
Blood Traitors

Her gaze lingered on his freckled face from across the great hall, her eyes tracing across every feature of his face, from the upturned corners of his devious grin to the small silvery scar that ran through his eyebrow. Sighing and aimlessly stirring her porridge, the metal clinking on the ceramic bowl as she allowed her mind to get engulfed by the prior night when those callused hands had been exploring every inch of her body...

Random_Potato_1016 · Others
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28 Chs


George's stomach did a somersault as Bella looked up at him through her dark lashes, that icy stare coming from those narrow siren-like eyes driving him insane.

"If you think I'm skipping my last class for you," George scoffed, trying not to melt as her hand traced circles over his bicep, "Then you are absolutely right," he breathed.

Gripping her thighs and hoisting her up so her legs were wrapped tightly around his torso, he carried her over and placed her upon his chest of drawers.

Bella grinned and twirled his tie around her dainty fingers, pulling him towards her so he was in between her legs.

"I knew you couldn't resist me, Georgie," she smirked, putting emphasis on the nickname.

"It's not my fault you are utterly intoxicating darling," he said, his deep voice sending jolts of electricity through Bella's body, making her hormones rage, lust overcoming her.

"You're right, it isn't," Bella grinned slyly, tugging him in further, his crimson tie still in her grip, "I like that by the way."

George frowned, "What?"

"Darling. Did you call all of you hookups that?" she joked, her mood dropping when she saw him scoff.

"Darling," George said, the nickname rolling off his tongue, "That is reserved for you and you only."

And for the first time ever, she didn't see him as an adversary, the age-old feud that had been going on since the ripe age of eleven was coming to an end all because he had called her darling and melted her icy cold exterior and as her walls tumbled down she leant in and kissed him fiercely.

George marvelled as Bella, her silvery hair falling in perfect weaves down her back, pulled her sweater over her head.

She was the epitome of class and intelligence, even by the way she carried herself, her head held high, her posture like a dancer as she glided across the room.

"Are you coming to the party in Ravenclaw common room?" she asked, breaking his train of thought.

George didn't even have to think about it as he blurted out, "Yes."

"Just to be clear-" 'No talking in public except when we're tearing each other's heads off," he said nonchalantly.

Bella detected a slight edge to his voice but shrugged it off, continuing to pack up her things.

"I'll see you around," she said, standing on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his stubbly cheek.

Wrapping his arms instinctively around her, George hugged her for a moment before releasing her, awkwardness lingering in the air.

"Yeah, see you around."