
Blood Ties: Lastborn of Akatosh (Elder Scrolls / Skyrim / Naruto)

(Fan-made Readaptation of a Fanfiction) "Two men, twins separated as infants. Divided by an ocean, they grew up in very different worlds, but both became warriors of incredible skill and power. Minato Namikaze, the Fourth Hokage of Konohagakure. And Conrad Harissen, the Last Dragonborn. A close brush with death finds Conrad finally meeting his brother in the last place he would ever expect: the belly of the Shinigami, known to him as the Soul Cairn. There, Minato made a request to his long lost brother to find Minato's home and warn his people of their hidden enemies. But first, Conrad must journey to the unknown and forgotten continent. And Minato never said anything about a nephew..." =========================== I neither own the Naruto Series nor The Elder Scrolls series nor the Original Fanfiction, Blood Ties I also dont own the cover picture. I just found this on my old gallery about Dragonborns and I forgot where I got it. Credits to its Creative Owner. This is just a Fan-made Readaptation of Igornerd's Fanfiction titled: Blood Ties, a Naruto + Elder Scrolls Crossover. The story takes place during the very start of the Naruto Series and years after the Civil War in Skyrim. This IS NOT a Self Insert fanfiction. This is NOT isekai also. There are NO "Stats System" BS here. This is purely written for fun and a wish fulfillment fanfiction to see or read a "WHAT IF" scenario where "Elder Scrolls meets Naruto" with a Stronger Dragonborn. Anyway, please dont hesitate to give me better recommendations on what to add to this series. This is a Fanfiction and I am more of a Reader than a Writer, so any suggestions that you wanted to add or fix on this series is highly welcomed. Dont hesitate to tell me your thoughts. Again, credits to Igornerd for writing such great story. The Original Fanfiction were released here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10284884/1/Blood-Ties https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/blood-ties-naruto-skyrim-crossover.297546/ CHECK & SUPPORT IGORNERD'S SERIES!

PoundPerSquareInch · Video Games
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37 Chs

The Tailed-Beast without a Tail

I am truly bad at naming my Chapter titles… smh

I promise to edit all of the Chapter Titles also on the revision state of this fanfiction before the start of the next arc.

I hope you will enjoy this chapter


The heavy rainstorm kept pouring oceans of water unto the village. Overlooking Konohagakure and on top of the Hokage-Iwa (A/N: Hokage Rock) that bore the carved faces of the former hokage, rivers of water flowed in gushing force.

A strange figure sprouted from the carved image of the First Hokage like a jaw of a man-eating plant. And inside its jaw was a humanoid profile.

They were wearing the same black cloak of Itachi and Kisame. The easily distinguishable trait that made its entity somehow different from that of the normal human was how its single body was divided into black and white halves. The white half had human-like facial features and a yellow eye, as well as its unusually rounded teeth. While the black half sported only a yellow eye with no mouth. Both had short green hair.

"So this is why they are late." A deep gruff voice came out from the black half through the rain.

"Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!" a cheerful voice from the white half laughed like there's no tomorrow.

The two halves obviously had different personalities.

"Stop laughing already!" the black one scolded the other.

"I can't. The way how Kisame was thrashed around was too funny, hahahahaha!"

"This is no laughing matter. We didn't expect such deterrent."

"Hahaha… haaa… still, this is quite a curious development. We didn't expect for Konoha to become Amegakure. (A/N: Hidden Rain Village)" the white half commented as he stared at the constant heavy pouring of rain which were present always on the latter. "So will we join the fight later? I hope you did not forget that I am not built for fighting."

"No. We can't risk to reveal ourselves now. Let's wait for the perfect time."

"Tobi and Pain still needs to know."

"I know."

They watched as flashes of jutsu sparked frequently at a distance.

"I doubt Itachi will need ours but doesn't Kisame need our help? It would be a great waste to let him die." the white half said in a teasing tone. "The group will become even more boring without people like him."

"You're noisy. Shut up."

But that didn't stop his carefree and playful half from asking more questions.

"Don't we need him for the plan? Losing one of our members this early would surely disrupt it. Do you have someone in mind that could replace him? Are we prepared to delay the plan even further?"

"Kisame was a member of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. And he will not go down easily." The black one said just that to stop his chatterbox half.

"Ahhhh yes, I almost forgot." The white half hit his own head with his hand, as if he remembered something that he should had.

"Kisame possessed chakra on the level of a Jinchuuriki. So if you put him with together with Samehada, the most terrible of all seven swordsmen's blades who consumes chakra…" The white one grinned. "…you get a human who was able to wield the strength of a powerful jinchuuriki."

"Precisely, Kisame is effectively a Bijuu without a tail." The black half confirmed.

"Then this should be interesting. We may finally get to see Kisame display his full might." The white one chuckled.


"What in the world…" Iruka should have already been tired in getting more surprises on this fight but was unable to do so. They were now high above the village, carried by two spectral armors with wings. Sasuke and Naruto were also on the same reaction as him.

The other thing that shocked him was the destructive jutsu that was used by the Mist-Shinobi. It was similar to the nature transformation Kekkei Genkai, a bloodline limit that allows the wielder to use unique techniques and jutsus. The most famous was the Wood Release that was created by the combination of Earth and Water. And Iruka had never heard of this kind of jutsu before.

"A Deiton?" he asked aloud. Which caused more confusion to this two students who heard him.

Conrad on the otherhand wanted to send Naruto and his companions to safety. But was there even a safe place on this city? Especially how these intruders were able to enter without any resistance or being detected?

As such, he decided not to. After understanding that these intruders were targeting his nephew. There's a high chance that there were other accomplices that would attack Naruto again. Especially when Conrad himself was yet to familiarized himself on how they fight, making them unpredictable for him. Unlike the powerful opponents he had faced in Tamriel, the warriors and soldiers in this continent mainly fight with deception, covering the strength, bidding their time and with the elements of guerilla warfare.

With this in mind, it would be better to protect Naruto under his eyes for now, while luring every possible enemy that meant to harm his nephew.

"Where is he now?" Hakon asked.

"He's still under that mud lake." Conrad was greatly frustrated at how limited he could unleash his strength. Judging from what had been displayed by his opponent, he could just end everything with the full power of his fire breathe. But he would probably destroy half of the city as a result.

This was the main reason why he cursedly hated fighting on urban battles.

"That will be quite a challenge to take him out and fighting him under that mud would be a very disadvantageous for us." Hakon said.

He made a head gesture to his summon to make more distance away, which they obeyed. Conrad could see that even if he use Slow Time under that mud, he would still be impeded by the mire.

"Then we will make that mud into cooking pot." Conrad said which Hakon grinned after hearing it. But before they could send hell fire, another Jutsu was casted from the depths of the mire lake.

"Suiton: Dai Bakusui Shoha!" a massive sphere of murky water quickly expanded. It was so fast that it caught Conrad and Hakon by surprise. A large sphere with the mixture of mud and water successfully swallowed them, it was so high that it also caught Naruto and others who were flying above Conrad.

Kisame enjoyed this more powerful version of Water prison due to the rainstorm and mud he had combined. It was larger and packly densed with muck.

Due to the wet mud in the water, it could had become harder for Conrad to see if not for his Aura shout he had used earlier. And with his dragon aspect, his Dov form quickly adapted to the new underwater environment, letting him breathe underwater.

Although Hakon and the spectral summons have no concern about breathing air, they were still blinded by the thick mire. And the restrictive watery mud prison made them struggle helplessly. Conrad cursed again, with his eyes under the Aura thu'um, he could see the poor state of his nephew and his companions, and they were drowning. And they were sent away from him when they were all washed and enveloped by this water prison.

As he was about to charge towards them to help, he sensed that something changed on one of the enemy clones.

The scale-like sword that was being carried earlier had now disappeared.

Samehada had fused with Kisame which caused a strange and monstrous mutation. His body increased in size, a large shark fin appeared on his back. On his arms, blade-like fins had grown. He gained a webbed-like fish trait on his feet and hands. And with a large, wide tail on his rear came out.

A humanoid shark creature.

The mist shinobi could feel the explosive increase in his power after his body combined with Samehada. Unleashing his own bloodlust to the waters, he displayed his predatorial insticts.

"It looks like today's menu is dragon meat," Kisame sneered with his new set of shark-like teeth.


Sarutobi was beyond shock. The sight of seeing the huge dome of black water swirling on the center of the village and the advent of heavy storm after he got out of the door of the building made him lose composure. He could hear from afar the screams of panic and confusions on his citizens. Various emotions inside him failed to contain itself. Panic, worry, anger, frustration and exhaustion were at obvious display.

It was the same for the Iwa Delegates who came with them to change location for their safety. They were looking at the strange phenomena with scrutiny. The large amount of chakra used can be felt even at a distance.

Danzo on the other hand, had wide open eyes then angrily yelled at the ANBU who alerted them of the situation earlier.

"Send everyone to contain the situation! I want reports! Full eyes and ears on the area!"

That made Sarutobi wake up from his state of stupor and added orders also.

"Prioritize the civilians that are near the area. Evacuate everyone."

"Yes sir!" the ANBU captain disappeared with his team. Then Danzo went to the opposite direction as the Hokage led the delegates to safety within a secret passage on the mountains.

"It seems that we had come at a very bad time Hokage-sama." The Iwa representative Sena, said. "Is our precious jounins safe?"

"I can assure you that they were not in any way at danger or risk. They were being held at a safe house where they were being guarded and treated as guests. I do apologize for this disturbance." Sarutobi had to light up his tobacco just to calm himself. He stopped at double sided door on the tunnel. "These ANBU will escort you to another building on the other side of the mountain for your safety. Please do not leave the building unless you are in danger."

Several Konoha ANBU agents took over and led them deeper into the mountain. Then Sarutobi asked the rest of ANBU who ran towards the exit with him.

"Situation?" At the interruption of the meeting, he and Danzo was told of two intruders and how it got to the point of Conrad fighting the Mist shinobi. The reappearance of Itachi alone sent him headaches.

"We lost contact with the five ANBU that was tasked to guard the foreigner. But received reports that several jounins were currently on skirmish against Uchiha Itachi."

"That dome of water," Sarutobi asked. "…was that where Harissen-san and Naruto was located?"

The ANBU confirmed.

"Then let's make haste." Sarutobi took off his Kage clothes and revealed his armor underneath. Then made handsigns to summon his friend once again. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Enkoo Enma!"

With a puff of white smoke, a large ape with armor appeared.

"Does Konoha have some sort of fetish in being attacked frequently? It's still a couple of months since the Invasion during the Chunin Exam, had happened." The monkey king, Enma sighed. "Not only that you failed to kill your rebellious student but you failed to also stop this one again from happening. Is the old age getting on you now Sarutobi?"

Then Enma transformed into a staff and fell into Sarutobi's hands.

"Talk later friend." Accompanied by numerous ANBU, Sarutobi jumped and speed across the roofs. Towards the conflict.


Was that similar to Vampire lord or Lycanthrope? This was the only thought Conrad could think in his enemy's new form.

But he have no time to study his enemy, as his nephew needed to be sent to safety immediately. The two spectral summons he had tasked to guard them also struggled in getting out of the watery mud. Sensing that he can now use thu'um again, he casted the appropriate shout that would help him reach Naruto without getting impeded by the prison. He thought of using Time Slow again, but realized that he would still be slowed down by the presence of thick mud. Any lightning spell or Ice Form Thu'um would probably be a good element against his opponent, but that would also harm Naruto as his nephew was still trapped on the same mire sphere.


The thu'um reached out to the Void, changing his form that cannot harm, be harmed or restricted. A ghostly form same as Hakon. Then he flew towards the Naruto with haste. His presence was still on the physical world but his true self is outside the restriction of Space. But his enemy seemed to have sensed his motive and raced against him.

Even under the thick muddy waters, Kisame was as quick as his ethereal form. The Mist-nin cast jutsus of his own to slow him down. But was surprised when all of them passed Conrad harmlessly. Kisame clicked his tongue and sped up in pursuit. He was also wondering how his enemy was able to breathe underwater.

Conrad finally reached Naruto and his companions before the ethereal form went out. Then immediately cast another ward sphere that protected them from drowning and quickly, carefully taking out the mire from the inside. He grabbed the sphere with his long tail and swam away from the speeding enemy. Naruto, Sasuke and Iruka vomitted out the mud and water from their throats, inside the ward sphere. Relieved that they could finally breathe again. The spectral summons followed him as they sensed his presence.

I take back previous decision, Naruto and his fellows badly needed to get out of here! Conrad impatiently used his four wings as fins to swim through the dark waters.

He desperately swam away from Kisame while dragging his nephew but quickly noticed that they were still far from the edge of this sphere. With his adapted eyes, he could see the edge of this water prison. But he felt also that it seemed that the edge was moving away from him also. He sent several lightning bolt spells to slow his pursuer down but missed as his opponent was far quicker and seemed to be using the mud as cover. He still had to wait for several seconds before using the awaited Time Slow or Whirlwind Sprint.

"You can't escape this!" Kisame's voice echoed in the waters.

That was when he realized that the water sphere was moving with Kisame as the core. Making Conrad understand that escaping was useless. He would have to defeat the caster of this spell in order to let his nephew escape. He quickly gave back the ward sphere he was carrying to the two summons that was swimming alongside him. Then gave them his plan and ordered to get his nephew to safety on the opposite direction. After that, made a sharp turn to face Kisame. However the humanoid shark made another handsigns and summoned dozens of himself again.

"Kagebunshin no Jutsu!"

Shit, how many times can they cast that stupid spell? Conrad gritted his teeth as he saw the increase in the number of his enemies.

Due to the presence of new clones, the Aura Thu'um which lost the mark on the former targets, went out and his dragonic vision came back.

All of the clones made some handsigns and unleashed a jutsu.

"Suiton: Suikoudan no Jutsu!"

Large sharks appeared and rushed through Conrad.


The world once again, slowed down to his will. He decided to avoid the sharks and focus on all of the clones. Then he conjured his own spell to take them all out at the same time. With two hands, he weavingly aimed his spell that will freeze everything on its path. The missiles of Ice Storm was also affected by the slowing time, as such seemingly stayed on their casted position. Then he swam straight to take some of the clones with his claws and wings. Drilling through them with ferocity and speed.

Even underwater, under the slowing world, he was still faster. The world returned to its normal state and with it, his spells and attacks struck all of the clones. Leaving nothing but puff of bubbles.

But Conrad once again fell to Kisame's new deception.

One of the sharks that passed through Conrad earlier transformed into the original and pursued his nephew instead. Kisame actually disguised himself as one of the mud sharks he had casted earlier. He was able to deceive the dragonborn into thinking that he was sending an attack when in reality his true aim was to pass through him. Kisame knew that his enemy will protect the Kyuubi's jinchuuriki and was trying to lure the former away from the latter. And he was not that chivalrous in missing to exploit that. It may be underhanded but it was how shinobis fight.

He can do that?! The dragonborn was surprised at the new display of spell that hoodwinked him.

"If I swear that I will fucking skin every last cunt of you after this!!" Conrad yelled underwater.

Kisame cleverly positioned himself on the same flow where the kyuubi's jinchuuriki was. Disabling Conrad from casting lethal spells that may get his nephew in danger if he missed. Moreover, he just used a thu'um which made him unable to cast one again for several seconds.

However, this didn't go unnoticed to Kisame who connected all the dots and had the entire water prison under his current sensitive senses.

"So that's how it is…" Kisame sneered under his teeth as he pursued Naruto while at the same time, the dragonborn rushed behind him. He finally got it and made another handsigns summoning more clones.

"Kagebunshin no jutsu!" half of the clones continued pursuing Naruto while the other half turned and faced Conrad. Kisame's main objective was still to capture the Kyuubi's jinchuuriki, all he did by now was just to confirm the identity of this stranger who had the same face as the Yellow Flash.

Now that he succeeded knowing enough information and the strength of his opponent, he had no intention to waste more time with this unknown jinchuuriki. Kisame almost lost his life many times if not for his quick thinking and Samehada's help. But then not even once, he was able to scratch or injure his opponent. Enough proof of how much of a threat this stranger was to their organization. The only advantage Kisame had on this fight was that the enemy was somehow concerned or restricted on using his full strength inside the city and because of the Kyuubi's jinchuuriki. Something that his countless years of battlefield experience told him.

That itself was another mystery, what was this stranger's relationship to the Kyuubi's jinchuuriki? But that will be a problem for their leader to solve, later.

Conrad roared in his dragon form, underwater due to anger and frustration.

These clones clashed with Conrad trying to slow him down, some were impaled by his claws and drilling wings, some were torn apart by his jaws as he was still rushing to help his nephew.

With the help of his shark-like body, the original Kisame quickly closed the distance with his prey along with his clones then he laughed in delight. He always liked the scenario where his enemies fell to his trap and enjoyed seeing them suffer the consequences. His devilish grin increased in size as he was literally, a meter away from his prey. He stretched out his claws and prepared to cast a jutsu at point blank range.

But then, he heard two booming voices from the two winged spectres that were carrying some sort of prison jutsu. Which contained the kyuubi's jinchuuriki and Itachi's brother.


A powerful unrelenting force pushed through the water prison and struck all of the pursuing clones then threw them back, including Kisame.

"Wha-?!" Kisame was stunned for a moment before realizing that he was pushed through the direction of his pursuer. This was when he realized that it was him who actually fell for the trap.

When the dragonborn realized earlier that they won't be able to get away from Kisame inside this moving water prison, he changed his approach from escaping to outsmarting. Just after seeing the personality of his enemy during their fight, Conrad predicted that his opponent would probably chase his nephew if he turned to face Kisame. As such he ordered his summons and Hakon to lure Kisame to themselves and push him back with a thu'um when the enemy is an arm away from them. Then the shark would fall into the dragon's jaws.

And the dragon decided not to give him the easy way out.

"You will die slowly." As he was thrown away, Kisame heard a loud voice. He turned and met the same eyes met again. Kisame and Conrad was now practically head to head distance. This fish-like creature was probably more resilient than his humanoid form that were able to survive a deadly blow to its head earlier. Conrad found out that the secret to his inhuman regeneration was the scale-like sword. And with it somehow combined with the body of his enemy, this will probably increase the chances of his enemy surviving the dragon's wrath.

If the dragonborn couldn't take the life of his enemy with a single deadly hit because it was still full of life, then all Conrad had to do was to reduce his opponent's vitality to the level where he could take its life, effortlessly. Unfortunately for Kisame, the dragonborn had a perfect thu'um for that.

Then three words echoed through the underwater. But it wasn't to slow time this time.


The dragonborn spoke the words of power, and his Voice became the herald of doom to his enemy.

Maybe it had been on purpose. Maybe Conrad missed. Or maybe, something unexpected and unknown just happened. Whatever the reason, the strange energy of a jutsu that wasn't a jutsu, hit Samehada instead of Kisame, even if they were already on the same body.

Kisame could feel his beloved sword, screaming. It wasn't like before when it had got struck by some unknown lightning and ice jutsu. Samehada was mentally howling in pain and anguish, a visceral, primal sound. Kisame could feel its struggle as it rebelled against maintaining their transformation, as if trying to get away.

"What did you do?!" Kisame demanded in panic and rage as his skin were convulsing. He could feel that Samehada was slowly losing its life. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!"

The only answer he got was a claw and four folding wings attacking him relentlessly. Not giving him a change to use any handsigns to cast a jutsu. Conrad on the other hand was wielding Ice Storm on his claws, giving his opponent painful frostbite damage. Undeterred, Harissen-san swung again and again, getting faster with each swing as if increasing in strength and power.

The guy... no, the creature in front of him was pretty much a bad match for him. Kisame wanted to use more of his water jutsus but after realizing that his opponent uses lightning jutsus without effort will make his jutsus pretty much useless. It's one of the reasons why he mixed the mud with his water techniques and included the Kyuubi's jinchuuriki inside his water prison as a deterrent for such jutsu. But for unknown reason and for the first time, Samehada was also useless against this guy. They never once were able to absorb a single chakra from their enemy and depended only on their stored stolen chakra from the kyuubi and others.

However, Samehada screamed anew with every strike, and Kisame knew it: whatever this dragon bastard had done, it wasn't just hurting the living sword. It was killing it, and somehow it was also strengthening his opponent. As if he was stealing the weapon's vitality. A situation where Kisame and Samehada should've been on that position.

Kisame was starting to look desperate. He decided to use his tail as a sacrifice and escape. The consequence was a painful feeling of losing a body part and massive lost of blood. Red blood spread across the water prison. Although successful, he was now on a situation where he can't use any large and powerful jutsus he had previously. Limping inside his water prison, Kisame used such distraction to mentally try to calm down the shrieking Samehada.

"You are a fool. Because of your spell, we are now above the city. What do you think I will do?"

This is when Kisame learned that the kyuubi's jinchuuriki had successfully escaped his water prison. He opened his eyes wide in terrifying realization of what Conrad were implying.

Now, without worry and without waiting, Conrad used one of his most powerful Thu'um.

Then a small star appeared.

Burning anything and everything as it expanded and then… it exploded.

A massive blast of inferno destroyed the entire sphere of watery prison. Raining hot dried mud across the whole village. The ensuing heatwave from the exploding star above the village was so hot that every raindrops it passed, was vaporized.

Kisame crashed back again to the solid ground. This time he was now back on his human form but with burnt body and missing limbs. He lost both of his arms after trying to shield himself from the blast. He was left with scorched shoulders, a stump on his left hip and a baked right foot. His chest were giving off burnt smell. Even with the return of pouring rain, the burning heat could still be felt by anyone who would come near to his body. Half of his face were now charred black.

Unconcious and now at the mercy of the one who just landed with hellfire.

His sword, Samehada was at a distance from its wielder.

"Giii…gi…" it crawled weakly toward Kisame. Its scales were seared and melted. Then a dragon's foot stepped on it, making it cry in weary, pain and anguish, stopping it from moving. Conrad could sense that his opponent was not conscious and already dying, yet Kisame's face displayed an undaunted smile with his blood-stained teeth. As if he is welcoming death with open arms.

This somehow perplexed Cornad. The opponent had an impressive resilience in taking an attack that could kill a dragon. Seeing that his enemy was unconscious and had no strength to resist anymore, he decided to quench his boiling anger and take him for interrogation. At least he could probably, release his pent up frustrations by torturing the bastard.

He needed to know the reasons why his nephew was being targeted, what their goals are, and the identities of his accomplices. Were they involved with those people who had a grudge against his dead brother and sought to kill his living son in vengeance? Either way, Conrad was not a person who would not answer a threat.

The dragonborn however, sensed another being underground. He could feel that it's more dangerous than the one he had just put down. He jumped out then put some distanced and prepared.

Then a creature sprouted beside the body of Kisame.

What appeared from the ground was a strange being with giant maws that looked like a man-eating plant. Its body was half white and half black. Then Conrad recognized the black cloack it was wearing. It's the same cloak that was worn by the two intruders. He cast a detect life spell to see if there's more like them coming. Then was surprised that the creature was connected deep underground. He could see that it appeared like an elongated root of a giant tree.

"Hmmm… I never expected Kisame to be this beat up. You can barely recognize him anymore."

"Just shut up and take him now."


"Wha-" In split second, the unconscious Kisame was swallowed by the earth and disappeared. Before Conrad could even think to respond. He could see with his detect life spell on how the body just disappeared into the dark abyss of the earth.

"Don't forget his sword."

"It's done already~"

Conrad also noticed that the scale sword had disappeared.

The appearance of a new enemy, was a bad news. He wanted to take advantage of their complacency with a Time Slow to immediately kill or if possible, capture and interrogate them later.

But his senses were now screaming in full alert. It was as if Miraak was in front of him once again. Which made his vigilance and wariness increase through the roof.

"Who the fuck are you?" Conrad glared.

The creature also stared at him. Then he noticed their inhuman nature on its body. For a couple of seconds, both of them studied each other before it quickly went back to the ground. Leaving almost no trace for him to detect and see that it was there.

Then after he realized that this creature could appear and disappear underground, he immediately flew with great speed towards the location where his nephew was taken by his summons.

Thank you very much for your patience

Some of you may probably feel that I stretched the fight, but nope. This was just the result of carefully considering a fight after understanding the full power of Kisame against the restricted power of the Dragonborn. And with the consideration of the chapter word limit also, lol. (By the way, the fight with the side povs was formerly 15k words long)

The first account of this fight was two chapters long (4k words each) but that felt anticlimactic to my friends who were the first to review it. They felt that it was rushed (even if I didnt). But then I realized that I was actually using Kisame on a wrong way which made him much weaker. I had to watch every episodes and read every manga chapter again where he was shown and mentioned to know more about his personality, strengths and weaknesses.

This made my update even longer. As I had mentioned previously, I am not that knowledgeable in the lores of Naruto and Elder Scrolls.

Some of my fellow writers here uses discord or ******* to release their “unfurnished” chapters before publishing it on public reading platforms. Making it available only to those who wished to see the first rough release of the chapter which will help in editing and reviewing it. Well, unfortunately for me, I don’t have time to do that due to my work. And also, I don’t want to make any more actions that may start another bad misunderstanding (again -_-). And to those who were asking, I won’t be locking my chapters on a paywall or anything because I don’t have any intention to make money from this.

And I highly doubt anyway that my own variation (of Igornerd’s Great FF) would get popular so I hope that I could depend on you guys on helping me improve the quality.

So how did you found this chapter? Does it felt boring and bland? A Drag? Tiresome to read and predictable? Bad? Let me know in the comments. This is still an experimental release and are still on the subject of revision if needed. \\(>w<\\)

And also reminding that I am not the Original Writer of Blood Ties. This series is just my own readaptation of Igornerd's Fanfiction.

The Original Fanfiction are released here:



Credits to Igornerd

Check his series!

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