
Blood-sin in Kuoh

The Losstarot family was hunted by the church but their family lives on how will the current wielder of the rood inverse use this power "I own neither DxD or vagrant story DxD is owned by Hiroshi Mishima and Vagrant Story by Square Enix" also I'll ty to release 1-2 ch on thu or fri

Jared_Arsenault · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Recruiting Followers

(POV John)

I make my way towards Kuoh as I knew freed was there as I approached the sight of Valper Galilei ignited the burning hatred in my heart. Though I decided to ignore him for my true target I charge at Freed and grab him much to everyone's surprise "Freed I have a proposition for you join Müllenkamp and gain more power than you ever thought possible I'll demonstrate." As I drop him, I turn to Kokabiel and draw my sword as he laughs "What can you possibly hope to do human." But his face changes as I disappear from his sight and appear behind him with his head rolling on the ground.

"So freed do you wish to join us my boss can give you more power" he nods we were getting ready to leave when Rias and Sona stopped me "What is it that Sydney's after recruiting the likes of Freed" I decided them knowing doesn't matter. "Sydney wishes to claim the power of Leà Monde and with it obtain more power than you could ever dream of if you wanted to know more ask Valper" I leave with Freed in tow to recruit more people.

(POV Rias)

"What did he mean by that Valper tell me!" as Valper was terrified so he nodded "If his boss is who I think the church is doomed along with everyone else it must be part of the Losstarot family meaning he has the key to that evil place" Rias and Sona look at Valper confused he looks at them and decides to tell them "Leà Monde is a city in France it was hidden from everyone the city is evil undead roam along with all number of beasts and various other monsters and the one with the key controls all of it. there's an abundance of magic there but it must never be unleashed."

(3rd person)

Gasps could be heard among Rias's peerage Valper was lost at their shock but soon the clinking of metal against metal and scratching on stone could be heard among them. A shambling suit of armor walks from the street as it makes it's way towards them it stops at the entry way it drags the tip of it's sword across the ground as a glyph appears and it stands straight as Rias and her peerage get ready to fight as well as Xenovia. The Dullahan runs at Valper with a single swipe of the blade his life was lost as his head rolled. Xenovia swung her Durandal at it but to her surprise it was blocked by it as lightning and destruction rain upon it and the sound of metal clashing spread Koneko strikes it from behind as it starts to shake as it begins to make it's way towards Asia it reached out it's gauntlet towards her as it dissapears everyone was relieved as they resounded a sigh but then they notice a few items on the ground a book and two elixers.

(POV Rias)

I was shocked by the toughness of this creature I wasn't expecting something like this first John kills Kokabiel and we find out Sydney is after some evil city then there's these items I see if I can get ahold of Sona to check on the book and send the two elixers to Ajuka I hear a voice I'm unfamiliar with. "It seems I arrived to late Kokabiel is already dead" We see someone land but to see two sacred gears talking is surprising. But then another voice along with the sound of metal clapping could be heard. "So the Dullahan couldn't kill you what a shame" I saw Sydney walk out "I'm going to make you pay for trying to kill us Sydney" as I speak Kiba and Koneko charge Sydney only for him to disappear and to reappear behind Asia as he runs his Metal finger under her chin "I wonder why the Dullahan reached out for you at the last moment could it be that you were once a holy woman oh well and the white and red dragon emperor's what a pleasant surprise." I was about to stop him but I see him disappear again how is he doing that.

(POV Sydney)

"So John is this our new recruit you better not disappoint me Freed" as Freed looked at me panic could be seen on his face "I'll try my best not to let you down" a few seconds pass "acceptable make sure you don't." As we began walking away, I could feel a presence. "John you and Freed go recruit more people someone's watching us." As I turn around, I find myself greeted by a few faces. "To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting heroes such as yourselves." Three people could be seen with the aura of heroes. Cao Cao was the first talk "We're here to kill you you're a danger to everyone." I couldn't help but smirk "But aren't I human the same kind heroes swear to protect." But Jeanne was quick to counter. "Yes that would normally be true but your presence screams evil your body is shrouded in an evil aura." Heracles simply nodded to her statement. "Well as touching as that is I haven't the time to waste here."

(3rd person)

As Sydney turned away the undead could be seen rising from the ground and the heroes suddenly here the voices of children as doll like beings appear. A smirk appears on Sydney's face. "You three enjoy yourselves kill them" they watch as Sydney disappears the three heroes were furious especially Jeanne the dolls that were human children and zombies showed the evil in his heart and he had gotten away. As they made quick work of the zombies the quicksilvers were a bit more annoying. The heroes were furious because Sydney got away, but they had seen the power available to him. Meanwhile Freed and John sought out more recruits to join Mullënkamp over the course of 2 weeks they had recruited 30 members and after discovering Azazel's research on sacred gears decided to use souls from Leá Monde to create Evil Gears with them the users could channel power and wield it as their own.

(POV Sydney)

When I looked around at the various weapons except two which looked more like armor, I saw two I took interest in "you two come here" as I spoke, they made their way to me one had what looked like a mask and its design was a sickly purple and black that seemed to be of illness and decay while the other had wings on his back. "I want your names" The one on the with the mask was first to respond. "Alexander Carmichael sir." I turned my head to the right "Kentaro Shun sir." as I had already decided he pointed into the group of people gathered before me. "The first elemental or spirit user to volunteer for this mission will get more power for their evil gear." In the blink of an eye a man with a black spell book volunteered to do it I nodded "your job is to kidnap these two before Alex challenges Issei to a fight do so and your ultimate form will be secured" as the others with the same type of gear in the crowd could be seen with clear jealousy on their face.

(POV Issei)

As the days passed I received a call apparently Matsuda and Motohama had not been seen he was making his way to school to talk to Rias "Issei Hyoudou my name is Alexander I wish to challenge you to a fight" I turned around to see a man with a mask "No thanks I'm a bit busy" the man let out a sigh "Not even to save your friends" as he took out a phone with a video of his two friends crying. "What did you do to them" as the man's eyes shifted to me "Nothing yet but if you don't, I can't guarantee anything" I was furious and wanted to try and kill the man. "You have 24 hours to accept or else" drawing his thumb across his throat the man seemed to vanish after he left I made my way towards Rias to ask for help. "I need to hurry."

(POV Vali)

I had heard rumors of a group of humans who wielded what looked like sacred gears "Vali look out" I hear Albion's warning Just in time to dodge the attack that almost killed me I see the man who attacked me. "Vali my boss wishes to test me so prepare to die" I see the wings on his back glow as the air around him darkens "Sky Dragon Balance Breaker Gale Force Plating" I saw the wind around his body form a shroud of wind and as he moved out of it I stared as if looking in a mirror but the armor was a dark blue with yellow that streaked across like lightning.

sorry writers block hope to have next one out sooner thank you for waiting and as always criticism always welcome

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