

Justin the king of all vampires falls in love with a werewolves, but was killed by the love of his life. Will he be able to get revenge or will he fall in love again join him in all his battle as he fight his way and meet the love of his life

Rimuruq · Fantasy
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4 Chs


She look at those red eyes and thought "beautiful" Justin look at the and found her irresistible, it felt like he should devour her they and now " what is wrong with with me is it because I haven't eaten for so long" he thought".

But he force himself to stay rational. the lady just keep looking at him and he find it not comfortable so he said to her.

"Umm hello I don't mean any harm I just saw that you were about to be taken advantage of so I came to help"

She just look at him " hmm they are still some good people out there" she thought

She said to him "it's fine thanks for trying to help" she replied and look at his back and find some other people they.

"ohh they are with me sorry if it's make you uncomfortable" he said as he say steering at his at curiously".

He look at Tyler and the others and signal for them to leave first. he didn't need to think twice before he leaves.

When everyone left he look at the lady and said "sorry I didn't introduce myself my name is Justin Von Licht" .

she just look at him and thought "that's a weird name".

"is a pleasure to meet you am Mira Win. you look like you are not from around hear"

"you are right I ain't from this city.do you mind if you show me around"

She thought about it and replied" sure but am actually looking for a bodyguard right now my grandpa want me to have one but since you look like you don't have a job do you want to work for me"

Justin look at her and thought" well since I don't have anything on me, and no place to stay I might as well say yes"

" sure I don't mind working for you ". who would have thought that the vampire king would have to work as a bodyguard.

"alright you will have to come with me to my home to get started".