
Blood Traitors

Her gaze lingered on his freckled face from across the great hall, her eyes tracing across every feature of his face, from the upturned corners of his devious grin to the small silvery scar that ran through his eyebrow. Sighing and aimlessly stirring her porridge, the metal clinking on the ceramic bowl as she allowed her mind to get engulfed by the prior night when those callused hands had been exploring every inch of her body...

Random_Potato_1016 · Others
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28 Chs


Far beyond tipsy Bella danced with Cho, her hands on her hips and in her own hair, moving to the beat.

Unaware of the many eyes on them they carried on, giggling, keeping the drinks coming.

George was leaning on a cabinet, watching Bella, his jaw hardened and his fist clenched as he watched her hips sway from side to side, her icy blonde hair moving with her.

How could someone he despised so much be so incredibly attractive? Everything from her ass in those jeans to her siren-like eyes under her dark lashes that seemed to lure him in was like heaven or possibly even hell, either way, he was liking it.

It was definitely just the alcohol pulsing through his veins but he had the undeniably urge to replace Cho, letting his hands scour her body, from her waist down to her-

Shaking his head he walked over to his twin and started joking about with the other guys in his year, taking his mind off of the girl in front of him.

It was only when she threw her head back and trailed her hands down her body he had to step away, aware of how aroused he was becoming.

His mind suddenly came back to the memory of Bella punching her boyfriend, or ex? He wasn't so sure anymore, they certainly didn't look like they were on good terms.

He wanted to talk to her but didn't know how so he communicated the best way he could.

"Oi Malfoy, leave some firewhiskey for the rest of us, love," he jeered, running a hand through his flaming hair, gulping as she turned around, stumbling towards him, a cheeky smirk playing on her lips.

"Don't think I haven't noticed you staring at me Georgie," she giggled, dimples appearing on her rosy cheeks.

"Maybe you don't despise me as much as you say," she slurred, her eyes fluttering closed as she suddenly crumpled to the floor, springing back up just as suddenly.

"I'm ok," she said, her legs trembling wildly, "No you're not," George scoffed, rolling his eyes as he beckoned over Cho who was tipsy but sober enough to make sensible decisions.

"She needs to get to bed, I don't trust anyone else enough, none of these guys anyway."

"Georgie liked my dancing," Bella slurred, slinging her arms around Cho's neck and leaning against her.

"Oh he definitely did," Cho giggled, "You loved her dancing, right George?"

George rolled his eyes at the girls, hoping they didn't notice a flush rising on his face, "That's in your imagination sweetheart, I would never choose to look at youthe only thing I enjoyed about you tonight was watching you make a complete fool out yourself," he said smoothly.

<p style="direction: ltr;">"Sure Georgie," Bella giggled, batting her stormy eyes up at him and winking before Cho dragged her away

Dang now I kinda like Bella, like shawty let me dance with you

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