
Blood, Status, Ethnicity, and Nationality

Daphne Yalle: When the great nation Neptune invades her land, Daphne's peaceful life soon changes drastically. And because she is a Neptunian-Plutonian - owns the same ethnicity as the Neptune invader country - Pluto residents hate her ethnicity very much it leads to a provoking conspiracy that traps her and her entire ethnic group as genocide victims. Fortunately, at the last moment, she was saved by Stairmount Rivers, one of the lecturers at her university. Stairmount's heroic actions immediately make Daphne fall in love with Stairmount, without realizing that the mysterious quiet man holds many secrets, some of which are even very dark and have the potential to bring Daphne to the deepest scrap of affliction. Stairmount "Schynn" Rivers: As a citizen of Jupiter descended from Saturn Country, it is very awkward for Stairmount as he can live legally in Pluto, especially since Pluto is at war. Yet, maybe he must be grateful for this 'awkward' destiny - so that he can save Daphne, that beautiful girl who captures his heart for the first time in his life. His deep love for her even leads him to be willing to risk his own life to save her. But the price for this love is too dreadful, as to pay for the consequence, he is then forced to sin against the land of his ancestors - with the lives of the people he loves as the captives to force him to commit this unforgivable sin. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, countries, ethnic names, institutions, agencies, organizations, businesses, as well as the events, issues, and incidents produced from those matters above are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events, issues, and incidents is purely coincidental. Get in touch: Twitter: https://twitter.com/boundlessuniv8 Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@boundless_universe?_t=8bN0wTTth5e&_r=1 Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/boundlessuniverse Tumblr: theuniverseisboundless YouTube: Boundless Universe

boundless_universe · Sci-fi
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133 Chs

Chapter 40

"But, we're not poor, either. We have money. These costs, though expensive, I can still afford for it, it is just that Mr. Rivers is unwilling to accept them. So don't worry, Sweetie." Mrs. Yalle embraces her daughter tightly. "Because of this war, the whole Planet views Pluto as a pitiful nation, and their citizens as the refugees who always beg for others' mercy. However, we will be different from their perspective. We will show the dignity of the Neptunians which has been respected for hundreds of years as a nation that can build strength, from being a small nation, to becoming a respected and eminent nation. We will show that, and I'm sure, you will impress them, Sweetie. They will appreciate you. And then, accept you."

Daphne turns her gaze back to her mother, who looks back at her, seriousness fills her eyes. The light from the plane that turns on automatically when the sun's light fades refracts on her face. "They'll accept me, Mom?"

Mrs. Yalle nods. "Certainly."

On the other hand, the doubtfulness Stairmount is thinking about is completely different from what Daphne is concerned about right now. He has not yet told his parents that he is on his way to the Emerald - that he is returning home. He just remembers that he should tell his parents just when he is on the plane right now. Stairmount slaps his forehead. He hates his carelessness which makes him senile easily. He is indeed the type who can be easily focused on something, that is why he can get big achievements other people can't achieve, but, he is also prone to ignore other things. Like now, he is too focused on finding the best way to save the lives of the three of them, to the point where he forgets to carry out such trivial but very important etiquette. He doesn't know whether sending telepathic messages to his parents when the plane lands will give him enough time to explain all of this - that he won't only arrive alone, but with two other people, who are also foreigners.

They must be troubled with my current situation, then when they see Daphne and her mother, what will happen to them... or, should I not take them with me first, and just do it after I give them the detailed explanation?... but if I don't take them with me, where should they live? Stairmount now rests his forehead on his wrist. While many people around him begin to fall asleep, he still remains awake. Busy thinking about what he should do when the rocket is landing after this.

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe


The sun is shining brightly as Daphne, Mrs. Yalle and Stairmount get out of the airport hotel. It was eleven o'clock at night when they arrived at Emerald yesterday, so they stayed at the airport hotel and planned to head towards Stairmount parents' residence the next morning. If Stairmount were traveling alone, he would sleep in the airport lounge, but he knows that it will be unethical for him to let Mrs. Yalle sleep by using a backpacker style, so he finally booked a hotel. But if he thought that his decision shows a manner of respectfulness, yet it actually makes Daphne even more uneasy. Because she knows, airport hotel fees must be more expensive than ordinary hotel fees. And it soon raises her level of inferiority.

Stairmount approaches a flying taxi and gets into it. Daphne and Mrs. Yalle follow behind him. "To this address," He leads the way.

"Alright, Miss," The taxi driver nodds kindly, then immediately drives the flying taxi.

Finally, Stairmount comes to this conclusion - to keep taking Daphne and Mrs. Yalle to his parent's house. After all, his parents must know the fact. The issues that have made him be forced to escape from Chrono can't be separated from their roles. All parents will be shocked if they know their son do such kind of trouble. But I am sure, they'll be able to accept it. I am sure, I'll be able to persuade them. He inhales, then exhales. He has sent telepathic messages to his parents stating that he will come straight to their houses so they needn't fetch him, but he keeps hiding the fact that he has come with Daphne and Mrs. Yalle. Talking with messages is prone to misunderstanding. I'll explain everything to them when we meet face-to-face.

The flying taxi quickly takes them to the streets which soon draws Stairmount back to his childhood memories. Yes, this is Obsidian, where he was born and grew up, where he had his best days before he was sent to Pluto. The style of the buildings has changed, from what is once full of Jupiterian nuances, to being dominated by the Saturnian style - full of blue, indigo, purple, and blackish-purple colors. These colors dominate the roofs of the buildings, as well as the accessories which adorn the houses. It gives a mysterious color combination, and even emits the impression of being exclusive and noble - as if you are entering into outer space, the mysterious galaxy, the vast and grand universe. The signboards written in the combination of Jupiterian and Saturnian letters adorn most public places. And the most interesting thing is the passersby. Ninety percent of them are the Lismesans. Hair and eyeballs consisting of shades of blue and purple color, as well as the calm-yet-charismatic aura - the hallmark of the Lismesan people, to be exact, the ethnic Saturnians. And, all of them speak in Saturnian language very fluently with one another. Crossing this place, somehow they will forget that they are still on Jupiter, instead, they'll assume that they have been in Saturn.

"We've arrived." The flying taxi driver drops them off on a street which seems to be dominated by houses shrouded in purplish-blue curtains. At first, Daphne thought they are going to stop in front of a cyber mansion, so she gets confused since they are dropped off there. But Stairmount quickly steps out of the taxi while paying the taxi fee and thanking him.

"To reach my parents' house, we have to go down an alley. Taxis won't go there." Stairmount guides the way. The three of them all disguise themselves as the Jupitune it soon makes them look conspicuous. Moreover, they speak in Plutonian language, definitely not the kind of language that may appear in Obsidian. Some people even turn their heads just to look at them.

If we can say Daphne is unfamiliar with Jupiterian culture since she's never even been out of Sapphire, then she's even more nervous when she walks through Obsidian, which possesses a very strong exclusive galaxy aura. The aura is so alluring as it somehow turns Daphne to be mesmerized by them. It is as if she has been in the middle of an endless galactical mega universe. After all, she knows nothing about Saturn and anything related to it. She only knows that Saturn is a country that is now hand in hand with Neptune in resisting pressure from Jupiter and the nations of the Nature Continents, and that Saturn is a rich country, as great as Neptune. But about the rest, she has no knowledge about it. She's ever met with one or two Saturnian people in Sapphire, but they didn't give her any strong impression. Hence, about the way how they interact with each other, what kind of customs and culture they possess, and even what kind of dishes they eat, she really has no idea about it. 

Copyright ©️ by boundless_universe