
Blood, Status, Ethnicity, and Nationality

Daphne Yalle: When the great nation Neptune invades her land, Daphne's peaceful life soon changes drastically. And because she is a Neptunian-Plutonian - owns the same ethnicity as the Neptune invader country - Pluto residents hate her ethnicity very much it leads to a provoking conspiracy that traps her and her entire ethnic group as genocide victims. Fortunately, at the last moment, she was saved by Stairmount Rivers, one of the lecturers at her university. Stairmount's heroic actions immediately make Daphne fall in love with Stairmount, without realizing that the mysterious quiet man holds many secrets, some of which are even very dark and have the potential to bring Daphne to the deepest scrap of affliction. Stairmount "Schynn" Rivers: As a citizen of Jupiter descended from Saturn Country, it is very awkward for Stairmount as he can live legally in Pluto, especially since Pluto is at war. Yet, maybe he must be grateful for this 'awkward' destiny - so that he can save Daphne, that beautiful girl who captures his heart for the first time in his life. His deep love for her even leads him to be willing to risk his own life to save her. But the price for this love is too dreadful, as to pay for the consequence, he is then forced to sin against the land of his ancestors - with the lives of the people he loves as the captives to force him to commit this unforgivable sin. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, countries, ethnic names, institutions, agencies, organizations, businesses, as well as the events, issues, and incidents produced from those matters above are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, issues, and incidents is purely coincidental. Get in touch: Twitter: https://twitter.com/boundlessuniv8 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@boundless_universe?_t=8bN0wTTth5e&_r=1 Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/boundlessuniverse Tumblr: theuniverseisboundless YouTube: Boundless Universe

boundless_universe · Sci-fi
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133 Chs

Chapter 82

One more day has passed. Neither Sianne nor Stairmount's grandmother has their condition improved even though they have taken the medicine Stairmount and his team have formulated. They have used world-class science-based biomedical methods and technology, but still, the results are less than their expectation. It can only make improvement for a short time, but after half a day, their conditions will deteriorate again. And Sianne is even more awful as her condition drops faster than Stairmount's grandmother.

"It must be because Sianne is too focused on researching her thesis. She's even been staying up late this week." Uncle Julian - who is diagnosed to get negative result of the infection of the pathogen - stares at Stairmount with gloomy eyes. "She says, she wants to be like you. She always tells about you to her friends, you know? And they say, 'if your brother is so smart, then you should be as smart as him.' It lets her be even more motivated to finish her thesis as well as possible, to the point that she is desired to graduate summa-cum laude." Uncle Julian looks up at the blue sky. "But instead, it is what she gets. Due to lack of rest, Sianne's immune system has decreased, then worsening her health."

The wind blows hard, toying with Stairmount's hair and ruffling it to be in a mess, just like his mind which can't stop blaming himself for not being able to treat his own family.

Uncle Julian springs out from the park bench, he steps away, then takes a cigarette and smokes it.

Stairmount now looks heavenward, staring at the spring sky of Jadeite which is much warmer than Emerald and even Sapphire. He is in deep thought, considering that idea. In fact, that idea has been hanging around in his head for a long time. However, that is a crazy, risky, and dangerous idea. It is he himself who becomes the first one to reject it. So, he is sure of it, all of them won't allow him to use this method.

"But, there's no other way," Stairmount mutters weakly. "For Grandma. For Sianne. And for everyone infected by the Ramscal Pathogen - I have to use that idea."


"I will inject Ramscal Pathogen into my body. Hence, I can research it more thoroughly, more objectively, so that the result I get will be more precise, and finally, it helps us to create the treatment which is 100% correct."

Stairmount's statement immediately stirs a big turmoil. They all immediately express their disapproval of his super reckless idea. Whether his team members, or the dean of the hospital and all staff at the Jadeite First Care Hospital, or even the Saturn delegation team - all of them disagree with his intention.

"This is crazy! You will kill yourself!" Lucas screams in horror.

"We'll never hear of such kind of research method. Every result of scientific research is whether from our patients or laboratory's tests, but not testing the researchers themselves!" Calvin comments.

"If something bad happens to you... we need you, Stairmount. So please, don't sacrifice your own life," Torrent tried to persuade Stairmount.

The Dean of the Hospital, as well as Saturn Delegation team members, also prohibit Stairmount to implement his idea.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe

"We are very touched by your compassion and dedication to helping the patients, but this is not a good method," The Dean of the Hospital says.

"There must be a better way, Mr. Rivers," Mintsand Marine joins in. "Don't do such a desperate thing. If the doctor dies, who will cure the patient?"

Gazing at all of them, Stairmount replies, "As a healthcare worker, we are no different from the soldiers who fight on the battlefield - the different matter is only the opponent, we fight with the disease. But the final risk is the same - Death. All of the soldiers are ready to die. Same with me. In order to eliminate the enemy - which is Ramscal Pathogen - I must have the same mental readiness. I must be ready to die."

Stairmount is determined with his decision. No kind of persuasion can stop him. So, all they do is compete in persistence - who is the most persistent one in the end. Which is won by Stairmount in the end.

Stairmount has just breathed a sigh of relief, and is scheduling an injection of Ramscal Pathogen for him, when the relatives of his mother and father step into the hospital in a rush, and soon have been standing before him.

"Schynn you a crazy buddy! How can you do such a reckless thing?!" Uncle Julian shouts aloud. "We don't allow you to do this!"

Stairmount takes a very long, deep breath. He is sure that he hides this from his family, how come they know about this right now? "How do you know?..."

"Of course, we know it! It has been an uproar all over Jewel, it has also been broadcasted in the news!" Uncle Andrew shouts. "Your mom and dad also know about this! They are now contacting you... well, this is your mommy. She wants to talk to you!"

Stairmount shakes his head. "I have made my mind, Uncle."

"Don't do kidding!... Here, talk to your mom!"

Feeling so annoyed, Stairmount takes the ultra-cyber minipad handed to him. A second later, he can hear his mother screaming, "Schynn!!! What do you want to do?!? No! You mustn't do that! You mustn't do that, whatever it takes!"

"I do this, to save Grandma and Sianne, Mom," Stairmount says desperately.

"They will recover without you doing that madness!"

"And when will it happen, Mom? When? Fuxa can kill people in 2 weeks. If we compare it with Fuxa, it means we only have 2 weeks! And until now no medicine can eliminate that pathogen!"

"No matter what happens, you can't do that, Schynn!"

"No matter what happens, I'll still do that!" Stairmount shouts so loudly that he now becomes the center of attention in the hospital lobby. Feeling embarrassed, he soon takes a deep breath, then lowers his voice, "Sorry Mom... but please, believe in me. I'm not that crazy, I'm sure I will success in the end. And thus, I can heal many people."

"Schynn!..." Mrs. Rivers is still protesting, but Stairmount has made up his mind. He turns off the ultra-cyber minipad, and then returns it to Uncle Andrew, the look in his eyes is so firm that his uncle can't speak even a word.

Stairmount turns his attention back to the administration team. "Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock. Inject me with Ramscal Pathogen."

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe