
Blood-Soaked Hawkeye(Dropped)

A world full of monsters. Gifted who trains from birth. In this world where death and blood-shed is everywhere a man struggles to keep himself and people he cares about alive. Cover art is not mine.

TheBarak · Fantasy
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74 Chs

Death Flag

Despite being a huge man Father's slap didn't fazed me. Perks of being a Gifted. I calmly kept drinking my soup.

"I already cleared that dungeon several times. Plus, I am a sharpshooter. I am not going to get hit."

She pointed to my forearm.

"What is that scar then?"

"It is a good thing that man has scars! Makes them more manly!"

Father backed me up.

"No. It doesn't. They really don't."

Mother shut down his idea. Nur also nodded.

"My job is physical. Scars are bound to happen."

Despite Mother's worries, my voice was calm. We had this kind of conversation several times.

"I am fine. I am really fine."

I lied as easily as breathing. I also faked a smile. The truth was I had no choice. None of Gifted had. Gifted had to become Hunters. Maybe if you gained money and power you could control your life but… I had none of those. If any of the Gifted hid their power and found out… Things wouldn't be nice. Despite that if my sisters awakened as Gifted, I would never allow them to become Hunters. This life wasn't something one could no, should walk. I finished eating and headed for my room.

"Thank for the food."

Before getting into my room, I sneaked into Nur's room. I left some money to her desk. Low level or not being a Hunter still brought money. She was still cleaning the table and I said without saying a thing to her.

"Maybe I lost things."

Qualities needed from a warrior was different from what was needed from a good man. To become better at fightning-no killing, I lost the social skills. I lost the capability to interact normally with others. Even if I could talk with my sister, I didn't know what I would say to her. I was in combat school while she grew up. So I missed those parts. Everytime I came back from combat school she changed. Grew up. Before I realized I was a stranger to her.

"Maybe for better."

I sighed. I had no other qualities other than killing monsters. I had no idea what teenager girls would even talk about.

"Maybe I should ask Leyla about it."

Image of a battle hardened warrior popped in my head. Short Brown hair. Muscular body. Aggresive attitude.

"Never mind."

I doubted she also knew those kind of things. Doğukan was the most "normal" person in our group but he was a male.

"He did have girlfriends though."

Something I never had. I never felt attraction to anyone. At least not romantic kind. While Doğukan changed girlfriends weekly I just stood there, listening his break-up stories. I didn't know about Leyla though. While I couldn't imagine her being in a relationship, who knows?

"What is the point, anyway?"

Have children? No, that can't be. Doğukan didn't even had sex with those girls. Maybe I should ask Father about it.


I am not getting mocked for another year by him. I would rather not know the answer than asking him. At that time, I heard knocking.


"I brought tea and cake."


With plate and cup in her hand Mother came to the room. She closed the door behind her. I stopped lying down and straightened my body. She patted my head.

"You seem troubled."

I wished my acting was better. I still couldn't escape her motherly intuition.

"I am fine. Just tired."

She put her hand to side of my face. I grabbed and held her hand.

"How many years?"

"10 more."

After 10 years I could retire and stop being a Hunter. You could leave before after paying huge amounts of money, which I didn't had. It wasn't a real retirement since I didn't get any montly money from goverment but I could change my job. Of course that was just a broken system. Most Hunters had no education beyond their combat school. They were also so battle-hardened that they couldn't fit into society like a normal person. So their only chance was to keep being a Hunter. Until they were crippled or they died. That was how a life of a Hunter went. Except, again unless they were powerful and rich. I guess everything were good for those with money and power. And for those didn't have those… Well, good luck.

"I am okay. I am strong, you know. I am not like those new generations."

I flexed my bicep.

"It is not a matter of how strong you are. Even if you were the strongest in the world, I still would worry about you."

"I know."

"I know that your Father is proud because you are a Hunter.I also know that you train very hard. But everytime you go in those places…"

She put her hand to her chest.

"There is something stuck here. Until I get news that you are safe, it suffocates me. Even when I hear that you are safe, I don't know what kind of wounds you suffered."

I pulled her to my chest.

"I know. But that's how life is. Someone needs to clear those dungeons. Kill those monsters."

"Why you?"

"If not me then who?"

I smiled. I kissed her forehead.

"I will be fine as long as you are here."

I put my hand to my chest.

"As long as you guys are here, I have a reason to return. As long as you are here, I will return back to here."

I gave her the most sincere fake smile I could muster.

"I promise you that much. A mans promise."

She jokingly hit my chest.

"I don't want a mans promise. I want my sons promise."

"Then you have can have it."

I thought for a second.

"Wait, I am a man and your son at the same time!"

This time she pulled me to her chest.

"You are my son. No matter how tall, big or old you become, you are my son. Return safely."


I couldn't write a bigger death flag if I tried.

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