
Blood, Wolves, and Death

A winter cold and dark, death of loved ones, the killers: Werewolves and Vampires. Ford, a regular boy must suffer through a crushing reality. His parents murdered by the monsters that they once hunted. Why did they hunt such beasts? Why were they at odds? Who was at fault? This story will reveal questions, that can only keep you guessing. Answers delivered anywhere from beginning to end, only to introduce new questions to keep the imagination going. And a variety of gruelling, unrelenting and action packed adventures to keep you satisfied. Ford isn’t familiar with the affairs of his family. Only to discover them with every day that passes. Werewolves, vampires and other creatures of the night are all new experiences that he must learn to fight in order to survive. However, every coin has 2 sides. Where he will stand by the end of the story, will depend on whether you keep reading. Companions and friendship forged, only to have them taken away at a moments notice. Make sure not to get too attached. I am not forgiving in the slightest. Learn what creatures I will include and whether or not other fantasy elements will be added in this story. Just as Ford learns new things, so will you. I’d like to thank you if you do choose to read this story and forgive me for the odd grammatical mistake or weird choice. If I can make such mistakes in the decisions, so can the characters. However that doesn’t mean I won’t try my hardest to keep things consistent.

Violet_Ivory · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Kill that Vampire

"Scruffy Beggar, we've got a special request for ya".

"Still crazy how they call you that, why don't you put in the time to look a little more presentable?", Sam nudged me as he whispered to my side.

"It doesn't look that bad, and the beard has started to grow on me", I whispered back. Stroking my beard I felt a sort of pride in how long I had grown my beard, perhaps Sam couldn't tell how great my beard is because he simply was ignorant.

Sam and I were currently sat at the bar of the inn we were staying at. The inn acted as a place where townsfolk and the town itself could enlist the help of travellers whose expertise lie in whatever it may be, sending them on missions or quests where they could earn money.

These types of requests were usually only given to those who were trusted and had worked on other similar requests before. It seems I made a little name for myself, I bragged of my triumphs in my mind.

"There's been talk of a vampire roamin' around town, people have been seen sucked dry to the bone, only husks of their regular selves remaining. Nasty stuff I tell ya".

"I've never hunted a vampire you know?".

"There's a first for everythin'", he pulled out a sack of coins laying it out on the bar table".

"This is what we're givin' ya up front, this ain't even the full price we're offerin'".

"So you're paying me for a job where you only suspect the culprit to be a vampire?", I was skeptical.

"If it ain't a vampire, then taking this quest is even better for ya. If it's a vampire, things will proceed as planned, if not, we'll still pay ya in full".

Between earning this large amount of money or losing my life, this job was going to be risky. Nevertheless, I had already made my choice.

"You've got a deal", I smirked, grabbing the sack of coins and tying it around my belt. "Where can I find this vampire".

"The last it was seen was on drycooper's street, maybe you can try your luck there".

I had already set out for the door, Sam followed close behind.

"You really don't give me any choices in these matters, huh?".

"And I never will".

- - - - -

Drycooper's street was nothing special compared to the lands of Valkine Planes. While they were beautiful with colours that catch your eyes, the infrastructure of the town was more rustic and simple.

"Excuse me miss, have you heard of any vampires around here".

For some reason she looked away, quickening her pace as she did so. Perhaps she was in a hurry.

"Sir, have you heard-?".

"I don't have any change, now leave me alone", the old man shooed me away as he limped, walking towards the nearest building he could enter.

I stood rooted in place.

"Mom, why is that man on the ground?".

"Look away, he might run up to us asking for money".

Each word stung me in the heart. Perhaps it was time I shave off this beard and buy new clothes?

I looked over to Sam, seeking help and guidance.

However, the more I looked at him, the more I realised how fucked we were.

Sam with fabric covering his eye, while large scars were still noticeable as they stretched even further than where it covered, along with his intimidating outfit would make things worse.

He wore a grey scarf that covered his neck, along with rustic clothes that resembled that of a mercenary's.

There was no way we were getting any information when we looked like this.

While we hadn't yet given up hope, I proved myself right. No information. A WHOLE day and NOTHING.

We now switched goals to "simply" catching the culprit in action.

I noticed a carriage driving past, though on closer inspection, it looked more like a mobile cage.

Humans laid within were dressed in dirty rags, their eyes staring off into space as if there were no soul behind them.

Hollow cheeks and skin that looked paler than a vampire's, they looked as though they hadn't even seen food, in days.



"Let's go".

Slaves were a common sight in these larger towns. People that had sold themselves or been sold off by people whom they trusted and loved. Some just couldn't pay the debt they accumulated while others fantasised of a better life, at least better than where they came from.

In these instances, humans truly looked no different than monsters.

The moon was out. Rays of moonlight shone through fabric tarps that provided shade from the sun, they covered alleys and the fronts of shops, large crates and barrels were scattered along the sides.

"You really think it was a vampire?", Sam asked as he walked toward a crate, where he had claimed his spot to sit.

"It could be, there aren't many other monsters that suck blood".

"You think we can take a vampire?".

"We've killed a werewolf before, a vampire couldn't be much different".

"You sure?".

"As long as it isn't a high-class, we should be okay", my hands shook unconsciously.

"It would rather be called a Vampire Noble, no?".

"Yeah, I think that's it", I pulled myself together.

"Well then, If you say so, but I think it's about time we head back".

"The night has only just begun, aren't vampires most active when the sun is down? At least, that's what the book says".

"You carry that thing everywhere, huh?".

"I don't know what I'd do if I lose it just 'cause I forgot it somewhere".

"Hmm… Sigh, I'm bored…".

"Want some beer?", I pulled out a flask, offering it to Sam.

"You've really become an alcoholic".

While I would've usually played it off with a joke, my chest really did feel tight.

What happened to me? While I had kept my joking personality… I still hated myself. Nothing changed from that day. I simply discovered the wonders of alcoholism. But I felt worse by the day.

I did believe it was a good thing tho, it's not good to overestimate oneself, you just end up disappointed.

The world didn't leave me to my thoughts much longer, as a cloaked figure ran toward us after taking a turn into our alley.

"Oy, you two! Stop that guy!".

A band of 4 ran behind him, panting as they followed.

In the next moment, the figure jumped on the crates, leaping over our heads.

Without thinking, I ran behind him.