
Blood Sea

Novea is a land that was once filled with magic, joy, and prosperity. Now it’s torn by war, conspiracy and painted red with the blood of innocents. Humans, deeming themselves the superior race, have culled the other races that inhabit the land. The sea, despite the turbulence above, had remained peaceful. That is until the king’s daughter fell in love.

ArcanaNova · Fantasy
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20 Chs


"Would you...would you like to drink from me?"

Dragomire raised an eyebrow in surprise. He looked away from her neck and stared at her chest. Her heart began to beat faster as he looked at her. His gaze traveled from her neck and down her form, lingering on her breasts and abdomen before finally fixing on her tail.


Leilah's eyes widened as she looked between the two of them. Her heart hammered in her chest as Dragomire's enchanting, sharp, violet eyes locked on her neck. She felt his warm breath on her neck and felt a jolt of electricity travel up and down her spine as his hot breath caressed her neck.

She shivered as he lowered his face to hers, his lips grazing along her neck and his breath sending a chill up her spine. She could feel his canines brushing gently against her skin and it made her knees weak. Leilah squeezed her eyes closed and bit her bottom lip as she waited for the moment his teeth would pierce her neck.

"What's wrong?"

"You look beautiful when you blush", he whispered in her ear.

"Don't do that to me", she whimpered.

" Why not?" he whispered.

His lips brushed against her skin, sending a jolt of pleasure through her. His teeth grazed against the side of her neck, drawing a small drop of blood. Leilah gasped loudly as a deep, guttural growl erupted from his throat.

A low rumble came from his chest as he pulled her closer to him, his canines piercing her skin. He licked the small drop of blood and her heart began to tremble. She felt his tongue touch the side of her throat as his teeth grazed against her skin. A jolt of pleasure shot through her as heat began to build in her core.

His hands gripped her waist as she began to sway ever so slightly in him arms.

"Leilah", he murmured.

His voice was like velvet as he pulled himself away from her nape. A small ruby stream leaked from the corner of his lips. Leilah's eyes fluttered as she became lightheaded. She felt the warm flow of blood as it trickled down her neck and onto her collarbone.

" Are you okay? I didn't take too much did I?" Dragomire's voice was filled with concerned as he scanned her face. It was paler than usual and he was scared he had over done it. Drinking blood from the source was not something he usually did.

Leilah's eyes fluttered open as she looked up at his perfectly sculpted features. 'How can someone be so beautiful?', she thought as her aqua eyes locked on his violet orbs. After a few seconds she had gathered enough energy to say, " Did...did I taste okay"?

"You tasted perfect", he pressed a kiss to her forehead. As soon as his lips touched her skin he paused. He slowly pulled back with wide eyes, " Sorry, I have no idea why I did that".

"It's alright. Nothing to worry about."

His violet orbs stared into her turquoise pools. "Can I do that again?"

Leilah's eyes sparkled as she smiled, "Maybe another time. I don't think my heart can take much more of this".

Dragomire smiled, "I'd like that."

Leilah's heart skipped a beat at his innocent response. Her heart began to thrum in her chest as she looked up at him. He looked at her for a moment longer before breaking eye contact.

A warm smile graced his lips as he looked back at the sun that now had settled firmly into the morning sky. "Let's go."

The morning's sun cast a warm, orange glow over the rivers and marshes that the two traveled through. It was a beautiful sight as the sun warmed the mist that had begun to rise from the ground. The mist rose up from the damp earth and cast an ethereal halo as rays of light cut through it and bathed the vapors in a golden light.

Dragomire would have loved it. If he wasn't be dragged through the water like a rag doll. Feeding had helped him heal tremendously, but Leilah did not give a single damn. She had grabbed him when he wasn't paying attention and has been dragging him semi-behind her like a broken pool noodle. It was torturous and he had screamed at her to stop, but Leilah was too wrapped up in her own little world to respond.

"There it is", Leilah hissed, "The tower of light."

It was dusk when Dragomire stepped out of the water, semi-traumatized. "Damn fish. She's a damn sadist I swear. I'm going to end up becoming hydrophobic because of her".

"I heard that you reptilian leech", Leilah shot back at him, rolling her eyes.

Dragomire shrugged and looked back at her, " So mind telling me what we're doing here"?

Leilah looked at him with a confused expression, "Well, there's mages in there. It's the magic council's administrative building right?"

"Maybe before the Coup that put the current rulers on the throne it was, but this place has been abandoned for years. The current regency hates magic unless they can put a leash on it".

Her eyes went wide and she could feel her insides freeze. This was the place; this was her last hope for getting her legs. She didn't know where to go or what to do if things didn't pan out here.

"So...so you're saying there's no one there. There's no one in there that can help me get my legs?"

Dragomire looked at her for a moment before replying, "I'm saying it's probably unlikely. We're miles from the nearest magic shoppe or Arcanium, it's been abandoned for years, and we're too damn close to the front. I don't think anyone would be stupid or brave enough to stay here. No one is allowed to be here, not legally at least".

Leilah's eyes narrowed as she locked her focus on the golden building, " Well, we're already fugitives, why not break a few more laws?"