
Blood, Status, Ethnicity, and Nationality

Daphne Yalle: When the great nation Neptune invades her land, Daphne's peaceful life soon changes drastically. And because she is a Neptunian-Plutonian - owns the same ethnicity as the Neptune invader country - Pluto residents hate her ethnicity very much it leads to a provoking conspiracy that traps her and her entire ethnic group as genocide victims. Fortunately, at the last moment, she was saved by Stairmount Rivers, one of the lecturers at her university. Stairmount's heroic actions immediately make Daphne fall in love with Stairmount, without realizing that the mysterious quiet man holds many secrets, some of which are even very dark and have the potential to bring Daphne to the deepest scrap of affliction. Stairmount "Schynn" Rivers: As a citizen of Jupiter descended from Saturn Country, it is very awkward for Stairmount as he can live legally in Pluto, especially since Pluto is at war. Yet, maybe he must be grateful for this 'awkward' destiny - so that he can save Daphne, that beautiful girl who captures his heart for the first time in his life. His deep love for her even leads him to be willing to risk his own life to save her. But the price for this love is too dreadful, as to pay for the consequence, he is then forced to sin against the land of his ancestors - with the lives of the people he loves as the captives to force him to commit this unforgivable sin. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, countries, ethnic names, institutions, agencies, organizations, businesses, as well as the events, issues, and incidents produced from those matters above are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, issues, and incidents is purely coincidental. Get in touch: Twitter: https://twitter.com/boundlessuniv8 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@boundless_universe?_t=8bN0wTTth5e&_r=1 Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/boundlessuniverse Tumblr: theuniverseisboundless YouTube: Boundless Universe

boundless_universe · Sci-fi
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133 Chs

Chapter 98

The next second, Payneth pushes herself toward Daphne hard. They soon fall down, and roll on the ground.

Daphne screams, "What the...?!?"

A dazzling yellow-green laser light flashes, and a second later, a few centimeters next to them, there is a small hole in the ground with smoke flames from inside.

Daphne's eyes go huge. Right above them, a tall, skinny man is pointing an electron gun straight at them.

Payneth quickly stands up. She pulls out a small electron gun inserted inside her waist - it turns out that she is carrying a weapon with her. Then, she shouts at Daphne, "Run!!!"

Too frightened, Daphne quickly gets to her feet, and runs as fast as she can.

Yellowish-green and reddish-blue laser beams sparkle here and there. No sound is created from the battle, but the result is clear, and also gruesome - the ground is now filled with few holes. Daphne can't stand for it anymore. She knows that she is zero in fighting with weapons, but she can't leave Payneth alone. She searches for a bush, gets into it, then peeks at what is really going on from behind the bushes.

Now Payneth is fighting one by one with the assassin. The man is very eager to finish Payneth, shown clearly by his hard and focused attacks. Payneth herself is also very good at fighting with weapons. She is able to dodge the laser beam attacks nimbly. So, the two of them are on the same level. Since the fight reaches a stalemate, it's hard to predict the winner.

Daphne screams in horror when she sees Payneth suddenly falls onto the ground, hands clutching her bloodied stomach. The enemy manages to injure her stomach.

Assuming that he has managed to incapacitate his foe, the assassin immediately flees, and disappears from sight in a flash.

After ensuring that the enemy has really left, and the condition has been completely safe, Daphne hurriedly approaches Payneth.

"Payneth!!!" Daphne shakes Payneth's body. "Are you alright?!?"

With difficulty, Payneth answers, "I... no..."

"You have been badly injured. We have to go to the hospital!"

"No..." Out of Daphne's expectation, that's the response from Payneth. "Don't take me... to the hospital... they... will kill me... once I get there..."

"But this is so awful, Payneth. If you don't go to the hospital, you'll die!"

"Call... this..." In suffering, Payneth forces her limp fingers to press the button of the ultra-cyber minipad. Then, out of breath, Payneth hands the minipad to Daphne. After that, her head slumps. She passes out.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe

Daphne listens to the ultra-cyber minipad which is now calling the Contact Number. She waits for a long time, but no answer. Not giving up, Daphne tries again. But even after she tries for three times, the result is still the same. No answer.

"Payneth, they're not picking up this call!" Daphne exclaims anxiously.

Payneth's eyes remain closed. No response from her at all.

Daphne thinks hard. No, she can't let this all continue and finish with a tragic end - the death of Payneth. I must do something. But, what is it?...

A flash of thought flickers through her mind so fast, like the whirring of a meteor. She can use that way. That way is indeed very risky, and dangerous, but only that way she can do right now.

Daphne grits her teeth. She brings Payneth to her house.

"Mom!!!" From the public park, she only needs three minutes to reach her house. Daphne opens the main door, then steps into her house hastily. Quickly approaching Mrs. Yalle who is staring at her in shock. "Please help me, Mom!"

"What's going on?!" With widened eyes, Mrs. Yalle watches Daphne who is now putting Payneth on the sofa in the living room.

"I'll explain in more detail later, Mom. In short, she got shot, and I have to help her!"

"Can you do it, sweetie?!?" Mrs. Yalle asks in disbelief.

"Theoretically, yes. I've learned it in internships before. But to do it by myself... never." As she replies, Daphne is taking the necessary ingredients.

"Then you should take her to the hospital!"

"I can't, Mom."


"I'll tell you later, I am in a hurry right now!"

Now Daphne is starting to treat Payneth's wounds based on the knowledge she has learned in medical school. But despite the fact that she is not a doctor yet, Daphne is indeed one of the best students and she has even got the highest score before. She is very good at medical technology and understands some of the concepts of crystal stone treatment * based on advanced technology on this Planet. Moreover, when she was still in an internship at the hospital in Sapphire, Stairmount has explained to her about some techniques for dealing with this problem. Although the results of her work may be underestimated by experienced doctors, but it is indeed very good for an intern who is just starting her internship. After a while, Daphne manages to provide emergency assistance to save Payneth's life. And after confirming that Payneth has passed the critical period, Daphne gets to her feet and rushes to the main door. "Mom, I want to go to the 24-hour pharmacy to buy some medicine and crystal technos * . Please look after her while I'm going!"

*) Crystal Stone Treatment is considered as the most advanced treatment on this Planet. Its abbreviation is crystal technos.

Even before Mrs. Yalle responds, Daphne has disappeared from behind the door.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe