
Blood Tome

This tale follows a book teaching an ancient, almost forbidden magic. Cover art is not mine, if it’s yours and you want credit or me to take it down tell me. Warning, this book will have gore and other things described that might be found disturbing. I have returned to college so I might not be adding chapters for a while

Daniel_Mauger · Fantasy
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11 Chs


Cayde opened his eyes and groaned. The sun was streaming through the bunk house he lived at, along with twenty or so others. They ranged from 15 to 25, no one seems to live longer then that. Not here at least. Most of his room mates were miners or farm hands. The only difference between him and them was that they were all born into this, he wondered here after his parents died.

That was almost 10 years ago, his parents were traders, merchants, bards. He'd been happy as a child. Before the bandits had ambushed their wagon. The only reason he was alive was because he'd been washing in a creek when it happened. I'm pretty lucky I suppose. I chuckle thinking that as I look down at my body, covered in dirt and ribs too easily seen. My stomach rumbled loudly but I'm used to it after years of living here.

But today will be different, it has to be. I check the pouch I conceal in my trousers. Still there, good, my whole plan is counting on the handful of coppers I've saved up. I get dressed quickly excited to finally execute my plan. The plan I've hade ever since I saw that mage go into the inn across the street and come right back out. He'd never returned. A whole month and he never returned.

With all the madness in this last month I wasn't sure but I think he did something to start it, regardless he must have stored something at the inn, why else would he enter, head to his him, and just leave.

The street always smells like bread early in the morning, but today I can't afford to buy breakfast, if I spend my money right I could change my life and leave this pig hole for good.

There's one thing I need to do before I go to the inn, I head to the public bath house, one of the few free services provided by the city, and scrub my face and arms in a basin of cold water to try and look presentable.

All too aware of my tangled brown hair that was starting to reach my eyes and my worn pants and thin loose shirt, I enter the inn.

It's empty perfect, if their were patrons this would be a lot harder. I approach the bar keep

"Excuse me, I would like a room at your fine establishment"

The establishment is clearly not fine. A month ago it was dirty but cozy. It's only gotten worse

"How many nights"

"Not that long, but I do have a specific room in mind"

"And which room is that" the bar keep has become more wary of potential clients as she has been threatened and robbed in the last month.

"I would like the room that the mage accessed a month ago" I drop my bag of coppers on the counter as I finish speaking.

Her eyebrows raise

"It would be bad for business if I gave people access to my clients rooms"

"You know as well as I that with everything going on and him not being seen for a whole month can mean only one thing" I nudge the bag towards her.

She swipes the bag and tosses it in her hand weighing it

"I can't promise you'll find anything, I haven't sensed any magic coming from the room or I would have gone there myself"

She takes a key out from a cupboard behind the bar and slides it towards me.

"Let me worry about that"

I snatch the key and almost skip upstairs. No magic, bones. Even a weak magic ring could be traded for a job good enough to keep my belly full. Regardless mages often carry gold or other expensive goods besides magical items.

The number on the key says 305, I go all the way to the third floor and find the door marked 5. For half a second doubt enters my mind. Not only could she have already searched the room, she could have given me the wrong key on purpose. No she said would have searched it if she sensed magic, meaning she hasn't come up here yet.

I slide the key into the slot and turn, it clicks softly open. I step inside and lock the door behind me.

"Alright mage, what did you store here?"

I begin by checking the obvious places, the desk, empty. The chest at the foot of the bed, empty. Under the bed, nothing. I lift the mattress, nothing. At this point I almost scream. I spent all of my saved money to gain access to this room. But it's completely empty. What a fool I am, I could have gotten shoes without holes with that money, or a set of clothes that aren't torn.

I look back to the bed, well I've already paid for it I might as well enjoy it. Plopping myself onto the soft bed, even though it's morning I could sleep all day and night. I suppose some time to relax isn't the worst thing. Trying to find a positive in wasting all my money feels almost required.

I grab the blanket and tuck myself in. As I roll over my head feels like I'm laying on a log, I should know I've used a log for a pillow before.

"What kind of inn has such uncomfortable pillows?"

I grab the pillow trying to fluff it and make it more comfortable. I feel the leather satchel and my entire body goes still, my eyes widen in realization.

Getting out of the bed slowly I take the pillow to the desk and sit down. I pull the satchel out of the pillow and quickly check the actual pillow fluff to make sure nothing fell out of the satchel.

Throwing the pillow back to the bed I focus on the satchel. The high quality of the leather makes this bag easily worth ten times what I paid the inn keep. I open it slowly my breath is slow, as if I could breath the contents away if I breath too hard. There are only two things inside the bag. First there's a large book, and more importantly a small purse with 15 silver pieces. I stand up knocking the chair back and dance around the room. This is worth months of meals and a better place to sleep.

I hear a knock on the door and I stop dancing, opening the door so that the desk with the bag and silver remains unseen I open the door.

"Can I help you"

It's a short older man who looks a little rough, not as much as me, but not great.

"Heard a noise, just wanted ter'make sure yer'all right"

"Oh, yes I'm fine, just kicked my chair when I woke up"

I try to look a little more sleepy to make my story more believable.

"Ah I see they make these rooms to small don't they, why I roll of m'bed every other night"

"Yes far too small"

I chuckle and hope the old man goes away content with himself.

"Tell yer'what, meet new down in the taproom when yer'ready breakfasts on me"

He pounds his chest as if he has conquered some foe

"Well I couldn't refuse that kind offer, I'll be down shortly"

"I'll be down there fer'quite some time the no rush lad"

The old man strolls down the hall toward the stairs. What luck I have today, I can't stop smiling. Though maybe he needs something from me. Though I'm used to working for my food so I won't be mad if he does make a request.

I close and lock the door before heading back to the desk. I pick the chair up and sit down. The book is heavy, several inches thick with a red hand print on the leather cover. I try to open it but the pages simply refuse to separate. Oh well I've got breakfast waiting for me downstairs.

I tie the purse into my trousers and sling the satchel with the book in it over my shoulder as I head down.