left at the gate, she sends them to other orphanages that can still handle more kids.

Even if she wanted to take all of them, they can no longer provide for more kids. They only rely on donations. And lately, they're accumulating lesser than the orphanage's expenses.

She always believes that God will provide for those in need. But at that moment, she can't help but sigh thinking about how she could budget the money for the entire week, and where to get more funds for the children.

She looked at the wall clock and was surprised to see the time. It's already midnight but someone is ringing the orphanage's gate bell. Who could it be?

She wore her habit before she went out of her room. The gate bell has gone quiet but she's still worried. Though she has helpers, it's already late and no one of them might have checked it. It's raining heavily, and whoever is in there must be soaked in the rain. What if a baby is left there alone?

"Jesus Christ!" She scream the moment she opens the door and saw a woman in all black holding a baby.

The orphanage is surrounded by tall iron fences. She also made sure that the gate was locked. How did this woman get to the front door?

She's trying to look at the woman's face but apart from it's already dark, she's wearing a black veil that makes it hard for her to see her face clearly.

"Her name is Czelvie Grace Asombrado. One day, I'll come back to get her. Make sure that she stays in this place till then."

Theresa wanted to speak and ask her things but it was as if something is stopping her from doing that. When the woman handed her the baby, it was like someone is also controlling her body to move and take her. After the woman placed a black bag beside her, she turned her back and walk towards the gate. She didn't see her open it but the woman just suddenly disappeared.

That's only when she was able to move freely. She took the bag and went inside in a hurry. Her heart is beating so fast in fear. Could it be that that woman is not a normal being?

A vampire's existence is not a secret to the world. In fact, there was a point in their lives when they feared them so much. But that was before the leaders of the world and the Vampire King had an agreement.

From what she knows, Vampires are no longer allowed to roam around human territories. But with what she witnessed a while ago, she has a feeling that she just met a vampire.

"Mother Superior? Are you okay? And who is that baby?" asked Shiela, her assistant in the orphanage who headed towards them. "Did someone leave a baby in the gate again? How could they leave such a beautiful angel like her?"

That's only when she got the chance to look at the baby. And like Shiela said, the baby is so beautiful. She can tell that his a foreign blood running in her body. If this baby is a vampire, her eyes should have been red. But she looks just like a normal baby. Could it be that what she saw a while ago was just her imagination?

"Are these her clothes? Oh my God, Mother Superior. These are a lot of money!"

When she looked at the opened bag, it was indeed full of money. If she heard the woman right, she talked about taking the baby one day. Did she leave this much money so they can take good care of her baby? If they're this well-off, why did she have to leave the baby in their custody? She looked back at the baby in her arms. Is this baby's life in danger?

"This money is such a big blessing for the orphanage, Mother Superior."

"That's from her family so we're going to use that to raise this baby."

She believes there's a reason why that woman made such a decision. Until she comes back, she'll make sure to take care of her child.

EIGHT years later…

"What's your name, little girl?" asked a beautiful woman who visited the orphanage that day.

Czelvie smiled widely at her. "My name is Czelvie Grace Asombrado. I'm eight years old but I already know how to fix my bed, and am potty-trained. I know how to wash dishes too. And Mother Theresa said that I'm a smart kid."

The woman smiled at her even wider. "Really? If Mother Theresa said that, you must be really intelligent. And you are very pretty, too."

She found out that the woman's name is Mrs. Ysabel Chua and she came to the orphanage to adopt. And seeing how she's so fond of her, Czelvie has a feeling that this time, she'll finally be chosen.

But just like how those couples who seemed to like her before, Mrs. Chua adopted another kid, Abby, who's just her age.

"Czelvie? Shiela said you don't like to eat. Are you not feeling well?" Mother Theresa asked when she entered her room.

She felt it when Mother Theresa sat on her bed but she still remain hiding under her blanket and crying.

"Am I likable, Mother Theresa?"

"Of course, you are."

"Then why does nobody wants to adopt me?"

"That's not true. It's just that, this isn't your time yet. Don't you want to be with me anymore?"

That's only when she removed her blanket and looked at Mother Theresa. "I love being with you, Mother Theresa."

"Then aren't you happy that we can still be together a little bit longer? Come here," Mother Theresa tap her lap.

She wipe her tears and sat on Mother Theresa's lap.

"Don't be sad, okay? Everything has the right timing. It may not be now but one day, someone will come here to take you."

Because there are too many of them, there are a lot of times that she just wanted some attention. She thought that if she gets adopted, she no longer needs to compete with anyone just to be noticed. But it doesn't mean that she doesn't love Mother Theresa and everyone in the orphanage. She considers all children there as her siblings, and mother Theresa as her mother.

"I love you, Mother Theresa."

"I love you too, Czelvie Grace. For now, let's enjoy the moment that we can still be together."

"MOTHER Superior, I hope you don't mind me asking. I'm just wondering why you always stop Czelvie from getting adopted," Shiela asked after she return to her office. "I know that since she came, we were so blessed. But personally, I still believe that she deserves to have a family who can focus on her."

Though that night was a bit creepy, Czelvie's arrival brought luck to the orphanage. Since she came, they've been receiving a lot of help to support the kids from anonymous sources.

"I understand your point, Shiela. I too wanted the same for Czelvie. I just think that this isn't the time yet."

Despite all the blessings, of course, she wishes a better life for Czelvie. She also feels bad whenever she prevents Czelvie from getting adopted. But even if it has been eight years already, she still holds to her mother's words that one day, she will come back to get her child.

But another eight years has gone by and she still hasn't gone back.

"DO you think I'll pass?" Czelvie took a deep breath.

"I'm sure you'll pass. I have so much faith in your intelligence. You should too," said Clyde. "Why don't we go to the Mall and eat? My treat. I'm sure you're hungry after taking the exam."

Clyde is just the same age as her. Though he's been adopted when he was twelve, they remain in touch even now that they're already sixteen. In fact, it was he who informed her about the scholarship program at Xavier University.

"How's the orphanage?"

"Well, still the same. Children come and go every day."

"How about you? Do you have future plans? You're turning eighteen in two years. I heard that's the age limit that you could stay in the orphanage. But I guess Mother Theresa has no plans to let you go. You've been there the longest."

She smiles. "I know, right? I'm her favorite child."

When she was younger, she feels bad whenever couples chooses other kids and not her. But she eventually got used to it and accepted the fact that she'll forever stay with Mother Theresa, and she's fine with it.

"But aren't you curious who's your real parents? Don't you have plans to look for them?"

Just a year ago, Clyde happened to meet his real parents. He found out that he was kidnapped and his parents have been looking for him for years.

But in her case, as what she knows, her mom brought her herself to the orphanage. If she still wanted to see her, she would have come back for her a long time ago.

"After staying in the orphanage all my life, I've realized that I no longer need a family to complete me."

Growing up, living in an orphanage was never easy for Czelvie. At school, she met a lot of people who teased her for not having parents. Some also teased her for being the oldest in the orphanage. Saying that nobody likes her that's why she's still there.

But thanks to Mother Theresa, even if there were a lot of them in the orphanage, she was able to make her feel like she have a mother that she can always lean on. She's happy and satisfied having Mother Theresa as her Mom. Even after she graduates, she's planning to stay in the orphanage and help Mother Theresa.

"MOTHER Superior, here are the mails we received for the day," said Shiela as she entered the office.

"Thank you, Shiela."

"Mother Superior, I'm sorry if I'm being nosy. As what I know, Czelvie is applying a scholarship in Xavier University but I actually saw a mail from Paramount University."

She frowns hearing the University's name. For the past years, the relationship between vampires and humans has become more peaceful through the help of the world leaders and the Vampire Queen. A sign of that is the existence of Paramount. From what she knows, it's the University where humans and vampires co-exist. But why do they receive a mail from them?

When she opens the letter, she immediately notices Czelvie's name.

"As much as possible, I want things to go smoothly. In case you oppose, I can't promise that I can be kind enough to spare your life and the children in the orphanage. So please, follow my order and don't tell Czelvie anything else other than she got a scholarship from Paramount University.

"Send her to Paramount University. From then on, you no longer need to worry about her. Don't worry. Even after she leaves the orphanage, we will continue to support your institution as gratitude. Thank you for taking good care of Czelvie for the past years."

It seems like her guess was right. The letter came from Czelvie's mother. She never expected that that day would still come.

"Mother Superior, are you okay? Why are you crying? Is there something wrong?"

"N-nothing, Shiela. You can now leave. Thank you," she said while wiping her tears.

Theresa didn't realize that she was already crying. It's always difficult for her to send out children to their new families. But Czelvie is a different case for her. She's been with her for so long. Czelvie is like her real daughter already.

And honestly, she's hesitant to follow the instruction she was given. How would she know if Czelvie will be in good hands if she sends her to Paramount University? Her mother can't even visit the orphanage personally to meet her daughter.

But after she threatened her, even if she's worried about Czelvie, she also has to consider the rest of the children in the orphanage.