
Blood-Soaked Hawkeye(Dropped)

A world full of monsters. Gifted who trains from birth. In this world where death and blood-shed is everywhere a man struggles to keep himself and people he cares about alive. Cover art is not mine.

TheBarak · Fantasy
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74 Chs


She moved quite well. Using the distance she created with her weapon, she killed the dire wolf without any problems. I slowly let go my string and put my arrow back to quiver. I moved closer to her while I signaled others to follow me.

"You are pretty good."

Volkan said. While I agreed with him this time, I usually didn't went around giving compliments to rookies. Our job was to ready them for future not to spoil them. It was better to scream and insult them if it kept them alive.

"Now, we can do this in two ways."

I said as other rookies also complimented her.

"We need to dismantle it. In some dungeons you can left monsters you killed to collect them later. Or you can just harvest them when they are fresh. Normally, we don't dismantle dire wolves immediately but you need to learn the basics."

I looked around to make sure all of them were listening.

"Tell me. What is the most important part of the monsters?"

Many fingers were raised. Good. I picked one.

"Their mana stones."

"Correct. Since it is most important part, we need to get it first. Unless you are contracted with some transportation company or your guild has it, you cannot carry all monster parts."

I pulled my hunting knife.

"So, which part has the mana stone?"

I picked one of them to answer.

"Heart or brain."

"Yes. Dire wolves has it in their hearts. Now."

I turned my hunting knife around and handed it to Ayla.

"When you kill something you should also be one to dismantle them. I will guide you."

Ayla seemed to not liked that. I heard some giggles from others.

"You guys don't need to worry. Each of you will be dismantled at least one by the time we leave this dungeon."

I heard some disgruntled voices coming from them.

"Come on, Burak. This is their first dungeon. We should let them enjoy it."

Volkan smirked. I heard cheering coming from rookies.

"Dungeons are not places one should enjoy themselves. They should already know that before coming here."

My voice came out harsher than I expected it to come out.

"I am sure that dungeons are dangerous places with your skills. But do you think those Hunters are the same?"

I stared into his eyes. Son of bitch had blue eyes. Talk about being a luck sack.

"My skills are irrelevant. What is relevant is those rookies learning how to stay alive in a dungeon!"

He didn't cut the eye contact.

"Dismantling monsters has nothing to do with surviving in a dungeon, though?"

He clapped his hands.

"Let's go. You guys don't need to worry about dismantling monsters today."

I watched as he walked away with rookies in his sides. Leyla and Doğukan gave shoulder shrugs. I couldn't blame them.


Ayla called me out. There was several rookies left.

"I want to learn it. Can you show me?"

I see. I smiled. Not bad. I showed them how to get mana stones quick. Several tips and things like that. After a short and dirty time, I held a blue shining stone in my hand. It was size of a pebble.

"It is yours."

I handed it to Ayla.

"Depending on your contracts you can keep and sell stones yourselves. Sometimes you get paid for every monster you kill. Most of the time you just get paid a fixed amount."

I handed water to Ayla.

"Their nose is sensitive. That's why you should wipe any blood. Also don't wear any perfumes or things like that."

I also cleaned my hand.

"Our smells are already different than this place. No need to stand out more than we already are."

This small group of rookies listened very carefully. Good for them. And good for me to be respected even by a small number of people.

"Now, let's catch up to others."

I moved towards where Volkan and others were headed. When we finally caught up to them they were looking over another dire wolf corpse. It was burned and smelled bad. Volkan's doing.

"Just one?"

I asked.


Leyla answered me while Volkan didn't even looked at me.

"One lone wolf is normal. Two is rare."

Ayla got closer.

"What is the problem, sir?"

"Nothing. It is just that dire wolves are still wolves. They always move in groups. It is rare for them to be in singles like this."

"Is it that weird?"

"Not really. Just overthinking."

"You also said they are sensitive to smell…"

I just shrugged and gave her a smile. She nodded with an uderstanding face and joined back to group. We kept moving. More we kept moving, more we found lone wolves.

"Burak, this is…"

"Yeah, that doesn't feel right."

Both Doğukan and Leyla also felt weird. While I kept a stoic face, even I was starting to get worried. I got closer to Volkan.

"Captain, can you come with me for a minute?"

I pulled him out of group he was in. Same rookies which kissed his ass in beginning were also were around him in dungeon.

"This is weird."

I said in a hushed voice.

"They should come out in groups not alone. We should be careful."

He just shrugged his shoulders.

"This is just a D rank dungeon, Burak. I am a C rank hunter. Even if there is a problem I would handle it."

He just returned back his ass kissers circle. I just sighed. I went to Doğukan and Leyla and warned them to be extra careful.

"So, the usual?"

"Yeah. Don't alert rookies."

They were only this relaxed because we stood here. If we looked worried problems would arise. Higher ups always should behave in control around their underlings. This of course created a lot of trouble for me since I was second-in command. But you learn to wear a mask quickly in my working place. I opened my eyes fully to detect any danger. Only thing I could see were more lone wolves.

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