
Blood stained seraph

"Do you believe in seraphs? Do you believe that seraphs reincarnate as humans? And... do you know what happens when a seraph is stained with blood?". After an unexpected shootout that left him as the only survivor, Keith crosses paths with the one person who changes his reality completely.

Amarachukwu_Okoli_2708 · Action
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24 Chs

Chapter three: "... interesting...".


I stood before my boss' office, applying a final coat of blood red lipstick. I have to look a dozen times hotter than usual if I'm going to stand before that guy. I have to break those defenses he erected around himself.

My former boss was easy. He was an old guy, anyway. Too old to resist my charms. I was disappointed when I got the news of his death. He had been sick. He was a really valuable source of money, but my disappointment had quickly given way to gladness when I set my eyes on the Adonis he had named his successor. But unfortunately for me, this guy is strictly business. How can he manage to ignore me?

With a sigh, I grasped the doorknob and turned it, granting myself entry into his magnificent snow white dominated office.

He did not acknowledge my entrance. My lips curled into a sexy smile as I model walked towards the desk where he sat, busy with a PDA.

"Hi there, Percy"I said as I perched atop his desk.

"You're late, Miss Jefferson"he replied without looking up.

Why won't he look up?I made sure to pop on the hottest dress in my arsenal- a burnt red strapless one that clung like a second skin- alongside red killers.

"My bad,"I said"business I couldn't get away from".

He made no comment on that. He simply put the PDA away and opened the laptop computer on his desk without as much as a glance at me.

"Take a look at this, Miss Jefferson"he said, stirring it to face me.

So I did. And my lips pressed into a thin line.

"Damn it"I muttered.

There was silence for a while,as I ran my eyes over the screen. With a sigh, I rummaged in my bag for a cigarette,lit it and took a long drag.

I need to think straight.

"Don't keep me in suspense, Miss Jefferson. You have another of your brilliant ideas, don't you?"Percy said.

At this, I couldn't hold back my smile. Whatever else he thinks of me, Percy has great confidence in my high IQ. I am, after all, his consigliere.

Percy's...or rather, the Mafia's current goal is to conquer Little London town. This name came from fans of Mr Duncan Wayne, anyway.

Duncan Wayne, that greedy oaf of a politician,has declared his desire to amalgamate all the unregistered parts of the state in order to create a fancy little town,a utopia. The people are completely taken by the idea, especially since Wayne plans to clean up the Underworld.

The Underworld is... well... just what it sounds like- the Underworld of America. Brothels, gambling houses, and the likes exist there. Here, I mean. Because that's where I currently am.

Yeah, that's right. The Mafia headquarters also stands in the Underworld.

There are two things Wayne doesn't know we know. First is that this whole utopia idea is intended as a direct attack on the Mafia. The second is that Wayne is doing it for his personal gains alone. He just wants to look like some super hero while cashing out at the same time. Trent street stands at the outskirts of Little London. We tried negotiating with those Wayne adoring fanatics to no avail, so we wiped them out. But now, the bastard is using the incident to acquire more fans.

He's right there on the screen, grinning with his ugly teeth and calling the incident "proof that we need a utopia".

"No need to worry, Percy. I have a plan already. More importantly,"I hopped down from the desk and struck a pose"do you like what you see?".

His eyes scanned me blankly from head to feet.

"Miss Jefferson,an aging woman shouldn't dress so extravagantly".

His voice was void of emotion, but that did not prevent blood from rushing to my face.

Aging? Aging? Aging?!!!

I'm only thirty one. He shouldn't be that much younger than I am. Thank goodness we're alone in here. Well,at least he's not gloating.

His face is entirely expressionless,as usual.

His face... that face... those dark eyes... those full lips...

Gawd, how I want this guy.

I don't know how long I stared before a knock on the door ended the moment.

"Come in"Percy said, shifting his attention to the door.

The door opened and a good looking boy who must have been dipped in a timidity pool entered, bearing a sippy cup.


I've had to sit alone in my room for hours after Percy left, and the whole time I did nothing but reminisce, wiping at my cheeks every few seconds. Then the telephone had jangled, and the next minute Percy was instructing me to make him tea and get it to his office.

So here I am. As soon as I opened the door, the blonde woman standing before him turned to look at me. I was already feeling very timid, and her piercing stare made matters at least a million times worse.

"Um..."I muttered, transfixed.

Am I interrupting something? This woman's dressing...is she his lover or something?

His mistress? His girlfriend? His side chick?

"What're you standing there for?"Percy asked.

"Uh...s... sorry"I stuttered as I resumed walking.

The woman's eyes kept drilling into me as I set the cup down on his desk.

Wow, I never knew there was someone more passionate about fashion than Sofia is.

But she looks sorta obnoxious. The lipstick is a little too much, and I'm sure pressing her face to a white cloth is all it would take to create a perfect portrait of her on it.

And all those piercings! One on her lower lip, five on either ear, one on her eyebrow, two on her right nostril, all glittering with pretty little silver studs. As if that's not enough, she has a tattoo on the side of her lily white neck, and another on her exposed shoulder.

Who on earth is this woman? And why is she dressed like a grade A seductress.

"How has your day been going?"Percy asked me.

"Very fine, thank you"I replied.

"It must be boring, having to stay in your room all day".

"Uh... yeah".

"My bad. But my men can be quite obstinate at times. I've given an order that you are not to be harmed, but for your own safety you have to stay in your room".

I nodded, the woman's stare still burning the back of my neck.

"Come closer"Percy said, so I did.

He leaned over and cupped my cheek, brushing a gentle thumb over the band aid at the corner of my mouth.

"How're the bruises?"he asked kindly.

"I think they're fine now".

"Good"he leaned away"I'll see you when I get back".

I nodded slightly.


What the hell is going on in front of me?

Who is this boy?Who is he to Percy? I've never seen him before now, and I'm getting really jealous. Percy talks so kindly to him. He even made Percy tea. I watched in horror as Percy cupped his cheek and asked about his bruises. I could not help but stare as the boy made for the door. As soon as he was gone, I turned to face Percy.

"Who was that?"I asked, folding my arms.

"Keith Lionel"he replied, lifting the sippy cup to his lips.

"He must be very good at making tea"I retorted.

I must get him to talk about this Keith. Percy glanced at me over the rim of the cup, but said nothing. So he knows I'm trying to make him talk. And he doesn't want to. Why is that?

Hmm... interesting...