
Blood, Wolves, and Death

A winter cold and dark, death of loved ones, the killers: Werewolves and Vampires. Ford, a regular boy must suffer through a crushing reality. His parents murdered by the monsters that they once hunted. Why did they hunt such beasts? Why were they at odds? Who was at fault? This story will reveal questions, that can only keep you guessing. Answers delivered anywhere from beginning to end, only to introduce new questions to keep the imagination going. And a variety of gruelling, unrelenting and action packed adventures to keep you satisfied. Ford isn’t familiar with the affairs of his family. Only to discover them with every day that passes. Werewolves, vampires and other creatures of the night are all new experiences that he must learn to fight in order to survive. However, every coin has 2 sides. Where he will stand by the end of the story, will depend on whether you keep reading. Companions and friendship forged, only to have them taken away at a moments notice. Make sure not to get too attached. I am not forgiving in the slightest. Learn what creatures I will include and whether or not other fantasy elements will be added in this story. Just as Ford learns new things, so will you. I’d like to thank you if you do choose to read this story and forgive me for the odd grammatical mistake or weird choice. If I can make such mistakes in the decisions, so can the characters. However that doesn’t mean I won’t try my hardest to keep things consistent.

Violet_Ivory · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
36 Chs

Calm Waters

2 years later…

A lone figure ran through the dense forest. His silhouette, seemingly blending into the surroundings as he pushed his body up and past rock and boulder. The thick snow crunching beneath his boots, while his sword shook to his sudden movements.

Intense concentration and understanding plastered across his face, it looked as though he knew the forest like the back of his hand.

A low chirping which in a way sounded quite cute, like a little bird singing in the wind could soon be heard by the man. Though the sound of cracking bones and squelching flesh, would instantly pull you out of such delusions.

Landing himself upon a tree he scanned the surroundings, awaiting the monster's appearance

"Though it seemed it was unnecessary as he soon found his gaze fall upon a herd of ferocious beasts, their beaks dyed in red, some of the flesh tearing apart, falling to the ground with a large squelching flop.

Though the brave and handsome warrior would not allow such creatures to roam about, spreading misery across the land any more.

For he would vanquish the monsters and save the beautiful and gentle princess- shit, one saw me... ummm uhh-


I dropped down from the tree I had planted myself on, rushing towards the monsters, a group of 5, all surrounding a fresh carcass in the snow.

Left, right, down, up. I danced between the beasts, my sword following my movements. Quick and precise slashes caused the beasts to screech in pain, falling to the ground. Their dark-red blood dying the snow beneath them.


I spread my arms before taking a short bow.

Scott was following close behind me. Though that kind of negated the whole lone warrior archetype I was going for. So I ran ahead of him.

Issola had some errands to run, and so it was just the two of us.

One of the worst mistakes she could have made. Why on earth would anyone ever leave me with a guy like this?

We've spent what's felt like 20 years together, and he still hasn't opened up to me. Man's a brick wall when I talk to him.

Though that all seemed unnecessary as I looked upon Scott's displeased expression.

He was the least bit amused.

"You stepped too close to the second one. What would you have done if it had struck on impulse. The fourth almost plucked your head off. The fifth was a centimetre away from clawing your skin to shreds… how can you still be this bad? And you were spotted while giving off your fancy monologue"

Doesn't this guy have a big mouth when he's complaining? Where's this sense of conversation when I strike up some small talk? And aren't you supposed to say well done or something, maybe a "that style of yours is super cool" or something...

Now my mood's all sour.

Dusk fell as we found ourselves outside the oh-so familiar inn.

The inn-lady probably made enough off of us than in the entire time they've been in business.

Though, it was less than lively. No light in sight, a simple dark room. Not a soul in view. It was bustling with rowdy cheers and the thick stench of alcohol, just a day ago.


A loud cheer followed by the melodious singing of happy birthday. I didn't even realise it was today.

I hadn't even celebrated it last year.

Issola had asked me after it had already passed, settling for a smaller celebration with just the 3 of us. And even that was enough to make me cry.

Turns out this year, she had been planning for a big surprise. I couldn't even form a smile. A blank expression on my face.

I felt a light punch to the top of my head, "happy birthday".

My eyes lit up, I couldn't control my burst of happiness. The many people who showed up, really making me well up in emotion. Ugh I need to get rid of some of this energy before I explode. Come here big guy.

I hugged Scott for a good 10 seconds.

Issola pat me on the shoulder.


A large piece of cake was pushed into my face. Unsure of what to do, only feeling a burning passion to return the favour, I threw some of the cake that covered my face, right back at her.

Giggles, hearty laughing, jokes and beer. It was perfect.

I had never actually experienced a birthday like this. I never really had any friends at all. Homeschooled and training, a dense forest that covered the mansion on all sides, I never had much experience with people in the first place.

It was just mother, the servants, and I. Though in a way, even that was enough. But now, I know all these wonderful people.

All I could do was thank these 2 with all my heart.

Girtha poured a large cup of liquid, handing it to Issola, a glint in her eye.

Feeling a sense of dread, I almost found myself running away.

Though I now felt a large pressure on each of my shoulders, pushing me back firmly into my seat.

Issola pulled a large cup of amber liquid to the table I was sitting at. This container that could fit a small child, had beer in it.

"First drink ever?", her eyes sparkled. She seemed to be more excited about this than me.

Pressured by her strong gaze, I brought the pint of beer to my mouth. I closed my eyes, taking a large swig.

"Bwaaaah, bitter..."

"Wooooo", everyone brought their cups close to mine, a large clink followed by their loud chugging.

The night carried on, merrily. I found some men laid on the floor passed out, I chuckled. They really wanted an excuse to drink huh?

It felt as though, tonight, not one horrible thing would happen-

That was until the doors of the inn were flung open.


- - - - -

"To think the vampires would simply be content with just the life of a single man and his mansion", a thick rumbling voice spoke out.

"If they think we'll just sit and wait for another hundred years, then they are sorely mistaken".

"MY BRETHREN, I SPEAK TO YOU TODAY, NOT AS A MAN, NOT AS A VAMPIRE, BUT A WEREWOLF. We have lost our way; ONCE we were warriors. BATTLING DAY IN and DAY OUT to prove our strength as individuals. Now we are mere husks of what we once were. NEVER AGAIN. We will prove to these humans, they should have never fought with us ALL THOSE YEARS AGO. NOW GO! Frorenholm was but the first of many...", a cold grin spread across his face.

The werewolf looked to the army of men and women, their skin shifting to that of werewolves. Their eyes filled with rage, howling to the sky.

"The show has only just begun"

- - - - -

Rays of sunlight cast themselves through the colourfully painted window of a large cathedral.

Within its walls sang the most serene voice anyone could imagine, with the ability to captivate anyone who listened.

The cathedral was mostly empty, except for the woman who sung her melodies, a man clad in silver armour who stood to her side, and a priest who walked towards her in steadfast pace.

"Apostle Marianne, the werewolves and vampires have begun to make their move once again. The Twoir family's mansion has been burned to the ground".

His voice seemed to almost have stabbed at the melody, forcing it to come to an abrupt halt.

"The vampires will not be a problem. That King of theirs is out for nothing but petty revenge… the werewolves however, in due time, we will subdue them".

"But if we don't do anything now, then cities will begin to fall!".

"Do not question me high priest, I know what I am doing. Send word to the Imperial arm, have them train till I deem it time".

"I will do as you say".

The priest walked just as quick, out, had he done in. His face clearly still questioned her reasonings, however he had no choice in the matter.

"Did you hear that my hero, soon all in the land will speak of your name".

"Just as it seems all hope is lost for the humans, you will show up in their darkest times as a ray of hope. I'm sure you will not disappoint me", she stared into the hero's eyes, bringing her hands to his cheeks, almost as if she were casting a spell on him.

"No, Apostle Marianne".


Apostle Marianne looked towards the large statue of a woman that had been carved into stone, a book in her left hand as her right arm stretched itself far beyond where it gazed.

"Oh Lord above, grant us the power and knowledge we seek, so we may crush these children of the devil. So we may prevent them from killing our children and tainting our lands. So we may rid the world of a thorn that has been stuck in its side for far too long".

The hero continued to stare ever so intently, still standing to her side.

"Dakhem", they spoke in unison.