
Blood Sisters❤️❤️

David_Adeniyi_6858 · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

What is the meaning of what you guys were displaying today?? The principal barked!!!!!

Sir.... Will you keep you stinking mouth shut! The principal continued. Have I asked for your opinion in this matter?? You don't talk when an elderly person is talking!!! you fool!🤏 Ehen James you intended to slap her knowing fully well that she is a perfect you want to beat her??? You are fool!!! You can't talk right?Or are you deaf?

But sir you said I should keep quite..James replied, You are very stupid! the Principal barked. For your unruly behavior you would be punished severely and you Nzogi call me the time keeper.

The sound of the bell caught the attention of all pupils of Flourish Flow College, and that is because it is very unusual for the bell to ring at that particular hour. Gradually the hall begun to fill, as it was filling the noise also was getting much more louder. The prefects tried to calm them but they were too much to be conteolled.

The arrival of the Principal made the hall as silent as graveyard, immediately all students became calm. The Principal footstep could be heard clearly and even if a paper is dropped on the ground it could be heard.

Immediately he got to the podium, all the students stood up to greet him. He looked right and left and nodded his head after being satisfied he signalled that all of them should take their seat. He briefly explained to the students why they were called urgently and he also gave little speech on bullying. After his speech he called out the culprit (James) he told them he had intention to beat a perfect and a girl. People who witnessed the scene grumbled but no one has the power to complain about the decision of the principal. Anyone who wants to oppose must be ready to face the principal.

James was called out disgraced and flooged publicly to the Principal satisfaction, after he was flogged, he was then given additional punishment to sweep and clean the compound for a whole week without any assistance from any of the students. The whole students dispersed immediately the principal left the hall.

As they were moving out the hall whole with noise, Nawi was annoyed seeing that it was her sister that caused all that happened, immediately she gathered some of her gangs to raid her sister, but Nzogi who is more smarter has fled knowing there would be severe consequences for what she has done.


Nawi could not express her anger at home and that was because she did not want her parents know she already had a boyfriend. She decided to lay low and remain calm.

On Saturday Nawi & Nzogi parents are always at home, they always stay together every Saturday. After morning prayer, they all went to do daily cleaning and activities, the household normally switch house chores. It was Nzogi turn to wash plate. As she entered the kitchen to wash plates she was surprised to meet plates piled up to be washed. Nawi who has noticed she must have sensed it smiled mischievous from her hiding place. Ngozi was very annoyed seeing the heap of plates, she did not want to pick up a fight and did not want to see the wrath of her parents, she decided to keep quiet.

Having the mind to revenge, she wore a sandal that is stained with mud and dirt, looked around saw no one then walked round the places Nawi has swept. Few minutes after she has done her evil act, their parent came out only surprised to see the floor muddy and very dirty, they summoned the person that was supposed to sweep that weekend, Nawi cleaned her eyes a hundred times thinking she was dreaming, she was 100% sure she swept but has no evidence to proof she swept. Her parent tagged her a lier and also a lazy person. She was later punished after she swept the whole house with through monitoring.
